April 2- 4, 2015
William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA

Women's Sprint Medley Relay

1 UNC-Wilmington Arianna Whiteside, Gabriella Robinson, Alyssa Omile, Meredith Bozzi 4:30.29 4:49.42 4:11.15 2:57.00 3:59.19 3:59.19 10
2 Villanova Melissa June, Kalissa Caesar, Michaela Wilkins, Leanne Tucker 4:28.85 3:09.64 3:57.64 3:24.04 3:45.64 4:00.04 8
3 Bucknell Jess Bridle, Kim Nagotko, Jenn Silvestri, Christine Bendzinski 3:15.71 3:23.05 4:56.01 4:29.10 4:53.56 4:04.63 6
4 Rutgers Bria Saunders, Kaprice James, Drew Andrews, Sarah Robbie 3:03.78 4:05.04 4:22.20 3:52.79 3:38.09 4:05.04 5
5 Richmond Deborah Fajuyigbe, Janel Francis, Jade Gregory, Kylie Regan 4:44.30 3:46.94 4:14.37 5:14.22 3:44.45 4:09.38 4
6 Stony Brook Shi-Anne Humes, Daneen Small, Shannon Grogan, Shanee Grant 5:10.02 4:07.51 4:07.51 3:30.01 3:30.01 4:10.01 3
7 Fordham Jennifer Boerke, Melissa Higgins, Mia Toffoli, Mara Lieberman 4:05.40 2:57.10 3:19.87 3:19.87 3:40.11 4:12.99 2
8 Rider Nicole Georgia, Miranda Roberts, Daria Chadwick, Tori Brewer 3:33.17 3:12.87 4:51.84 3:15.41 4:01.09 4:13.77 1
9 Bryant MiaLynne Park, Nicole Dempsey, Kristen Hayes, Kara Walsh 3:02.73 5:29.93 3:48.42 3:30.65 5:24.86 4:13.79 -
10 Mount St. Mary's Genamarie McCant, Jessica Whitmore, Helena Leyrer, Desiree Scott 3:43.83 3:23.25 5:24.16 3:54.12 5:26.74 4:17.27 -
11 Shippensburg Briana Fells, Megan Lundy, Jill Bertino, Carolyn Meier 3:46.56 3:07.94 4:45.77 3:33.69 3:43.99 4:17.45 -
12 Norfolk State Torie Cunningham, Brittney McCants, Kaydianne McKenzie, Fawzia Kheir 3:28.84 4:51.34 3:33.99 4:41.03 4:53.92 4:17.82 -
13 James Madison Kennedy King, Ebony Owusu-Sampah, Tiara Wellman, Nicole Goff 3:00.51 4:28.18 3:46.92 5:04.28 5:19.75 4:17.86 -
14 St. Peter's Carolina Herrera, Victoria Lundin, Ashe Davis, Selena Marshall 5:18.07 3:42.39 4:28.94 3:06.19 4:00.49 4:18.59 -
15 Loyola (Md.) Eileen Pastyrnak, Jenna Smith, Sarah Bronk, Kelly Bondulich 3:33.74 3:51.98 3:44.16 5:15.39 5:31.03 4:20.65 -
16 William and Mary Mary Beth Berg, Sarah Katz, Brittany Biagi, Ashley Anderson 4:43.24 5:22.58 4:14.40 4:14.40 4:19.64 4:22.26 -
17 Robert Morris Maria Scanlon, Tatianna Struble, Bethany Ledford, Brittany Shay 3:04.19 4:44.18 4:44.18 5:02.60 4:41.55 4:23.13 -
18 McDaniel Shantae Byro, Arielle Latourette, Claire Lawson, Chloe Allen-Gorman 4:26.32 3:30.95 3:20.40 3:30.95 5:11.15 4:23.68 -
19 Sacred Heart Lorraine Santiago, Dylan Baker, Shay Cronin, Nicole Cote 4:11.27 3:31.60 5:04.17 4:29.78 4:35.07 4:24.49 -
20 Wesley Ashley Morris, Alexia Mitchell, Danae Carter, Dieunise Desir 4:45.73 4:32.50 4:16.63 5:43.93 4:24.56 4:24.56 -
21 Delaware Leslie Ope, Anisa Fortt, Kelly Knauer, Hannah Pepper 4:46.51 3:24.27 5:39.56 5:20.99 5:44.87 4:25.28 -
22 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Ashley Gerald, Stephanie Toland, Marina Rufo, Jenna DeAngelo 3:18.63 4:17.68 3:37.42 4:20.36 3:34.73 4:28.41 -
23 St. Francis (N.Y.) Jetiea Williams, Grace Vixama, Stephanie Morales, Lena Janoda 3:22.53 4:50.12 3:41.69 3:47.17 3:28.01 4:33.69 -
24 Marist Meaghan Gillespie, Alexia Santiago, Courtney Cartwright, Marissa Porter 4:42.39 3:23.32 4:00.04 3:20.50 3:31.80 4:42.39 -
Women's Sprint Medley Relay Section 1
1 UNC-Wilmington Whiteside, Robinson, Omile, Bozzi 4:15.94 3:11.36 4:56.60 3:54.41 3:47.23 3:59.19 4:39.86 10
2 Villanova June, Caesar, Wilkins, Tucker 2:52.83 3:57.64 5:09.66 3:04.83 5:04.85 4:00.04 4:00.04 8
3 Bucknell Bridle, Nagotko, Silvestri, Bendzinski 4:33.99 3:52.40 5:05.79 4:51.11 5:13.13 4:04.63 3:30.39 6
4 Rutgers Saunders, James, Andrews, Robbie 4:49.15 4:41.80 4:34.45 3:40.54 3:03.78 4:05.04 3:11.14 5
5 Richmond Fajuyigbe, Francis, Gregory, Regan 3:54.42 3:22.00 4:41.80 3:54.42 4:49.28 4:09.38 3:02.05 4
8 Rider Georgia, Roberts, Chadwick, Brewer 3:28.10 4:29.00 3:17.94 3:12.87 3:56.01 4:13.77 3:45.86 1
12 Norfolk State Cunningham, McCants, McKenzie, Kheir 5:35.17 5:24.86 4:51.34 4:15.25 4:28.14 4:17.82 3:26.26 -
13 James Madison King, Owusu-Sampah, Wellman, Goff 3:39.19 5:14.59 3:21.13 4:07.55 3:05.66 4:17.86 5:01.70 -
Women's Sprint Medley Relay Section 2
6 Stony Brook Humes, Small, Grogan, Grant 4:42.52 4:10.01 4:50.02 3
7 Fordham Boerke, Higgins, Toffoli, Lieberman 4:45.88 4:12.99 2:57.10 2
9 Bryant Park, Dempsey, Hayes, Walsh 3:25.57 4:13.79 5:19.78 -
10 Mount St. Mary's McCant, Whitmore, Leyrer, Scott 5:06.16 4:17.27 4:09.56 -
11 Shippensburg Fells, Lundy, Bertino, Meier 4:12.31 4:17.45 3:25.96 -
14 St. Peter's Herrera, Lundin, Davis, Marshall 3:26.88 4:18.59 3:52.74 -
20 Wesley Morris, Mitchell, Carter, Desir 5:41.29 4:24.56 3:18.42 -
21 Delaware Ope, Fortt, Knauer, Pepper 3:50.80 4:25.28 3:45.49 -
Women's Sprint Medley Relay Section 3
15 Loyola (Md.) Pastyrnak, Smith, Bronk, Bondulich 4:02.41 3:57.20 4:20.65 3:15.49 -
16 William and Mary Berg, Katz, Biagi, Anderson 5:27.83 3:27.19 4:22.26 4:19.64 -
17 Robert Morris Scanlon, Struble, Ledford, Shay 4:17.87 3:54.19 4:23.13 4:17.87 -
18 McDaniel Byro, Latourette, Lawson, Allen-Gorman 5:42.79 5:13.78 4:23.68 3:25.67 -
19 Sacred Heart Santiago, Baker, Cronin, Cote 3:23.66 3:39.53 4:24.49 3:07.79 -
22 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Gerald, Toland, Rufo, DeAngelo 4:06.94 5:43.57 4:28.41 5:08.68 -
23 St. Francis (N.Y.) Williams, Vixama, Morales, Janoda 3:52.64 3:19.80 4:33.69 4:11.80 -
24 Marist Gillespie, Santiago, Cartwright, Porter 3:23.32 5:30.40 4:42.39 5:55.82 -