January 26-27, 2007
Washington-Dempsey Indoor - Seattle, WA
307m (Flat)

Women's Mile

1 Jen Rhines   adidas 4:41.04 5:59.74 5:40.06 4:41.04 4:12.94
2 Lauren Fleshman   Nike 4:15.86 3:42.12 3:25.25 4:41.16 3:42.12
3 Alice Bohannon Junior UCLA 3:58.09 5:31.62 5:11.78 4:43.43 4:34.93
4 Alicia Follmar Sophomore Stanford 3:25. 5:43. 4:03. 4:46. 4:23.
5 Nichole Jones Freshman Baylor 3:55.61 5:30.42 5:13.18 4:47.32 4:41.58
6 Dana Buchanan Senior Oregon 5:03.76 4:34.83 5:41.37 4:49.29 3:36.97
7 Amy Fowler Sophomore BYU 5:30.61 4:17.47 5:01.35 4:52.57 6:08.64
8 Ashley Caldwell   UCLA 4:49.92 6:08.98 6:17.77 4:52.84 4:55.77
9 Meredith Macgregor Senior Simon Fraser 6:00.49 5:16.17 4:58.44 4:55.48 6:12.31
10 Katie Follett Freshman Washington 5:52.90 5:44.00 3:57.24 4:56.55 5:20.28
11 Nicole Blood Freshman Oregon 4:18.11 5:50.07 6:07.87 4:56.67 5:11.51
12 Dani Schuster Junior Washington 4:13.54 6:03.91 5:07.23 4:58.28 3:52.66
13 Nicole Blalock Senior Long Beach St. 5:43.78 4:20.08 6:19.66 4:58.94 5:55.74
14 Kristen Kolstad Junior Simon Fraser 5:00.06 6:15.08 6:06.08 5:00.06 4:03.05
15 Asia Diaz Sophomore Texas Tech 4:36.09 5:39.11 6:30.12 5:00.09 5:09.10
16 Mary Liz McCurdy Sophomore Stanford 5:53.36 5:41.28 3:34.43 5:02.01 4:22.75
17 Bria Wetsch Freshman Oregon 5:56.59 5:20.33 4:59.17 5:02.19 5:44.50
18 Allison Hall   UCLA 4:59.82 6:03.41 4:23.47 5:02.84 6:00.38
19 Carolyn Quebe Junior BYU 6:03.62 4:35.74 5:39.38 5:03.01 4:53.92
20 Karin Rohde Junior Seattle Pacific 5:09.85 3:41.76 5:46.30 5:03.77 4:15.17
21 Andrea Brown Sophomore Washington 3:36.21 3:48.39 4:06.67 5:04.52 6:17.61
22 Sharla Platt Sophomore Southern Utah 4:49.51 5:35.22 6:02.64 5:04.74 5:10.84
23 Amy Lia Senior Washington 4:56.39 5:33.05 6:09.72 5:05.55 5:08.61
24 Rebekah Noble Sophomore Oregon 3:44.27 3:44.27 5:34.87 5:07.22 5:22.59
25 Kelsey Walker Freshman Stanford 3:35.25 3:56.77 5:19.79 5:07.49 3:56.77
26 Angela Shaw   Valley Royals TC 4:16.05 6:10.19 6:28.70 5:08.49 3:39.03
27 Emily Collins Sophomore Washington 5:09.47 6:26.84 5:00.19 5:09.47 6:39.22
28 Maddie O'Meara Sophomore Stanford 6:44.10 5:13.95 6:34.77 5:10.84 3:53.13
29 Lyz Gilgunn Senior U. of Victoria 6:07.4 5:26.9 5:51.8 5:11.4 3:37.9
30 Gladys Kipsang Freshman Texas Tech 4:56.36 5:27.55 5:08.83 5:11.95 3:47.73
31 Jane Larson Freshman Seattle Pacific 5:31.08 5:40.45 4:53.60 5:12.34 3:41.77
32 Jenessa Botello Senior Long Beach St. 4:48.36 4:35.82 6:41.19 5:13.43 6:22.39
33 Nikki Buchholtz Junior Eastern Washington 4:39.08 6:00.61 4:32.81 5:13.57 6:16.29
34 Shawna Burger Senior Cal St. Los Angeles 5:18.48 5:02.71 5:21.63 5:15.32 5:34.24
35 Karla Alburez Junior Cal St. Los Angeles 3:47.83 6:10.22 6:41.86 5:16.42 5:13.26
36 Camille Moseley Senior Eastern Washington 4:35.59 5:16.76 4:41.92 5:16.76 4:35.59
37 Brooklynn Solomon Senior Sacramento St. 5:30.99 5:27.81 4:05.06 5:18.26 6:53.74
38 Cherie McPherson Junior Cal St. Northridge 6:15.86 6:19.04 5:34.45 5:18.52 6:22.23
39 Tava Tedesco Freshman Hawaii 4:27.95 5:38.98 4:05.35 5:22.83 3:58.90
40 Mary Wagner Freshman Sacramento St. 6:03.84 4:23.13 4:00.39 5:24.85 4:26.38
41 Laura Taylor Junior BYU 5:20.35 5:33.56 5:43.46 5:30.25 4:04.39
42 Tajma Stephenson Junior UC Riverside 7:10.62 5:01.43 5:14.68 5:31.24 4:25.00
43 Karissa Fuller Freshman Portland State 4:24.84 5:01.71 5:08.42 5:35.23 5:58.70
44 Michel Wilson Senior Hawaii 5:58.37 4:43.99 5:54.99 5:38.08 5:24.56
45 Desarae Tyson Sophomore UNLV 4:10.49 6:02.19 6:08.96 5:38.49 5:24.95
46 Alex McNairy Junior Eastern Washington 4:07.93 6:22.22 6:35.99 5:44.34 6:53.21
47 Julie Borstmayer Freshman Portland State 7:21.20 7:31.79 4:28.25 5:52.96 5:03.55
Women's Mile Section 1
1 Jen Rhines   adidas 3:22.35 4:52.29 3:30.78 3:33.59 3:19.54 4:52.29 4:41.04
2 Lauren Fleshman   Nike 4:41.16 3:19.63 4:18.67 4:15.86 4:24.29 5:34.58 4:41.16
3 Alice Bohannon Junior UCLA 5:37.29 5:34.45 4:54.77 5:08.94 4:57.61 4:15.09 4:43.43
4 Alicia Follmar Sophomore Stanford 5:08. 3:43. 5:06. 3:43. 4:37. 4:37. 4:46.
5 Nichole Jones Freshman Baylor 3:26.87 3:41.24 3:58.48 5:16.06 6:13.52 5:21.80 4:47.32
6 Dana Buchanan Senior Oregon 3:45.65 5:18.22 4:08.79 3:34.08 6:13.19 5:24.01 4:49.29
7 Amy Fowler Sophomore BYU 5:45.24 5:13.05 6:02.79 3:42.36 5:36.46 4:46.72 4:52.57
8 Ashley Caldwell   UCLA 5:27.98 5:13.34 6:08.98 4:08.92 4:26.49 4:41.13 4:52.84
9 Meredith Macgregor Senior Simon Fraser 5:39.81 6:09.35 4:31.85 5:48.67 4:31.85 3:44.57 4:55.48
14 Kristen Kolstad Junior Simon Fraser 5:33.07 4:57.06 5:45.07 3:39.05 6:06.08 4:15.06 5:00.06
23 Amy Lia Senior Washington 6:34.16 5:02.50 3:58.33 6:34.16 3:52.22 5:42.22 5:05.55
24 Rebekah Noble Sophomore Oregon 6:24.03 5:13.37 4:33.43 5:07.22 5:13.37 5:22.59 5:07.22
41 Laura Taylor Junior BYU 6:36.30 6:03.28 6:29.70 5:50.07 4:47.32 5:10.44 5:30.25
Women's Mile Section 2
10 Katie Follett Freshman Washington 5:29.17 6:19.59 4:56.55
11 Nicole Blood Freshman Oregon 3:39.54 6:10.84 4:56.67
12 Dani Schuster Junior Washington 5:04.25 4:31.44 4:58.28
13 Nicole Blalock Senior Long Beach St. 3:32.25 3:32.25 4:58.94
15 Asia Diaz Sophomore Texas Tech 4:24.08 5:36.10 5:00.09
16 Mary Liz McCurdy Sophomore Stanford 5:59.40 3:40.47 5:02.01
18 Allison Hall   UCLA 3:35.02 4:47.70 5:02.84
19 Carolyn Quebe Junior BYU 5:36.35 4:32.71 5:03.01
26 Angela Shaw   Valley Royals TC 6:16.36 3:45.20 5:08.49
30 Gladys Kipsang Freshman Texas Tech 5:52.51 6:45.54 5:11.95
31 Jane Larson Freshman Seattle Pacific 6:08.57 6:02.32 5:12.34
34 Shawna Burger Senior Cal St. Los Angeles 6:31.00 3:56.49 5:15.32
36 Camille Moseley Senior Eastern Washington 4:16.58 6:32.79 5:16.76
42 Tajma Stephenson Junior UC Riverside 6:27.55 5:01.43 5:31.24
Women's Mile Section 3
17 Bria Wetsch Freshman Oregon 5:14.28 5:41.48 4:19.89 5:02.19 6:20.76 4:56.15
20 Karin Rohde Junior Seattle Pacific 5:03.77 5:52.38 4:45.55 5:03.77 5:03.77 3:32.64
22 Sharla Platt Sophomore Southern Utah 5:07.79 5:29.12 5:16.93 5:04.74 6:02.64 4:22.08
29 Lyz Gilgunn Senior U. of Victoria 4:30.9 6:38.5 4:27.8 5:11.4 6:44.8 3:44.2
32 Jenessa Botello Senior Long Beach St. 4:10.75 5:00.90 4:57.76 5:13.43 4:57.76 5:54.18
33 Nikki Buchholtz Junior Eastern Washington 4:39.08 5:35.52 5:35.52 5:13.57 3:48.91 4:07.72
35 Karla Alburez Junior Cal St. Los Angeles 6:19.71 4:00.48 5:29.08 5:16.42 5:13.26 4:13.14
37 Brooklynn Solomon Senior Sacramento St. 6:28.28 4:01.88 5:21.45 5:18.26 4:36.89 6:12.37
38 Cherie McPherson Junior Cal St. Northridge 4:27.56 4:30.75 4:40.30 5:18.52 5:56.75 5:08.97
Women's Mile Section 4
21 Andrea Brown Sophomore Washington 5:38.02 5:04.52 5:47.16 4:15.80
25 Kelsey Walker Freshman Stanford 4:21.37 5:07.49 4:33.67 4:33.67
27 Emily Collins Sophomore Washington 3:45.92 5:09.47 3:45.92 5:55.89
28 Maddie O'Meara Sophomore Stanford 4:05.57 5:10.84 5:45.04 4:02.46
39 Tava Tedesco Freshman Hawaii 6:27.40 5:22.83 3:55.67 6:46.77
40 Mary Wagner Freshman Sacramento St. 5:18.36 5:24.85 5:21.61 5:21.61
43 Karissa Fuller Freshman Portland State 6:18.81 5:35.23 4:11.43 5:21.82
44 Michel Wilson Senior Hawaii 5:04.28 5:38.08 4:13.56 5:14.42
45 Desarae Tyson Sophomore UNLV 7:20.04 5:38.49 7:09.89 6:19.11
46 Alex McNairy Junior Eastern Washington 5:34.01 5:44.34 5:06.47 6:11.89
47 Julie Borstmayer Freshman Portland State 7:17.67 5:52.96 4:17.66 4:31.78