March 25, 2006
Northeastern University - Dedham, MA

Men's 800 Meters

1 Richard Gerry Sophomore Stonehill 2:05.1 1:58.1 1:55.7
2 Jose Fernandez Junior Northeastern 2:05.08 2:00.27 1:47.04
3 Thomas Severo Senior Holy Cross 1:34.34 2:02.52 1:29.44
4 Tom Barek Sophomore Rhode Island 1:51.62 2:02.65 1:55.30
5 Matthew Cunningham Freshman Rhode Island 2:05.1 2:03.9 1:46.5
6 David Cahill   GBTC 1:29.5 2:04.4 2:21.8
7 Shane McDowell Sophomore Fitchburg State 2:34.3 2:04.5 2:25.6
8 Robert Boerjes Sophomore Sacred Heart 1:42.17 2:04.59 2:29.51
9 Christopher Morris Senior Holy Cross 1:57.2 2:04.7 1:37.2
10 Joshua Barbara Freshman Sacred Heart 2:01.50 2:05.25 2:35.31
11 Dennis Crump   Kingston Komets 2:25.54 2:05.46 1:47.90
12 Chris Voda Freshman Northeastern 1:43.02 2:05.63 1:40.51
13 Chris Rich Sophomore Stonehill 2:09.45 2:05.68 2:29.56
14 Ryan Moore Sophomore Rhode Island 2:08.18 2:06.91 2:13.26
15 Matthew Gallagher Sophomore Rhode Island 2:39.68 2:07.74 1:40.92
16 Scott Matheson Freshman Sacred Heart 2:04.53 2:08.38 1:33.72
17 David Simpson Freshman RIC 2:26.92 2:10.01 2:20.41
18 Michael Gillson Sophomore RIC 1:32.36 2:10.08 2:28.30
19 Christian Tirella Junior Northeastern 2:44.52 2:10.57 1:49.68
20 Andy Schaalman Sophomore Stonehill 2:21.65 2:11.15 2:03.28
21 Pat Socorro Sophomore Babson 1:45.01 2:11.26 1:54.20
22 Michael Panas   GBTC 2:51.96 2:12.27 2:24.18
23 John Cuoco Sophomore Rhode Island 2:27.13 2:12.55 1:50.02
24 jean francillon Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 2:38.27 2:14.12 2:35.58
25 Ryan Norton   UMass Boston 2:30.46 2:14.34 2:51.96
26 Austin Susmann Sophomore Assumption College 2:15.83 2:14.48 2:18.52
27 JD Lavallee Freshman Gordon College 2:09.49 2:14.88 2:54.00
28 Matt Hickey Sophomore Emmanuel College 2:08.07 2:16.24 2:44.85
29 Peter Williamson Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 1:43.08 2:17.44 1:58.20
30 brian morrissey Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 2:21.70 2:17.57 2:05.19
31 Patrick Chviruk Junior Emmanuel College 1:45.71 2:20.94 2:29.40
32 Christopher Mextorf Sophomore University of New Haven 2:57.6 2:23.3 2:10.4
33 Mike Andrews Freshman Assumption College 2:07.58 2:23.34 1:53.24
34 Dana Powers Senior Bridgewater State 2:28.10 2:23.78 1:49.28
35 Andrew Hadlin Freshman University of New Haven 1:49.49 2:27.96 3:04.95
36 Joel Nunez   NECC 2:20.4 2:29.4 1:55.0
37 Brendan Mari Freshman Assumption College 2:12.08 2:33.58 2:24.37
38 Cyrus Chu Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 2:24.80 2:42.69 3:11.98
0 Robert McDermott Junior Sacred Heart NT NT NT
Men's 800 Meters Section 1
1 Richard Gerry Sophomore Stonehill 1:41.5 1:28.5 1:58.1 2:15.8 1:29.7 1:34.4 2:33.5
2 Jose Fernandez Junior Northeastern 2:14.71 2:25.53 2:00.27 2:09.90 2:24.33 2:23.13 2:35.15
4 Tom Barek Sophomore Rhode Island 2:30.86 1:41.80 2:02.65 1:47.94 2:35.77 1:55.30 2:22.28
5 Matthew Cunningham Freshman Rhode Island 1:45.3 2:31.1 2:03.9 1:31.6 2:21.2 1:53.9 1:26.7
8 Robert Boerjes Sophomore Sacred Heart 2:05.84 2:27.02 2:04.59 1:29.71 1:55.87 1:32.20 2:09.58
12 Chris Voda Freshman Northeastern 2:20.71 2:42.07 2:05.63 1:35.48 2:34.53 2:04.38 2:13.17
15 Matthew Gallagher Sophomore Rhode Island 2:16.69 1:51.14 2:07.74 2:16.69 2:44.79 2:35.85 2:05.19
19 Christian Tirella Junior Northeastern 2:47.13 2:35.38 2:10.57 2:39.30 2:30.16 2:24.94 2:09.27
23 John Cuoco Sophomore Rhode Island 2:24.48 1:56.65 2:12.55 1:32.79 2:00.62 1:39.42 1:35.44
Men's 800 Meters Section 2
3 Thomas Severo Senior Holy Cross 2:02.52
6 David Cahill   GBTC 2:04.4
7 Shane McDowell Sophomore Fitchburg State 2:04.5
9 Christopher Morris Senior Holy Cross 2:04.7
10 Joshua Barbara Freshman Sacred Heart 2:05.25
11 Dennis Crump   Kingston Komets 2:05.46
13 Chris Rich Sophomore Stonehill 2:05.68
14 Ryan Moore Sophomore Rhode Island 2:06.91
16 Scott Matheson Freshman Sacred Heart 2:08.38
17 David Simpson Freshman RIC 2:10.01
28 Matt Hickey Sophomore Emmanuel College 2:16.24
0 Robert McDermott Junior Sacred Heart NT
Men's 800 Meters Section 4
18 Michael Gillson Sophomore RIC 1:32.36 2:10.08
20 Andy Schaalman Sophomore Stonehill 1:51.48 2:11.15
21 Pat Socorro Sophomore Babson 1:43.70 2:11.26
22 Michael Panas   GBTC 2:01.69 2:12.27
26 Austin Susmann Sophomore Assumption College 2:06.42 2:14.48
30 brian morrissey Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 2:54.72 2:17.57
31 Patrick Chviruk Junior Emmanuel College 1:49.94 2:20.94
32 Christopher Mextorf Sophomore University of New Haven 2:01.8 2:23.3
33 Mike Andrews Freshman Assumption College 3:00.61 2:23.34
35 Andrew Hadlin Freshman University of New Haven 3:04.95 2:27.96
36 Joel Nunez   NECC 1:44.5 2:29.4
37 Brendan Mari Freshman Assumption College 2:09.01 2:33.58
Men's 800 Meters Section 5
24 jean francillon Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 1:52.66 2:14.12
25 Ryan Norton   UMass Boston 2:23.75 2:14.34
27 JD Lavallee Freshman Gordon College 2:43.21 2:14.88
29 Peter Williamson Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 2:22.94 2:17.44
34 Dana Powers Senior Bridgewater State 1:42.09 2:23.78
38 Cyrus Chu Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 2:23.17 2:42.69