April 27-30, 2016
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA

Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8

1 Ankeny Southview MS Alecia Smith, Dajah Baptiste, Malea Daugherty, Jasmine Rumley 54.52 37.75 38.27 52.42
2 Indian Hills MS Jayda Allen, Mya Moore, Jacey Spann, Kya Stilwell 47.44 1:07.92 48.51 53.90
3 Timberline MS Sophie Finken, Zoey Stark, Abby Vogel, Addie Drees 49.98 1:01.93 52.69 54.32
4 Merrill MS Ava Denner, Alivia Ovrum, Anna Gilbreath, Aeliyah Battle 41.85 49.46 1:06.85 54.35
5 Ankeny Centennial MS Kayla Eilander, Karenna Larson, Hannah Wilson, Calea Jones 44.73 53.46 51.28 54.55
6 Weeks MS Delanie Scharer, Mariyah Johnson, Sabrina Vongpbandu, Aliciah Vasquez 54.59 40.40 1:08.24 54.59
7 Gehlen Catholic MS Kennedy Ruhland, Kate Hill, Valeria Uribe, Sydney Livermore 52.58 44.92 45.46 54.77
8 Newton MS Liv Whitten, Kameron Nehring, Emma Dunsbergen, Allie Norrell 42.05 59.21 1:07.51 55.33
9 Meredith MS Nakya Kelly, Zipporah Hurst, Tyra Miller, Esther Ubadigbo 53.18 1:07.58 52.62 55.39
10 Prairieview MS Eliza Waage, Grace Terhark, Mason Nickolaus, Delfina Mihura 59.89 1:02.11 1:04.88 55.45
11 Urbandale MS Sarah Pattschull, Mahayla Claiser, Aubrey Adams, Faith Putz 58.51 41.79 59.07 55.72
12 St. Francis of Assisi MS Meg Simplot, Anna Kirchhoff, Molly Clendenin, Mira Baccile 50.75 1:04.69 1:01.90 55.76
13 Callanan MS Emma Linn, Sunnie Stickel, Joseo Solo, Jhamae Morales 1:05.63 56.65 59.46 56.09
14 Albia MS Danica Workman, Allison Major, Lindsey Manser, Abbey Manser 1:07.46 57.90 1:02.40 56.21
15 Clayton Ridge MS Hannah Ruzicka, Anna Harwick, Sierra Palmer, Kaleigh Reed 46.67 56.79 40.48 56.22
16 Amos Hiatt MS Ashanti Young, Terriana Smith, Donnaya Snyder, Kimeshia Star 1:04.11 56.80 52.30 56.23
17 Sacred Heart MS Mallory Wilson, Abouk Garang, Forest Kuestner-Burles, Molly Wright 1:09.00 1:05.58 1:08.43 57.02
18 St. Augustin MS Lizzie Erickson, Annie Flood, Catherine Haus, Kathryn Pierick 1:12.66 52.64 51.49 57.21
19 Central Elkader MS Isabella Moore, Riley Schroeder, Jasmine Mueller, Hannah Erickson 53.39 54.53 1:08.31 57.40
20 Waverly-Shell Rock MS Haley Eckerman, Britney Young, Liberty Epley, Haley Shaw 48.26 59.18 1:06.07 57.45
21 McCombs MS Jalyiah Miller, Victoria Heard, Madia Sayonkon, Paradise Walker-Cain 47.15 59.80 1:07.85 57.50
22 Holy Trinity MS Amber Altman, Katie Broderick, Ella Huekendorf, Bridget Nolan 46.72 50.75 46.72 57.67
23 Dunkerton MS Macy Tisue, Savannah Swanson, Lily Fettkether, Julia Rindels 1:05.09 48.24 45.91 58.11
24 St. Theresa MS Julia Shonka, Lauren Pogemiller, Gabby Chiodo, Breighlyn Kowalczyk 1:02.20 47.67 56.39 58.13
25 Goodrell MS Barinua Godpower, Emilie Youngworth, Janhia Sherrill, Joshaee Watkins 1:08.64 1:00.50 1:00.50 58.17
26 Perry MS Quinn Whiton, Narale Cerna, Kennedy Turninik, Jasmin Shriver 45.50 43.13 1:04.99 59.08
27 Christ The King MS Crystal Castellano, Karla Ramirez, Mollie Moist, Peyton Riewer 1:14.68 49.59 47.80 59.74
28 St. Pius X MS Ellie Goodman, Kate Cain, Erin Kleppe, Ny Toang 43.26 1:06.69 1:15.10 1:00.08
29 Harding MS Trinity Anderson, Keirra Martin, Aiyanna Mitchell, Briana Phillips 1:15.60 43.55 1:15.00 1:00.48
30 Colfax Mingo MS Abbey McConeghey, Jodine Woods, Daytin Jones, Crystal Lincoln 47.63 1:06.80 1:09.28 1:01.85
31 Bergman Academy MS Lily Raker, Zoe Fanter, Maya Owens, Emily Nelson 46.76 51.18 1:05.08 1:03.18
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 1
6 Weeks MS Scharer, Johnson, Vongpbandu, Vasquez 54.59 48.04 1:02.78
7 Gehlen Catholic MS Ruhland, Hill, Uribe, Livermore 54.77 1:05.73 52.58
9 Meredith MS Kelly, Hurst, Miller, Ubadigbo 55.39 1:08.69 1:11.46
14 Albia MS Workman, Major, Manser, Manser 56.21 50.59 42.72
18 St. Augustin MS Erickson, Flood, Haus, Pierick 57.21 1:06.94 41.20
24 St. Theresa MS Shonka, Pogemiller, Chiodo, Kowalczyk 58.13 1:14.41 47.67
27 Christ The King MS Castellano, Ramirez, Moist, Riewer 59.74 52.58 44.81
30 Colfax Mingo MS McConeghey, Woods, Jones, Lincoln 1:01.85 49.48 47.01
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 2
1 Ankeny Southview MS Smith, Baptiste, Daugherty, Rumley 58.71 52.42 40.89 40.89 42.46
2 Indian Hills MS Allen, Moore, Spann, Stilwell 1:00.37 53.90 42.59 1:05.76 1:06.84
3 Timberline MS Finken, Stark, Vogel, Drees 1:03.56 54.32 39.66 44.00 54.87
16 Amos Hiatt MS Young, Smith, Snyder, Star 48.36 56.23 1:05.23 49.49 1:13.10
22 Holy Trinity MS Altman, Broderick, Huekendorf, Nolan 52.48 57.67 47.87 1:02.86 57.10
28 St. Pius X MS Goodman, Cain, Kleppe, Toang 1:06.69 1:00.08 48.67 46.87 1:08.50
29 Harding MS Anderson, Martin, Mitchell, Phillips 1:16.81 1:00.48 1:13.79 1:15.00 55.65
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 3
5 Ankeny Centennial MS Eilander, Larson, Wilson, Jones 1:00.55 43.10 54.55 50.19
10 Prairieview MS Waage, Terhark, Nickolaus, Mihura 41.59 1:08.21 55.45 41.04
11 Urbandale MS Pattschull, Claiser, Adams, Putz 1:01.85 1:11.33 55.72 1:10.21
12 St. Francis of Assisi MS Simplot, Kirchhoff, Clendenin, Baccile 1:04.13 1:04.69 55.76 1:03.57
19 Central Elkader MS Moore, Schroeder, Mueller, Erickson 1:11.75 1:04.87 57.40 1:10.61
21 McCombs MS Miller, Heard, Sayonkon, Walker-Cain 51.18 52.33 57.50 45.43
25 Goodrell MS Godpower, Youngworth, Sherrill, Watkins 48.29 1:05.15 58.17 1:08.06
26 Perry MS Whiton, Cerna, Turninik, Shriver 49.04 49.63 59.08 43.72
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 4
4 Merrill MS Denner, Ovrum, Gilbreath, Battle 54.35
8 Newton MS Whitten, Nehring, Dunsbergen, Norrell 55.33
13 Callanan MS Linn, Stickel, Solo, Morales 56.09
15 Clayton Ridge MS Ruzicka, Harwick, Palmer, Reed 56.22
17 Sacred Heart MS Wilson, Garang, Kuestner-Burles, Wright 57.02
20 Waverly-Shell Rock MS Eckerman, Young, Epley, Shaw 57.45
23 Dunkerton MS Tisue, Swanson, Fettkether, Rindels 58.11
31 Bergman Academy MS Raker, Fanter, Owens, Nelson 1:03.18