March 28-31, 2018
Texas-Mike A. Myers Stadium - Austin, TX

Girls 1,600m Sprint Medley High School

1 McKinney North Brooke Givens, Elon'a Jones, Jania Martin, London Culbreath 3:55.21 4:06.97
2 Houston Cypress Springs Vanessa Ugorji, Rachel Hall, Aliyah Carswell, Wonders Oguejifor 3:56.54 3:44.72
3 Lewisville Marcus Allison Warren, Nicole Ume-Ezeoke, Taryn Hankins, Quinn Owen 3:56.73 4:48.81
4 DeSoto Cierra Wash, Jalese Moore, Bryannia Murphy, Rachel Anderson 3:59.09 4:30.18
5 Marble Falls Trinity Ware, Natasha Villalobos, Naomi Pegues, Bailey Goggans 4:03.02 5:06.21
6 Lafayette Maureen Lee, Alexas Bender, Sydney Minor, Angelle Primeaux 4:04.58 5:15.51
7 Fort Bend Hightower Taylor Finley, Sydney Dillard, Destini Lombard, Jyria Smith 4:07.16 3:37.50
8 Houston Cypress Falls Jaelyn McGee, Akyra Hagerman, Jada Chambers, Tamara Vukovic 4:07.53 4:54.56
9 LC Clear Falls Chermariea Hardy, Afiah Brathwaite, Destany Muckelroy, Kennedy Wade 4:08.24 4:35.55
10 Katy Cinco Ranch Bre Rowland, Irene Arinze, Yasmine Steele, Mackenzie Duck 4:08.92 3:24.12
11 Lancaster Ke'Ana Davis, Kyra Green, Aysia Ward, Tylantiss Atlas 4:09.77 5:17.21
12 Long Beach Wilson Naiomi Kilson, Dionna Griffith, Tyler Nettles, Rachel Glenn 4:09.97 3:17.48
13 Dana Hills Jackie Faris, Hailey Ray, Ximena Bustos, Anisa Rind 4:10.17 5:20.22
14 The Woodlands Ellie Barker, Ginni Okafor, Caroline Morris, Kaitlin Laner 4:10.25 3:22.71
15 Lucas Lovejoy Grace Ridgeway, Carsen McFadden, Kassidy Litchenburg, Carson Hockersmith 4:10.43 4:15.44
16 Allen Lauren Bradfield, Kiara Martin, Esther Ekeanyanwu, Cassandra Cruz 4:31.33 4:58.47
Girls 1,600m Sprint Medley High School Section 1
5 Marble Falls Ware, Villalobos, Pegues, Goggans 4:03.02 3:04.70 3:48.44 2:52.55 5:11.07
6 Lafayette Lee, Bender, Minor, Primeaux 4:04.58 4:04.58 2:51.21 4:53.50 5:15.51
8 Houston Cypress Falls McGee, Hagerman, Chambers, Vukovic 4:07.53 3:40.31 4:52.09 3:05.65 4:00.11
9 LC Clear Falls Hardy, Brathwaite, Muckelroy, Wade 4:08.24 4:15.69 5:12.79 5:12.79 5:20.23
10 Katy Cinco Ranch Rowland, Arinze, Steele, Duck 4:08.92 4:46.26 4:43.77 3:21.63 3:46.52
11 Lancaster Davis, Green, Ward, Atlas 4:09.77 3:19.82 4:17.27 4:24.76 3:54.79
15 Lucas Lovejoy Ridgeway, McFadden, Litchenburg, Hockersmith 4:10.43 4:37.98 3:22.85 3:07.83 3:55.41
16 Allen Bradfield, Martin, Ekeanyanwu, Cruz 4:31.33 4:09.63 4:36.76 3:09.93 5:41.88
Girls 1,600m Sprint Medley High School Section 2
1 McKinney North Givens, Jones, Martin, Culbreath 3:48.16 4:23.44 3:03.47 3:55.21
2 Houston Cypress Springs Ugorji, Hall, Carswell, Oguejifor 4:29.66 3:47.08 3:28.16 3:56.54
3 Lewisville Marcus Warren, Ume-Ezeoke, Hankins, Owen 4:48.81 3:23.59 3:44.90 3:56.73
4 DeSoto Wash, Moore, Murphy, Anderson 4:23.00 4:34.96 2:56.93 3:59.09
7 Fort Bend Hightower Finley, Dillard, Lombard, Smith 3:07.85 5:06.48 5:04.01 4:07.16
12 Long Beach Wilson Kilson, Griffith, Nettles, Glenn 5:22.47 4:59.97 5:12.47 4:09.97
13 Dana Hills Faris, Ray, Bustos, Rind 3:20.14 4:45.20 4:35.19 4:10.17
14 The Woodlands Barker, Okafor, Morris, Laner 4:15.26 5:25.33 3:42.73 4:10.25