April 10, 2010
UMass Lowell - Lowell, MA

Women's 3000 Meters

1 Jenn Deal   New Balance Boston 8:41.47 9:59.39 9:23.43
2 Alyssa Pisarik SO-2 Brandeis 10:12.06 10:30.99 9:27.90
3 Ally Connolly SR-4 Brandeis 10:08.14 10:33.48 8:14.12
4 Kate Warwick SO-2 Brandeis 11:31.36 10:34.27 11:25.02
5 Carly Dion JR-3 Southern Maine 7:25.28 10:36.11 12:49.70
6 Paige Mills SO-2 Keene State 12:32.30 10:42.99 12:58.02
7 Evelyn Marrero SO-2 Bentley 7:50.53 10:44.55 8:03.42
8 Kristen Mahoney SO-2 Stonehill 8:23.72 10:45.79 9:21.84
9 Caroline McBride FR-1 Stonehill 10:31.88 10:51.42 10:25.37
10 Sarah Bonomo SO-2 UMass Lowell 11:24.08 10:51.50 10:44.99
11 Lilly Fisher FR-1 Tufts 10:32.29 11:05.56 12:58.71
12 Mary Hazen FR-1 UMass Lowell 11:44.28 11:10.74 13:38.31
13 Amanda Tripodi JR-3 Stonehill 11:42.18 11:28.41 8:56.96
14 Rebecca Ainscow JR-3 Merrimack 9:35.63 11:33.53 9:07.89
15 Ivory Farren JR-3 UMass Lowell 9:35.79 11:33.72 11:05.98
16 Stephany Perkins JR-3 Wheaton (Mass.) 8:35.08 11:36.05 12:17.82
17 Jess Kilpatrick FR-1 Stonehill 11:57.80 11:36.89 8:56.61
18 Alex Raynor JR-3 Southern Maine 10:57.33 11:39.28 14:20.12
19 Sarah Beaudoin JR-3 American Int'l 14:15.54 11:41.26 8:52.96
20 Katie Hakanson-Stacy FR-1 Gordon 15:12.66 11:42.04 12:24.17
21 Bridget DeVincent SR-4 Stonehill 13:10.37 11:45.68 9:03.38
22 Grace Giampaglia FR-1 College of St. Rose 9:26.56 11:48.20 9:05.32
23 Gina Butler FR-1 UMass Lowell 11:29.68 11:51.01 10:04.36
24 Bryn Kass SO-2 Tufts 8:48.42 11:54.07 14:02.61
25 Meaghan Lucie JR-3 College of St. Rose 9:12.47 11:57.49 14:56.87
26 Emily Lukin SO-2 UMass Lowell 11:45.07 11:59.45 12:13.84
27 Emily Niehaus Sophomore UNAT-Williams College Tra 14:41.77 12:02.76 9:23.76
28 Caitlin Kasala-Hallinan JR-3 Merrimack 15:15.35 12:18.18 13:46.77
29 Alissa Watson SO-2 Gordon 12:17.67 12:32.72 14:10.58
30 Leslie Johnston Senior Tufts 13:10.32 12:39.92 14:26.31
31 Abby Friedman FR-1 Wellesley 12:37.14 12:52.59 16:44.37
32 Alexis Puccetti FR-1 Wellesley 13:00.38 12:52.65 9:31.77
Women's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Jenn Deal   New Balance Boston 12:47.22 7:29.55 10:53.34 9:59.39 10:23.37
2 Alyssa Pisarik SO-2 Brandeis 9:46.82 8:50.04 9:34.20 10:30.99 10:43.61
3 Ally Connolly SR-4 Brandeis 11:49.50 7:36.11 13:24.52 10:33.48 10:14.48
4 Kate Warwick SO-2 Brandeis 10:08.90 7:36.68 11:50.39 10:34.27 9:30.85
5 Carly Dion JR-3 Southern Maine 9:32.50 12:43.34 7:50.73 10:36.11 9:51.59
6 Paige Mills SO-2 Keene State 11:08.71 12:19.44 11:47.29 10:42.99 10:42.99
7 Evelyn Marrero SO-2 Bentley 11:10.34 10:12.33 9:52.99 10:44.55 7:44.08
8 Kristen Mahoney SO-2 Stonehill 10:52.25 8:49.55 10:52.25 10:45.79 10:52.25
9 Caroline McBride FR-1 Stonehill 10:51.42 12:03.08 10:44.91 10:51.42 8:15.08
10 Sarah Bonomo SO-2 UMass Lowell 11:17.56 9:00.75 11:17.56 10:51.50 14:06.95
11 Lilly Fisher FR-1 Tufts 12:52.05 13:38.64 9:19.07 11:05.56 12:18.78
12 Mary Hazen FR-1 UMass Lowell 8:43.18 8:29.77 12:44.65 11:10.74 9:36.84
15 Ivory Farren JR-3 UMass Lowell 9:35.79 12:43.10 10:59.04 11:33.72 9:49.67
19 Sarah Beaudoin JR-3 American Int'l 14:01.52 10:10.10 10:45.16 11:41.26 8:59.97
21 Bridget DeVincent SR-4 Stonehill 13:59.76 8:42.21 12:28.02 11:45.68 10:28.06
22 Grace Giampaglia FR-1 College of St. Rose 10:51.55 13:20.27 11:26.96 11:48.20 11:34.04
Women's 3000 Meters Section 2
13 Amanda Tripodi JR-3 Stonehill 13:25.44 9:24.50 11:55.95 11:28.41 11:21.53 9:45.15 10:26.46
14 Rebecca Ainscow JR-3 Merrimack 8:12.41 13:24.50 12:42.89 11:33.53 8:05.47 14:47.72 11:54.34
16 Stephany Perkins JR-3 Wheaton (Mass.) 14:37.03 13:13.50 8:07.24 11:36.05 9:51.65 14:23.11 11:22.13
17 Jess Kilpatrick FR-1 Stonehill 10:06.30 12:46.58 11:22.96 11:36.89 13:07.49 13:14.46 12:32.65
18 Alex Raynor JR-3 Southern Maine 10:08.38 10:36.35 8:23.49 11:39.28 12:35.23 14:13.13 14:55.08
20 Katie Hakanson-Stacy FR-1 Gordon 10:45.88 9:42.70 9:49.72 11:42.04 12:10.13 10:03.76 14:02.45
23 Gina Butler FR-1 UMass Lowell 9:43.03 14:41.66 11:51.01 11:51.01 13:09.23 11:29.68 11:29.68
24 Bryn Kass SO-2 Tufts 11:39.79 10:35.53 14:59.73 11:54.07 14:59.73 12:01.21 9:31.26
25 Meaghan Lucie JR-3 College of St. Rose 10:24.22 14:42.52 11:43.14 11:57.49 12:33.37 14:13.82 14:49.69
26 Emily Lukin SO-2 UMass Lowell 9:49.95 9:28.37 9:06.79 11:59.45 9:57.15 12:28.23 9:42.76
27 Emily Niehaus Sophomore UNAT-Williams College Tra 12:38.90 11:48.31 8:47.62 12:02.76 14:20.09 9:09.30 12:46.13
28 Caitlin Kasala-Hallinan JR-3 Merrimack 8:58.88 8:36.73 15:37.49 12:18.18 14:23.67 14:01.53 11:19.13
29 Alissa Watson SO-2 Gordon 9:17.02 14:25.63 10:02.18 12:32.72 15:10.80 9:17.02 11:40.03
30 Leslie Johnston Senior Tufts 11:16.33 10:15.54 9:14.75 12:39.92 14:11.11 10:38.34 12:17.13
31 Abby Friedman FR-1 Wellesley 9:31.72 10:33.53 12:44.87 12:52.59 12:29.42 11:58.51 13:31.22
32 Alexis Puccetti FR-1 Wellesley 9:24.04 10:18.12 16:44.45 12:52.65 9:08.59 12:44.93 10:10.40