January 16-17, 2015
Yale-Coxe Cage - New Haven, CT
200m (Banked)

Girls' 800 Meters

1 sarah walker Junior Germantown Friends 2:31.41 2:10.52
2 Karli Visconto Senior Nazareth Acad 2:53.37 2:15.44
3 Elise Claffey Senior Great Valley 2:22.33 2:16.85
4 Shaniqua Kirkpatrick Senior Benjamin Cardozo 1:41.41 2:17.03
5 Anna Sulger Senior Darien 1:59.86 2:17.77
6 Talia Williams Junior Clarence 2:59.35 2:19.03
7 Emily Crounse Junior Shenendehowa 2:36.20 2:19.46
8 Kelsey Swanson Senior Tolland 1:58.58 2:19.50
9 Shalah Means Freshman Benjamin Cardozo 2:42.95 2:20.47
10 Nicollette Agosinacchio Junior Gen. Douglas MacArthur 1:58.31 2:20.84
11 Kelly Higgins Junior Weymouth 2:06.81 2:20.90
12 Rhemi Toth Junior Weston 1:58.88 2:21.52
13 Meg Wilson Junior Concord-Carlisle 2:57.10 2:21.68
14 Kirsten Kaminski Senior Colonie 2:05.53 2:22.64
15 Leah Sarkisian Freshman Danbury 2:24.08 2:22.65
16 Gabrielle Ferrigine Junior Red Bank Catholic 1:54.14 2:22.67
17 brigit andersson Senior Germantown Friends 2:55.17 2:23.58
18 Crosby Spiess Junior Great Valley 2:58.37 2:23.84
19 Maddy VanBlunk Sophomore Downingtown East 1:45.01 2:23.84
20 Helena Masiello Senior Columbia 2:28.89 2:24.55
21 Nicole Werner Sophomore Weston 2:37.60 2:24.58
22 Leah Rivers Sophomore Wilbur Cross 2:03.14 2:24.86
23 Leah Anderson Sophomore Cardinal Spellman 2:52.80 2:25.21
24 Hannah Reinhardt Junior Clarence 2:09.94 2:25.99
25 Lauren Cenci Senior Northwest Catholic 2:58.15 2:26.02
26 Claudia Schatz Senior Wilbur Cross 2:16.18 2:26.43
27 Abby Harris Sophomore Shenendehowa 1:55.72 2:26.48
28 Abigail Turco Sophomore Shelton 2:16.25 2:26.50
29 Shannen Kerin Junior Colonie 2:13.46 2:26.65
30 Mahal Alvarez-Backus Senior Middlesex School 2:06.19 2:26.73
31 Tabitha Wismer Senior Great Valley 1:47.19 2:26.83
32 Alexis Scott Senior Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake 2:47.80 2:27.19
33 Mimi Fellowes Sophomore Weston 2:05.14 2:27.22
34 Olivia Watson Senior Weston 2:08.36 2:27.53
35 Rachel Beston Junior Newark 1:44.86 2:27.69
36 Isabella Iadicicco Sophomore Bellport 3:10.73 2:27.85
37 Dana Warner Senior Clarence 2:19.18 2:28.06
38 Abby Llanos Senior Danbury 2:36.96 2:28.07
39 Alexa McGuire Senior Lowell 3:04.28 2:28.61
40 Julia Cangialosi Junior Red Bank Catholic 1:50.13 2:28.82
41 Jill Reinhardt Junior Tatnall 1:57.58 2:28.83
42 Kelly Cleary Senior Ridgewood 1:56.14 2:28.89
43 Alison Ambrosecchio Senior Westhill 1:51.69 2:28.91
44 Leah Rosenfeld Junior Ridgewood 1:48.78 2:29.01
45 Alexandra DeLuca Junior Bethel 2:24.97 2:29.45
46 Lexi VanBlunk Sophomore Downingtown East 1:56.72 2:29.63
47 Katherine (Katie) Guilbo Senior Columbia 2:37.38 2:29.88
48 Maggie Nickerson Junior Concord-Carlisle 2:44.07 2:30.52
49 Maya Watt Sophomore Somers 1:54.48 2:30.63
50 Noelle Saxe Sophomore Colonie 2:11.72 2:31.40
51 Jalissa Casimir Sophomore Uniondale 2:10.53 2:31.78
52 Kalynne Green Junior Shenendehowa 1:56.98 2:31.92
53 Kiana Rocco Senior Sacred Heart Academy 2:11.12 2:32.46
54 Lindsay Richter Senior Conestoga 2:55.77 2:32.84
55 Quinn Igram Senior Fairfield Warde 2:50.49 2:33.59
56 Madison Piel Junior Mercy 2:35.31 2:33.77
57 Caleigh Ruais Junior Connetquot 3:20.40 2:34.15
58 Madeleine Vogel Freshman Academy of Holy Names 2:02.01 2:34.44
59 Margaret Byrne Senior Conard 2:06.78 2:34.61
60 Katie Melly Sophomore Somers 1:53.01 2:34.80
61 Olivia Gill Sophomore Shelton 1:53.16 2:35.01
62 Tori Dugan Senior Colonie 3:15.38 2:35.06
63 Roey Mappa Junior Fairfield Warde 3:17.02 2:35.13
64 Sam Rowley Senior Newark 3:01.89 2:35.46
65 Olivia Nikac Sophomore Nanuet 3:15.97 2:35.53
66 Khylie Hill Senior Manchester 3:05.36 2:35.76
67 Ciara Duggan Sophomore Weymouth 3:20.12 2:37.57
68 Alicia Polak Junior Lowell 3:12.52 2:37.80
69 Sarah Killeen Senior Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake 3:12.55 2:41.80
70 Eve Kennedy Freshman Hendrick Hudson 2:45.99 2:45.99
Girls' 800 Meters Section 1
1 sarah walker Junior Germantown Friends 2:48.37 1:36.59 2:10.52 2:01.39
2 Karli Visconto Senior Nazareth Acad 1:55.13 2:41.18 2:15.44 1:36.17
3 Elise Claffey Senior Great Valley 2:04.54 1:38.54 2:16.85 2:41.49
4 Shaniqua Kirkpatrick Senior Benjamin Cardozo 2:26.63 2:22.52 2:17.03 1:56.48
6 Talia Williams Junior Clarence 3:00.74 2:48.23 2:19.03 2:41.28
8 Kelsey Swanson Senior Tolland 1:50.21 1:47.42 2:19.50 3:01.35
10 Nicollette Agosinacchio Junior Gen. Douglas MacArthur 1:49.86 2:01.13 2:20.84 2:27.89
12 Rhemi Toth Junior Weston 3:01.15 1:44.73 2:21.52 2:27.18
18 Crosby Spiess Junior Great Valley 2:03.71 2:39.67 2:23.84 3:07.00
Girls' 800 Meters Section 2
5 Anna Sulger Senior Darien 2:17.77
7 Emily Crounse Junior Shenendehowa 2:19.46
9 Shalah Means Freshman Benjamin Cardozo 2:20.47
11 Kelly Higgins Junior Weymouth 2:20.90
16 Gabrielle Ferrigine Junior Red Bank Catholic 2:22.67
17 brigit andersson Senior Germantown Friends 2:23.58
23 Leah Anderson Sophomore Cardinal Spellman 2:25.21
24 Hannah Reinhardt Junior Clarence 2:25.99
37 Dana Warner Senior Clarence 2:28.06
Girls' 800 Meters Section 3
13 Meg Wilson Junior Concord-Carlisle 2:21.68
15 Leah Sarkisian Freshman Danbury 2:22.65
19 Maddy VanBlunk Sophomore Downingtown East 2:23.84
21 Nicole Werner Sophomore Weston 2:24.58
30 Mahal Alvarez-Backus Senior Middlesex School 2:26.73
31 Tabitha Wismer Senior Great Valley 2:26.83
33 Mimi Fellowes Sophomore Weston 2:27.22
42 Kelly Cleary Senior Ridgewood 2:28.89
46 Lexi VanBlunk Sophomore Downingtown East 2:29.63
59 Margaret Byrne Senior Conard 2:34.61
Girls' 800 Meters Section 4
27 Abby Harris Sophomore Shenendehowa 2:26.48 1:44.00
29 Shannen Kerin Junior Colonie 2:26.65 2:00.26
34 Olivia Watson Senior Weston 2:27.53 1:53.60
35 Rachel Beston Junior Newark 2:27.69 2:08.49
36 Isabella Iadicicco Sophomore Bellport 2:27.85 3:10.73
38 Abby Llanos Senior Danbury 2:28.07 2:32.52
39 Alexa McGuire Senior Lowell 2:28.61 2:06.32
40 Julia Cangialosi Junior Red Bank Catholic 2:28.82 3:04.54
43 Alison Ambrosecchio Senior Westhill 2:28.91 2:17.00
44 Leah Rosenfeld Junior Ridgewood 2:29.01 2:51.37
Girls' 800 Meters Section 5
14 Kirsten Kaminski Senior Colonie 1:39.85 2:34.06 2:06.95 2:22.64 2:42.61
20 Helena Masiello Senior Columbia 2:53.46 2:57.80 2:47.68 2:24.55 1:46.97
22 Leah Rivers Sophomore Wilbur Cross 2:52.39 2:29.21 2:56.73 2:24.86 2:43.70
25 Lauren Cenci Senior Northwest Catholic 2:42.09 3:02.53 2:42.09 2:26.02 3:09.83
26 Claudia Schatz Senior Wilbur Cross 2:13.26 2:54.26 2:20.58 2:26.43 2:42.54
32 Alexis Scott Senior Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake 1:47.45 3:11.35 1:45.98 2:27.19 3:08.41
41 Jill Reinhardt Junior Tatnall 2:31.81 2:36.28 2:52.65 2:28.83 2:16.93
47 Katherine (Katie) Guilbo Senior Columbia 2:31.38 1:47.92 2:32.88 2:29.88 2:13.40
52 Kalynne Green Junior Shenendehowa 2:16.73 2:36.48 2:30.40 2:31.92 3:09.90
57 Caleigh Ruais Junior Connetquot 2:51.11 2:41.86 3:06.53 2:34.15 2:11.03
Girls' 800 Meters Section 6
48 Maggie Nickerson Junior Concord-Carlisle 2:36.54 3:03.64 2:51.60 2:30.52 2:30.52 2:26.01 3:00.63
49 Maya Watt Sophomore Somers 2:48.71 2:21.60 1:55.99 2:30.63 3:06.79 2:35.15 1:49.96
50 Noelle Saxe Sophomore Colonie 2:34.43 2:42.00 2:40.49 2:31.40 2:43.52 3:16.82 2:40.49
55 Quinn Igram Senior Fairfield Warde 2:22.84 3:13.53 3:10.46 2:33.59 3:05.85 3:08.92 3:08.92
58 Madeleine Vogel Freshman Academy of Holy Names 2:57.61 2:59.15 2:25.18 2:34.44 2:17.46 3:02.24 2:32.90
60 Katie Melly Sophomore Somers 2:02.30 3:04.22 2:20.87 2:34.80 1:59.20 2:34.80 2:50.28
62 Tori Dugan Senior Colonie 2:25.76 3:06.08 3:10.73 2:35.06 2:10.25 2:42.82 2:58.32
63 Roey Mappa Junior Fairfield Warde 3:12.37 2:08.76 2:52.20 2:35.13 1:56.35 2:28.93 3:09.26
64 Sam Rowley Senior Newark 3:08.11 2:04.37 1:59.71 2:35.46 2:52.56 2:54.12 3:22.10
65 Olivia Nikac Sophomore Nanuet 2:10.65 2:44.87 2:40.20 2:35.53 1:59.76 1:51.99 2:16.87
68 Alicia Polak Junior Lowell 1:53.62 2:59.90 3:17.25 2:37.80 3:07.79 2:20.45 1:53.62
69 Sarah Killeen Senior Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake 2:59.60 3:15.78 2:56.37 2:41.80 2:49.89 2:27.24 2:30.48
Girls' 800 Meters Section 7
28 Abigail Turco Sophomore Shelton 3:10.45 2:47.01 2:26.50 1:54.27 3:10.45 2:36.76 3:04.59
45 Alexandra DeLuca Junior Bethel 2:30.95 2:39.92 2:29.45 2:32.44 2:23.48 2:36.93 1:53.59
51 Jalissa Casimir Sophomore Uniondale 3:15.80 2:18.12 2:31.78 2:48.48 3:05.18 1:52.32 3:03.66
53 Kiana Rocco Senior Sacred Heart Academy 2:58.38 1:52.82 2:32.46 2:59.91 2:50.76 2:38.56 2:55.33
54 Lindsay Richter Senior Conestoga 2:17.56 2:45.07 2:32.84 2:54.24 2:26.73 3:08.00 2:00.75
56 Madison Piel Junior Mercy 3:02.99 1:47.64 2:33.77 3:01.45 3:16.83 3:02.99 2:32.24
61 Olivia Gill Sophomore Shelton 2:50.52 2:24.16 2:35.01 3:10.67 2:44.31 2:08.66 1:53.16
66 Khylie Hill Senior Manchester 3:19.38 2:10.84 2:35.76 3:10.03 3:14.70 2:31.09 2:06.17
67 Ciara Duggan Sophomore Weymouth 1:58.18 2:58.06 2:37.57 2:13.94 1:50.30 2:06.06 3:15.39
70 Eve Kennedy Freshman Hendrick Hudson 2:42.67 2:26.08 2:45.99 2:52.63 2:04.50 3:14.21 3:22.51