January 28, 2006
George Mason-Rec. Sports Complex - Fairfax, VA
200m (Flat)

Men's 800 Meters

1 Matt Warco Junior William and Mary 2:11.20 1:52.13
2 Dustin Emrani Junior American 2:21.77 1:52.51
3 Steve Hallinan   American University 2:13.67 1:53.28
4 Kevin Tschirhart Freshman American 1:33.05 1:53.47
5 Alex Caudana Junior American 2:07.54 1:53.87
6 Matt Wolak Senior William and Mary 1:25.54 1:54.05
7 Ryan Jones Sophomore William and Mary 2:25.95 1:55.83
8 David Groff   College of William and Ma 2:20.51 1:58.07
9 REYHAN GORDON Sophomore Globe Institute 1:40.0 2:00.5
10 John Crain Sophomore George Mason 1:29.63 2:01.11
11 Sean O'Neill Sophomore Mary Washington 2:00.92 2:02.14
12 Brendan Regan Sophomore Richmond 2:27.21 2:02.67
13 David Delaplaine Sophomore Richmond 2:36.26 2:03.04
14 DARRON MILLS Sophomore Globe Institute 2:16.43 2:04.02
15 Greg Hoffman Freshman Richmond 2:16.64 2:04.21
16 Chris Deleon Junior Ursinus College 2:24.10 2:04.22
17 Sederick Green Freshman Virginia State 2:11.9 2:04.5
18 Ricky Barrios Freshman Georgetown 2:39.90 2:04.92
19 Chris Stinnette Freshman McDaniel 1:41.42 2:05.21
20 Sean Welsh Freshman Richmond 1:59.40 2:05.68
21 Ben Schumacher Sophomore Ursinus College 1:44.60 2:07.55
22 Mitch Milkov Freshman George Mason 2:10.19 2:07.63
23 Barry Gibbons Sophomore Hagerstown 2:07.73 2:09.02
24 Ian Chavis Freshman Mary Washington 2:47.0 2:09.5
25 Omar Walden Sophomore Virginia State 2:17.42 2:09.64
26 Peter Loehle Sophomore Mount St. Mary's 2:41.66 2:10.37
27 Peter McGaughran Freshman Mount St. Mary's 2:49.55 2:10.42
28 Devon Cooke Freshman Globe Institute 2:36.06 2:11.14
29 Dan Petty Freshman Richmond 1:37.25 2:11.41
30 Jared Spencer Freshman Virginia State 2:20.23 2:12.29
31 Brent Cavedo Freshman Mary Washington 2:46.20 2:15.12
32 Jeff McCauley Freshman Hagerstown 2:09.92 2:18.21
33 Kurtis Lunz Freshman Mount St. Mary's 2:43.25 2:18.34
34 Joe Szymanski Senior Ursinus College 2:58.38 2:21.57
Men's 800 Meters Section 1
1 Matt Warco Junior William and Mary 2:05.59 1:20.74 1:52.13 2:25.77 1:26.34 1:47.65 1:44.28
2 Dustin Emrani Junior American 1:30.01 2:25.14 1:52.51 2:18.39 1:49.14 1:33.39 2:16.14
3 Steve Hallinan   American University 2:02.35 2:18.21 1:53.28 2:01.21 2:17.07 1:51.02 2:26.14
4 Kevin Tschirhart Freshman American 2:03.69 2:04.82 1:53.47 1:40.99 1:43.26 1:31.91 1:52.34
5 Alex Caudana Junior American 1:45.90 2:21.20 1:53.87 1:51.60 2:07.54 1:59.57 1:28.82
6 Matt Wolak Senior William and Mary 1:22.12 1:49.49 1:54.05 2:28.27 1:25.54 1:35.81 2:05.46
7 Ryan Jones Sophomore William and Mary 1:41.93 1:21.08 1:55.83 2:24.79 2:29.42 2:24.79 2:15.53
8 David Groff   College of William and Ma 1:53.35 2:03.98 1:58.07 1:35.64 1:32.10 1:23.83 1:54.53
18 Ricky Barrios Freshman Georgetown 2:19.91 2:09.92 2:04.92 1:42.44 1:56.18 1:33.69 1:41.19
Men's 800 Meters Section 2
9 REYHAN GORDON Sophomore Globe Institute 1:29.1 2:00.5
10 John Crain Sophomore George Mason 1:27.20 2:01.11
11 Sean O'Neill Sophomore Mary Washington 2:37.56 2:02.14
13 David Delaplaine Sophomore Richmond 1:39.67 2:03.04
15 Greg Hoffman Freshman Richmond 1:30.68 2:04.21
16 Chris Deleon Junior Ursinus College 2:31.55 2:04.22
17 Sederick Green Freshman Virginia State 2:36.8 2:04.5
19 Chris Stinnette Freshman McDaniel 1:40.17 2:05.21
20 Sean Welsh Freshman Richmond 2:27.05 2:05.68
22 Mitch Milkov Freshman George Mason 2:33.16 2:07.63
25 Omar Walden Sophomore Virginia State 2:07.05 2:09.64
30 Jared Spencer Freshman Virginia State 2:13.62 2:12.29
Men's 800 Meters Section 3
12 Brendan Regan Sophomore Richmond 1:46.73 1:44.27 2:02.67 1:34.46 2:19.85
14 DARRON MILLS Sophomore Globe Institute 2:35.03 1:51.62 2:04.02 1:33.02 1:28.06
21 Ben Schumacher Sophomore Ursinus College 2:15.21 2:11.38 2:07.55 2:16.48 2:43.27
23 Barry Gibbons Sophomore Hagerstown 2:11.60 1:35.48 2:09.02 2:41.28 2:14.18
24 Ian Chavis Freshman Mary Washington 1:41.0 2:32.8 2:09.5 2:03.0 2:47.0
26 Peter Loehle Sophomore Mount St. Mary's 2:02.55 2:31.23 2:10.37 1:33.87 1:44.30
27 Peter McGaughran Freshman Mount St. Mary's 2:28.68 1:46.95 2:10.42 2:05.21 2:06.51
28 Devon Cooke Freshman Globe Institute 1:55.41 2:01.96 2:11.14 2:43.93 1:39.67
29 Dan Petty Freshman Richmond 2:23.24 2:17.98 2:11.41 2:28.50 1:33.31
31 Brent Cavedo Freshman Mary Washington 2:35.39 1:42.70 2:15.12 1:45.40 1:58.91
32 Jeff McCauley Freshman Hagerstown 2:30.65 2:55.53 2:18.21 1:40.90 2:15.45
33 Kurtis Lunz Freshman Mount St. Mary's 2:18.34 2:05.89 2:18.34 2:28.03 2:55.70
34 Joe Szymanski Senior Ursinus College 2:25.82 1:57.51 2:21.57 1:50.43 2:47.06