March 26-27, 2010
NC State - Raleigh, NC

Women's 4 x 400 Relay

1 North Carolina A LaToya James, Christine Johnson, Zoey Russell, Callie Pottinger 2:52.10 3:40.63
2 Ohio State A Latoya Sanderson, Ashley Caldwell, Nyjah Cousar, Shaniqua McGinnis 4:43.56 3:41.53
3 St. Augustine's A Kyra Mobley, Barbara Pierre, Sheena Johns, Angelique Smith 4:10.82 3:41.96
4 Georgetown A Deidra Sanders, Nene Kamate, Amanda Kimbers, Tenille Stoudenmire 3:00.78 3:45.97
5 George Mason A Shantel Miles, Marie Fields, Crystal Clark, Tiara Swindell 4:51.71 3:46.13
6 Charlotte A Ashley Brown, Kortnie Coleman, Ebonie Cunningham, Yvonna Hines 3:21.45 3:46.34
7 Seton Hall A Toneisha Friday, Jernail Hayes, Nijgia Snapp, Krista Simkins 4:44.42 3:47.53
8 Rutgers A Zainab Bisiolu, Brittiny Mackey, Courtney Sample, Latoshia Bost 4:01.21 3:47.55
9 Duquesne A Nicole McKeone, Nicole Cherok, Melissa Miller, Kristin Wenthen 4:05.09 3:49.05
10 Wake Forest A Alex Gove, Caroline Vaughn, Myesha Barr, Katelyn Wohlford 4:40.04 3:49.54
11 Central Michigan A Cara Dukes, Stephanie Byrne, Allie Sisson, Stephanie Hurley 4:15.12 3:49.83
12 Howard A Symone Glover, Danielle Douglas, Landria Buckley, Jami Hardy 3:56.85 3:49.95
13 Dartmouth A Elizabeth Garland, Christina Supino, Alexandra Tanner, Natalie Stoll 4:29.85 3:50.64
14 George Mason
B Latasha Rivers, Cierra McGee, Maia Wise, Monique McKenzie 2:53.46 3:51.27
15 Johnson C. Smith A Shermaine Williams, Xahnn-Georgi Reid, Rosemarie Carty, Nikki Boston 4:08.21 3:51.97
16 Slippery Rock A Tiffany Tedesco, Kaela Snyder, Amanda Seigworth, Allison Smith 3:04.02 3:52.93
17 N.C. Central A Chavaria Williams, Tierra Blue, Crystal Shepherd, Ashley McCoy 3:44.15 3:53.49
18 Lincoln (Pa.) A Esha Wanamaker, Antonia Jones, Kristina Rembert, Keishana Larose 3:53.74 3:53.74
19 Seton Hall
B Louise Faye, Janay Mitchell, KeAira Dickerson, Keshia Rudolph 4:39.58 3:54.94
20 N. Carolina A&T A Ruth Hunt, Jenea McCammon, Lydia Reddic, Janee Cadlett 4:05.50 3:56.05
21 DePaul A Kelcie Daniels, Mary Cate Quiett, Kelly Pickering, Toni Salvatori 3:49.33 3:56.42
22 Winston-Salem St. A Sandy Harrison, Cynette Rivers, Jessica Peaks, Ashley Lawson 3:52.90 3:57.65
23 Bowie State A Shayla Davis, Shamika Patton, Jasmine Butler, Michelle Palmer 2:53.77 3:58.04
24 Elon A Melissa Turowski, Veronica Day, Jennine Strange, Amy Salek 3:17.60 3:58.07
25 North Carolina
B Marisa Dobbins, LeeAnna Godwin, Gabrielle Gioia, Danielle Brock 3:20.37 3:58.53
26 St. Augustine's
B 3:33.18 3:59.52
27 Georgetown
B Sarah Wernik, Sierah Tyson, Autumn Touchstone, Chela Green 3:47.88 3:59.87
28 Fordham A Kerri Gallagher, Kerry Kwalwasser, Kelly Connolly, Catherine Groene 4:14.80 4:00.37
29 Ohio State
B jewelisa Thompson, Ashlee Hoffman, Alana Gray, Kesha Brooks 4:29.29 4:00.43
30 Col. of Charleston A Saskia Kalmeijer, Brynne Johnson, Isabel Boersma, Mary Zolga 5:15.29 4:04.41
31 N.C. Central
B 4:12.28 4:07.33
32 Shaw A Kiara Arrington, Chloe Frame, Ashley Ligon, Raychelle Johnson 4:44.92 4:09.93
0 Virginia A Kristina Chapman, Meagan Gillespie, Lyndsay Harper, Chidimma Uche NT NT
0 Norfolk State A Elaine Rhoades, Dania Sanford, Allyssa Pickett, Wanetta Kirby NT NT
0 NYU A Marion Burns, Caitlin Gibson, Winnie Nwapa, Kathryn Shannon NT NT
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
1 North Carolina James, Johnson, Russell, Pottinger 4:38.00 4:11.52 3:51.67 3:00.92 3:07.54 3:40.63 4:22.55
2 Ohio State Sanderson, Caldwell, Cousar, McGinnis 3:39.32 2:48.37 4:14.76 4:10.33 2:55.01 3:41.53 4:01.47
3 St. Augustine's Mobley, Pierre, Johns, Smith 2:39.82 4:17.48 2:46.47 3:28.65 3:39.74 3:41.96 3:08.67
4 Georgetown Sanders, Kamate, Kimbers, Stoudenmire 4:10.83 3:25.64 3:41.45 4:08.57 3:43.71 3:45.97 4:31.17
7 Seton Hall Friday, Hayes, Snapp, Simkins 4:42.14 3:31.61 3:56.64 3:08.85 3:49.81 3:47.53 3:58.91
12 Howard Glover, Douglas, Buckley, Hardy 4:40.54 2:59.37 3:17.76 2:59.37 4:49.74 3:49.95 3:03.96
19 Seton Hall
Faye, Mitchell, Dickerson, Rudolph 3:40.85 4:27.84 4:58.38 4:32.53 5:05.43 3:54.94 3:00.91
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
5 George Mason Miles, Fields, Clark, Swindell 2:49.60 3:09.95 3:07.69 3:46.13 4:13.27
6 Charlotte Brown, Coleman, Cunningham, Hines 3:57.66 2:40.71 2:54.29 3:46.34 3:48.61
10 Wake Forest Gove, Vaughn, Barr, Wohlford 3:10.52 3:56.43 4:49.22 3:49.54 3:44.95
11 Central Michigan Dukes, Byrne, Sisson, Hurley 4:51.89 2:43.18 4:35.80 3:49.83 3:26.85
17 N.C. Central Williams, Blue, Shepherd, McCoy 3:13.80 4:02.83 3:51.16 3:53.49 4:33.19
27 Georgetown
Wernik, Tyson, Touchstone, Green 4:55.04 3:31.09 4:07.07 3:59.87 2:55.11
0 Norfolk State Rhoades, Sanford, Pickett, Kirby NT NT NT NT NT
0 Virginia Chapman, Gillespie, Harper, Uche NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 3
8 Rutgers Bisiolu, Mackey, Sample, Bost 3:47.55
9 Duquesne McKeone, Cherok, Miller, Wenthen 3:49.05
13 Dartmouth Garland, Supino, Tanner, Stoll 3:50.64
14 George Mason
Rivers, McGee, Wise, McKenzie 3:51.27
18 Lincoln (Pa.) Wanamaker, Jones, Rembert, Larose 3:53.74
25 North Carolina
Dobbins, Godwin, Gioia, Brock 3:58.53
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 4
15 Johnson C. Smith Williams, Reid, Carty, Boston 3:42.70 5:01.57 3:51.97 3:33.42
16 Slippery Rock Tedesco, Snyder, Seigworth, Smith 3:27.31 4:25.54 3:52.93 2:45.38
20 N. Carolina A&T Hunt, McCammon, Reddic, Cadlett 4:00.78 3:32.45 3:56.05 3:32.45
21 DePaul Daniels, Quiett, Pickering, Salvatori 5:04.99 4:38.98 3:56.42 3:20.96
22 Winston-Salem St. Harrison, Rivers, Peaks, Lawson 4:02.41 3:45.77 3:57.65 4:23.80
23 Bowie State Davis, Patton, Butler, Palmer 3:10.44 2:49.01 3:58.04 4:05.19
28 Fordham Gallagher, Kwalwasser, Connolly, Groene 4:07.59 2:55.47 4:00.37 5:00.47
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 5
24 Elon Turowski, Day, Strange, Salek 4:05.22 4:55.21 3:03.32 4:50.45 3:58.07 3:58.07 4:31.40
26 St. Augustine's
3:09.22 4:37.85 2:54.85 4:09.10 4:40.24 3:59.52 3:40.36
29 Ohio State
Thompson, Hoffman, Gray, Brooks 3:12.35 4:41.31 2:50.71 3:36.39 5:10.16 4:00.43 3:41.20
30 Col. of Charleston Kalmeijer, Johnson, Boersma, Zolga 4:04.41 4:01.97 4:55.74 4:23.97 3:49.75 4:04.41 4:36.19
31 N.C. Central
4:02.39 2:58.08 3:54.97 4:24.65 4:14.75 4:07.33 5:09.17
32 Shaw Arrington, Frame, Ligon, Johnson 4:49.92 5:14.92 3:19.95 3:27.45 4:12.43 4:09.93 4:12.43
0 NYU Burns, Gibson, Nwapa, Shannon NT NT NT NT NT NT NT