May 17-20, 2011
North Central - Naperville, IL

Men's 5000 Meters

1 Seth Einterz SR-4 Wabash 14:34.91
2 Marshall Kambestad SR-4 South Dakota St. 14:35.04
3 Michael Burnstein JR-3 Washington U. 14:36.35
4 Ben Paben JR-3 Nebraska Wesleyan 14:45.65
5 Tom Sederquist JR-3 Concordia-Moorhead 14:45.90
6 Nathan Warstler JR-3 North Central (Ill.) 14:45.99
7 Jason Garvens SR-4 Wis.-Platteville 14:46.82
8 Matthew Perez FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 14:49.51
9 Patrick Lesiewicz FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 14:56.39
10 Kris Brown SR-4 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 14:58.51
11 Jack Hackett Junior unattached 14:59.80
12 Matt Schwab JR-3 Washington U. 15:00.37
13 Dan Smith JR-3 Ohio Northern 15:03.48
14 Brian Finnel SR-4 Wis.-Stevens Point 15:06.00
15 Dylan Reyes FR-1 St. Francis (Ill.) 15:06.16
16 Pablo Ramirez Freshman unattached 15:06.23
17 Nick Hird   unattached 15:07.23
18 Isaac Dalke SO-2 U. of Chicago 15:09.96
19 Eric Wallor   Athletics Best 15:12.73
20 Ben Worcester SR-4 Ripon 15:13.43
21 Justin Allen SR-4 Wabash 15:15.02
22 Scott Mittman FR-1 Luther 15:15.83
23 David Hamm SO-2 Washington U. 15:15.93
24 Ellis Richardson JR-3 Hamline 15:16.37
25 Rob Morhard JR-3 Carnegie Mellon 15:16.71
26 Evan Cooper SO-2 Wis.-Stevens Point 15:16.98
27 Anthony Swimm JR-3 Wis.-Platteville 15:17.91
28 Mike Rathje JR-3 Nebraska Wesleyan 15:19.64
29 Sam Kerk FR-1 Calvin 15:20.33
30 Chris Marker SR-4 Allegheny 15:21.20
31 Johnny Rutford SO-2 Nebraska Wesleyan 15:23.33
32 Moe Bahrani JR-3 U. of Chicago 15:24.25
33 Erik Johnson SR-4 Luther 15:24.91
34 Michael Blaszczyk FR-1 St. Francis (Ill.) 15:25.72
35 Chase Nowak JR-3 Cornell College 15:27.55
36 Archie Bareikis   unattached 15:28.55
37 Jake Christiansen SR-4 Calvin 15:28.58
38 Cole Prins SR-4 Greenville 15:31.24
39 Patrick McLaughlin JR-3 Allegheny 15:31.33
40 Jacob Goertz JR-3 Wheaton (Ill.) 15:33.84
41 Roger Klein FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 15:34.56
42 Joel Heroux SR-4 Wis.-Stevens Point 15:36.18
43 Taylor McDowell SO-2 U. of Chicago 15:37.36
44 Daniel Ricketts FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 15:37.78
45 Bobby Brown JR-3 Nebraska Wesleyan 15:40.58
46 Jarrod Schwichtenberg JR-3 Wis.-Whitewater 15:41.03
47 Richard McNichols SR-4 North Central (Ill.) 15:42.19
48 Andy Williams SR-4 Manchester 15:42.96
49 Drew Kellum SR-4 Hendrix 15:43.44
50 Ryan Sullivan SR-4 Allegheny 15:44.76
51 Nate Hatton SO-2 Wheaton (Ill.) 15:44.91
52 Griffin Brunk FR-1 U. of Chicago 15:44.93
53 Mike Horn JR-3 Fontbonne 15:45.62
54 David Weber FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 15:46.28
55 Jake Mahaffey SO-2 Carthage 15:46.78
56 Leighton Gough FR-1 Franklin 15:55.54
57 Chris Kelly SO-2 Case Western 15:58.65
58 Robert Cooper JR-3 U. of Chicago 15:59.88
59 Brian Shoulders SR-4 Adrian 16:01.20
60 Andrew Wong SR-4 U. of Chicago 16:01.69
61 Ethan Harris FR-1 Wheaton (Ill.) 16:03.52
62 Gregor Siegmund SO-2 U. of Chicago 16:08.11
63 Eric Hofmann   unattached 16:09.69
64 Todd Vankerkhoff SO-2 Wheaton (Ill.) 16:13.31
65 Jobadiah Christiansen SO-2 Calvin 16:20.04
66 Drew Fuentes JR-3 Albion 16:22.35
67 Alec Shunk SO-2 Wheaton (Ill.) 16:25.00
68 Kent Smith FR-1 Wheaton (Ill.) 16:27.76
69 John Spencer SR-4 Greenville 16:40.47
70 Aaron Croad JR-3 Albion 16:44.45
71 Josh Solorio SR-4 Carthage 16:46.78
72 Anthony Gedwill SO-2 Marquette 17:05.78
73 Sam Spiegel SO-2 U. of Chicago 17:10.89
74 Zach Brown FR-1 Nebraska Wesleyan 17:23.91
  Gary Babatz JR-3 Wheaton (Ill.) NT
  Daniel Povitsky FR-1 U. of Chicago NT
  Trenton Cherco Junior unattached NT
  Jack Kafel   unattached NT
Men's 5000 Meters Section 1
1 Seth Einterz SR-4 Wabash 10:47.44 14:34.91 14:34.91
2 Marshall Kambestad SR-4 South Dakota St. 11:22.54 14:35.04 15:45.05
3 Michael Burnstein JR-3 Washington U. 15:46.46 14:36.35 17:31.62
4 Ben Paben JR-3 Nebraska Wesleyan 17:33.93 14:45.65 15:47.65
5 Tom Sederquist JR-3 Concordia-Moorhead 15:12.48 14:45.90 17:43.08
6 Nathan Warstler JR-3 North Central (Ill.) 15:03.71 14:45.99 14:45.99
7 Jason Garvens SR-4 Wis.-Platteville 15:48.90 14:46.82 12:16.06
8 Matthew Perez FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 18:58.58 14:49.51 17:47.42
9 Patrick Lesiewicz FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 11:12.30 14:56.39 19:25.31
10 Kris Brown SR-4 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 11:13.89 14:58.51 12:16.78
13 Dan Smith JR-3 Ohio Northern 12:20.86 15:03.48 17:28.04
14 Brian Finnel SR-4 Wis.-Stevens Point 14:11.64 15:06.00 18:43.44
18 Isaac Dalke SO-2 U. of Chicago 11:13.37 15:09.96 13:29.87
19 Eric Wallor   Athletics Best 16:07.50 15:12.73 13:23.21
22 Scott Mittman FR-1 Luther 12:12.67 15:15.83 12:49.30
24 Ellis Richardson JR-3 Hamline 11:54.77 15:16.37 18:56.30
25 Rob Morhard JR-3 Carnegie Mellon 16:20.88 15:16.71 13:26.71
27 Anthony Swimm JR-3 Wis.-Platteville 14:32.02 15:17.91 14:32.02
30 Chris Marker SR-4 Allegheny 17:02.54 15:21.20 12:16.96
32 Moe Bahrani JR-3 U. of Chicago 12:00.92 15:24.25 12:10.16
34 Michael Blaszczyk FR-1 St. Francis (Ill.) 11:25.04 15:25.72 18:58.64
39 Patrick McLaughlin JR-3 Allegheny 11:57.13 15:31.33 19:33.48
50 Ryan Sullivan SR-4 Allegheny 12:45.26 15:44.76 14:00.84
55 Jake Mahaffey SO-2 Carthage 17:59.33 15:46.78 16:34.12
57 Chris Kelly SO-2 Case Western 16:08.24 15:58.65 17:05.76
  Jack Kafel   unattached NT NT NT
Men's 5000 Meters Section 2
11 Jack Hackett Junior unattached 17:41.77 14:59.80 16:38.78 15:26.80
16 Pablo Ramirez Freshman unattached 16:27.79 15:06.23 15:15.30 14:39.05
17 Nick Hird   unattached 13:54.66 15:07.23 11:29.50 19:30.33
20 Ben Worcester SR-4 Ripon 12:47.29 15:13.43 13:14.69 14:36.90
21 Justin Allen SR-4 Wabash 15:51.62 15:15.02 10:40.52 15:33.32
26 Evan Cooper SO-2 Wis.-Stevens Point 13:54.46 15:16.98 14:12.80 11:18.57
28 Mike Rathje JR-3 Nebraska Wesleyan 19:09.55 15:19.64 13:10.89 14:42.86
29 Sam Kerk FR-1 Calvin 19:01.21 15:20.33 14:52.72 11:11.84
31 Johnny Rutford SO-2 Nebraska Wesleyan 19:23.40 15:23.33 11:23.27 14:37.17
33 Erik Johnson SR-4 Luther 14:29.42 15:24.91 14:29.42 18:02.15
35 Chase Nowak JR-3 Cornell College 18:33.06 15:27.55 18:23.79 17:09.58
37 Jake Christiansen SR-4 Calvin 19:11.44 15:28.58 19:30.01 15:19.30
38 Cole Prins SR-4 Greenville 18:00.24 15:31.24 15:12.62 11:10.50
40 Jacob Goertz JR-3 Wheaton (Ill.) 17:35.24 15:33.84 14:19.14 14:37.81
42 Joel Heroux SR-4 Wis.-Stevens Point 12:28.95 15:36.18 18:05.97 14:40.01
46 Jarrod Schwichtenberg JR-3 Wis.-Whitewater 19:55.11 15:41.03 17:52.78 11:17.55
48 Andy Williams SR-4 Manchester 12:24.94 15:42.96 18:23.27 12:43.80
49 Drew Kellum SR-4 Hendrix 19:29.87 15:43.44 11:09.85 13:59.67
51 Nate Hatton SO-2 Wheaton (Ill.) 14:29.32 15:44.91 17:38.30 12:07.58
58 Robert Cooper JR-3 U. of Chicago 12:57.51 15:59.88 19:59.85 16:19.08
62 Gregor Siegmund SO-2 U. of Chicago 15:19.71 16:08.11 19:02.37 14:40.98
65 Jobadiah Christiansen SO-2 Calvin 15:31.04 16:20.04 19:36.05 13:04.04
  Daniel Povitsky FR-1 U. of Chicago NT NT NT NT
Men's 5000 Meters Section 3
12 Matt Schwab JR-3 Washington U. 12:54.32 15:36.39 15:00.37 16:03.40
15 Dylan Reyes FR-1 St. Francis (Ill.) 15:06.16 15:24.29 15:06.16 15:15.23
23 David Hamm SO-2 Washington U. 18:09.96 13:16.86 15:15.93 13:07.70
36 Archie Bareikis   unattached 17:38.55 11:36.42 15:28.55 19:20.69
41 Roger Klein FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 13:33.07 14:38.49 15:34.56 19:56.24
43 Taylor McDowell SO-2 U. of Chicago 17:11.10 17:48.59 15:37.36 19:22.33
44 Daniel Ricketts FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 12:11.47 17:11.56 15:37.78 12:20.85
45 Bobby Brown JR-3 Nebraska Wesleyan 18:39.29 16:37.02 15:40.58 16:08.80
47 Richard McNichols SR-4 North Central (Ill.) 19:56.59 13:30.29 15:42.19 17:25.83
52 Griffin Brunk FR-1 U. of Chicago 12:07.60 11:20.35 15:44.93 14:00.99
53 Mike Horn JR-3 Fontbonne 13:33.24 20:00.94 15:45.62 20:19.85
54 David Weber FR-1 North Central (Ill.) 15:17.90 18:08.23 15:46.28 18:17.69
56 Leighton Gough FR-1 Franklin 19:54.43 18:18.87 15:55.54 11:47.10
59 Brian Shoulders SR-4 Adrian 16:30.04 14:25.08 16:01.20 18:54.22
60 Andrew Wong SR-4 U. of Chicago 14:15.91 13:37.44 16:01.69 20:40.58
61 Ethan Harris FR-1 Wheaton (Ill.) 16:51.70 20:33.31 16:03.52 11:53.01
63 Eric Hofmann   unattached 16:29.09 15:11.51 16:09.69 14:03.63
64 Todd Vankerkhoff SO-2 Wheaton (Ill.) 17:31.18 13:27.85 16:13.31 19:47.44
66 Drew Fuentes JR-3 Albion 13:35.35 16:02.71 16:22.35 17:01.65
67 Alec Shunk SO-2 Wheaton (Ill.) 16:05.30 15:25.90 16:25.00 11:49.20
68 Kent Smith FR-1 Wheaton (Ill.) 12:40.58 14:19.36 16:27.76 20:14.95
69 John Spencer SR-4 Greenville 16:50.48 12:10.35 16:40.47 21:10.60
70 Aaron Croad JR-3 Albion 15:14.05 21:05.61 16:44.45 20:45.52
71 Josh Solorio SR-4 Carthage 18:17.39 13:05.29 16:46.78 15:16.17
72 Anthony Gedwill SO-2 Marquette 20:41.20 18:48.36 17:05.78 19:19.14
73 Sam Spiegel SO-2 U. of Chicago 20:57.69 17:41.82 17:10.89 17:10.89
74 Zach Brown FR-1 Nebraska Wesleyan 19:29.18 14:16.01 17:23.91 14:57.77
  Gary Babatz JR-3 Wheaton (Ill.) NT NT NT NT
  Trenton Cherco Junior unattached NT NT NT NT