March 25, 2006
Northeastern University - Dedham, MA

Men's 1500 Meters

1 Nick Goodman Junior BU 5:11.75 4:40.09 4:03.55 4:03.55
2 Keith Gill Sophomore Stonehill 3:03.82 5:16.17 4:51.66 4:05.09
3 Joe Ryan Sophomore Stonehill 3:08.66 3:18.59 5:20.22 4:08.23
4 Tom Barek Sophomore Rhode Island 2:54.76 3:32.21 4:07.16 4:09.65
5 James Beaubrun Sophomore University of New Haven 3:12.93 3:53.02 4:08.05 4:10.55
6 eric lonergan Junior RIC 3:43.06 4:53.23 5:15.79 4:10.62
7 Tim Cattogio Junior Stonehill 3:23.71 3:16.17 4:03.95 4:11.49
8 Ryan Moore Sophomore Rhode Island 4:59.62 5:19.76 2:58.77 4:11.78
9 John Meinelt Sophomore Northeastern 3:06.87 4:04.95 4:40.30 4:12.52
10 Matthew Gallagher Sophomore Rhode Island 4:06.17 3:02.06 5:00.02 4:16.42
11 Brian Kennedy   Northeastern University 3:30.76 5:31.56 3:12.77 4:17.02
12 Tom Stepan Junior Rhode Island 5:32.24 5:19.37 3:38.92 4:17.55
13 TJ Griffis Sophomore Emmanuel College 3:37.98 5:06.20 4:32.47 4:19.49
14 Mark Powers Senior Bridgewater State 3:04.29 3:43.23 4:16.97 4:19.56
15 Joseph Palma Freshman Sacred Heart 5:26.07 3:57.38 4:41.72 4:20.85
16 Tom McLean Freshman BU 5:31.87 3:29.05 3:57.80 4:21.31
17 Stephen Schoenberger Freshman Holy Cross 5:14.96 3:22.10 4:40.84 4:22.46
18 John Cuoco Sophomore Rhode Island 4:35.98 4:54.37 4:49.12 4:22.83
19 Richard Finnegan Freshman Stonehill 4:12.40 4:12.40 3:51.36 4:22.91
20 Manny Karngar Senior RIC 4:33.49 3:11.97 4:44.01 4:22.97
21 Matt Meagher Freshman Stonehill 4:08.33 3:20.78 3:39.27 4:24.18
22 Richard Fendorak Freshman Northeastern 3:52.74 4:05.96 3:05.13 4:24.47
23 Greg Ahnrud Freshman RIC 5:31.22 3:29.33 4:17.02 4:24.97
24 Sebastian Fidelus Freshman Holy Cross 5:21.11 4:33.35 3:29.65 4:25.38
25 Keon Valcourt Freshman Fitchburg State 5:45.0 4:20.0 4:06.8 4:25.4
26 Stephen Zito Sophomore Sacred Heart 4:12.87 3:43.59 5:19.41 4:26.17
27 Khalid Abdi Sophomore Stonehill 4:24.30 4:05.62 3:30.91 4:26.97
28 Nicholas Noheimer Freshman E. Conn. State 5:23.22 5:41.92 5:41.92 4:27.12
29 Greg Clark Sophomore RIC 4:31.43 4:17.99 4:20.68 4:28.74
30 tim goodwin Junior RIC 5:04.12 3:59.53 3:08.40 4:29.13
31 Robert McDermott Junior Sacred Heart 4:40.23 3:24.79 3:19.40 4:29.45
32 Mark Lewis Junior E. Conn. State 4:49.27 4:00.61 4:08.72 4:30.34
33 Chris Keegan Senior Fitchburg State 4:16.65 4:11.19 3:11.12 4:33.03
34 Peter Butera Junior Babson 4:11.32 4:35.91 5:55.13 4:33.17
35 Patrick Clifford Junior Holy Cross 3:55.67 5:06.92 5:26.10 4:34.03
36 Daniel Tickner Junior University of New Haven 4:01.19 5:06.96 4:47.78 4:34.07
37 Mike Curley Sophomore E. Conn. State 3:36.93 5:07.54 5:37.75 4:34.59
38 Carlos Escobar Junior Emmanuel College 3:15.91 3:24.19 5:58.71 4:35.93
39 Bernard Ozarowski Junior Holy Cross 4:39.2 5:48.3 5:53.9 4:36.5
40 James Lundy Freshman Holy Cross 3:19.70 5:30.05 3:47.43 4:37.35
41 Sean Murphy Sophomore Holy Cross 5:12.3 3:23.5 5:17.9 4:38.9
42 Matthew Michienzi Senior Holy Cross 5:04.21 6:02.82 3:26.53 4:39.09
43 Ryan Croteau   GBTC 5:24.12 5:38.09 4:00.30 4:39.41
44 Stephen salisbury   Kingston Komets 5:39.01 4:34.57 4:31.77 4:40.17
45 JD Lavallee Freshman Gordon College 4:17.95 4:06.74 5:25.24 4:40.38
46 Stephen Zolotas Senior Holy Cross 3:50.44 5:23.18 4:26.97 4:41.02
47 Will Feldman   GBTC 5:41.21 6:04.35 4:23.14 4:49.16
48 brandon gillis Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 4:26.32 5:30.00 4:52.37 4:49.47
49 Ryan Norton   UMass Boston 5:16.87 4:20.61 4:35.41 4:56.14
50 Dan Thompson Senior Gordon College 5:52.85 3:47.26 3:56.23 4:59.02
51 Kevin Reese Sophomore University of New Haven 5:36. 3:35. 4:59. 5:03.
52 Dana Powers Senior Bridgewater State 3:42.64 4:55.83 5:44.63 5:04.98
53 Dan Earl   UMass Boston 6:42.9 4:25.2 6:26.1 5:35.8
54 Thy Toeum   UMass Boston 5:41.41 4:03.86 4:52.63 5:48.37
0 Chris Rock Freshman Bridgewater State NT NT NT NT
0 Pat Socorro Sophomore Babson NT NT NT NT
0 Andrew Hadlin Freshman University of New Haven NT NT NT NT
0 Jason Dallamora Sophomore University of New Haven NT NT NT NT
0 Robert Palumbo Sophomore University of New Haven NT NT NT NT
0 Jared Zwickler Freshman University of New Haven NT NT NT NT
0 Matthew Kenefick Sophomore University of New Haven NT NT NT NT
0 Brian Miller Freshman Holy Cross NT NT NT NT
0 Luis German Freshman Sacred Heart NT NT NT NT
0 Phil Griffin Freshman BU NT NT NT NT
0 James Varano Freshman E. Conn. State NT NT NT NT
0 Brendan Mari Freshman Assumption College NT NT NT NT
0 Ian Ferguson Freshman Assumption College NT NT NT NT
0 Erik Boyer Sophomore Gordon College NT NT NT NT
Men's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Nick Goodman Junior BU 4:01.12 3:36.76 3:22.15 4:03.55
3 Joe Ryan Sophomore Stonehill 3:48.38 4:33.06 5:05.33 4:08.23
4 Tom Barek Sophomore Rhode Island 5:24.55 5:04.58 3:34.70 4:09.65
5 James Beaubrun Sophomore University of New Haven 4:48.14 5:00.66 4:43.13 4:10.55
6 eric lonergan Junior RIC 4:50.72 4:03.11 3:07.97 4:10.62
7 Tim Cattogio Junior Stonehill 3:51.37 3:16.17 5:24.43 4:11.49
8 Ryan Moore Sophomore Rhode Island 4:24.37 4:09.27 4:52.07 4:11.78
9 John Meinelt Sophomore Northeastern 3:54.85 4:35.25 4:45.35 4:12.52
10 Matthew Gallagher Sophomore Rhode Island 2:59.50 3:12.32 5:10.27 4:16.42
12 Tom Stepan Junior Rhode Island 4:45.88 4:58.76 4:48.46 4:17.55
14 Mark Powers Senior Bridgewater State 5:16.67 4:06.59 3:01.70 4:19.56
18 John Cuoco Sophomore Rhode Island 3:11.87 4:38.60 4:09.69 4:22.83
20 Manny Karngar Senior RIC 4:41.38 3:48.79 3:25.12 4:22.97
27 Khalid Abdi Sophomore Stonehill 4:21.63 5:07.02 3:49.60 4:26.97
0 Phil Griffin Freshman BU NT NT NT NT
0 Luis German Freshman Sacred Heart NT NT NT NT
0 Robert Palumbo Sophomore University of New Haven NT NT NT NT
Men's 1500 Meters Section 2
2 Keith Gill Sophomore Stonehill 3:43.04 4:05.09
11 Brian Kennedy   Northeastern University 5:23.85 4:17.02
13 TJ Griffis Sophomore Emmanuel College 4:55.82 4:19.49
15 Joseph Palma Freshman Sacred Heart 3:13.03 4:20.85
16 Tom McLean Freshman BU 4:26.54 4:21.31
17 Stephen Schoenberger Freshman Holy Cross 4:11.97 4:22.46
19 Richard Finnegan Freshman Stonehill 5:04.98 4:22.91
21 Matt Meagher Freshman Stonehill 5:32.87 4:24.18
22 Richard Fendorak Freshman Northeastern 3:36.87 4:24.47
23 Greg Ahnrud Freshman RIC 4:19.67 4:24.97
24 Sebastian Fidelus Freshman Holy Cross 3:45.58 4:25.38
29 Greg Clark Sophomore RIC 4:34.12 4:28.74
30 tim goodwin Junior RIC 3:43.38 4:29.13
35 Patrick Clifford Junior Holy Cross 5:56.24 4:34.03
38 Carlos Escobar Junior Emmanuel College 5:50.44 4:35.93
39 Bernard Ozarowski Junior Holy Cross 3:21.8 4:36.5
40 James Lundy Freshman Holy Cross 4:23.49 4:37.35
Men's 1500 Meters Section 3
26 Stephen Zito Sophomore Sacred Heart 3:22.29 4:26.17 4:50.13
31 Robert McDermott Junior Sacred Heart 3:49.04 4:29.45 3:49.04
32 Mark Lewis Junior E. Conn. State 3:28.17 4:30.34 3:52.50
36 Daniel Tickner Junior University of New Haven 4:20.37 4:34.07 3:44.74
37 Mike Curley Sophomore E. Conn. State 3:14.96 4:34.59 3:25.95
41 Sean Murphy Sophomore Holy Cross 3:45.9 4:38.9 4:24.9
42 Matthew Michienzi Senior Holy Cross 4:30.72 4:39.09 4:53.05
43 Ryan Croteau   GBTC 4:36.62 4:39.41 4:19.86
44 Stephen salisbury   Kingston Komets 5:58.62 4:40.17 3:52.55
46 Stephen Zolotas Senior Holy Cross 5:20.37 4:41.02 5:54.09
51 Kevin Reese Sophomore University of New Haven 4:41. 5:03. 5:12.
0 Andrew Hadlin Freshman University of New Haven NT NT NT
0 Jason Dallamora Sophomore University of New Haven NT NT NT
0 Matthew Kenefick Sophomore University of New Haven NT NT NT
0 Erik Boyer Sophomore Gordon College NT NT NT
0 Brian Miller Freshman Holy Cross NT NT NT
0 Pat Socorro Sophomore Babson NT NT NT
Men's 1500 Meters Section 4
25 Keon Valcourt Freshman Fitchburg State 3:21.7 4:25.4 5:05.2 3:40.2 4:28.0 5:39.7
28 Nicholas Noheimer Freshman E. Conn. State 4:32.47 4:27.12 3:31.03 4:43.15 4:43.15 3:28.36
33 Chris Keegan Senior Fitchburg State 4:33.03 4:33.03 3:43.89 5:24.91 5:03.07 3:24.78
34 Peter Butera Junior Babson 3:13.95 4:33.17 5:33.27 4:03.13 5:33.27 5:03.22
45 JD Lavallee Freshman Gordon College 3:35.90 4:40.38 5:30.85 4:43.19 4:31.97 3:30.29
47 Will Feldman   GBTC 4:23.14 4:49.16 4:28.92 3:54.22 5:58.56 3:33.98
48 brandon gillis Freshman SUNY Cobleskill 4:32.11 4:49.47 5:30.00 5:21.32 6:01.84 3:51.58
49 Ryan Norton   UMass Boston 4:32.45 4:56.14 3:27.30 4:20.61 6:19.06 4:35.41
50 Dan Thompson Senior Gordon College 3:29.32 4:59.02 4:41.08 5:22.95 5:22.95 5:34.91
52 Dana Powers Senior Bridgewater State 5:11.08 5:04.98 3:33.49 5:14.13 4:52.78 6:05.98
53 Dan Earl   UMass Boston 4:48.7 5:35.8 4:25.2 7:16.5 6:49.6 6:06.0
54 Thy Toeum   UMass Boston 6:51.08 5:48.37 5:34.44 7:22.43 5:34.44 5:34.44
0 Ian Ferguson Freshman Assumption College NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Brendan Mari Freshman Assumption College NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 James Varano Freshman E. Conn. State NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Chris Rock Freshman Bridgewater State NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Jared Zwickler Freshman University of New Haven NT NT NT NT NT NT