March 21-23, 2019
Rice - Houston, TX

Women's 4 x 200 Relay

1 Houston Eisenhower Darnee Williams, Deshawn Petitt, Iyana Gray, Kiana Rollins 1:38.66 10
2 The Woodlands Alexandra Webster, Ginni Okafor, Lawryn Noel, Caroline Morris 1:38.75 8
3 Fort Bend Marshall Khacia Mitchell, Cesley Williams, Theresa Green-White, Alexandria Ruth 1:39.35 6
4 Fort Bend Hightower Ehizefua Oboh, Chelsie Shelling, Destini Lombard, Cynai Christopher 1:40.88 5
5 Summer Creek Peyton Vancourt, Amiya Matthews, Morgan Taylor, Adaora Nwokeji 1:41.43 4
6 Houston Bellaire Kayla Smith, Sydne Porter, Michelle Asonye, Jordan Brown 1:42.02 3
7 College Park Tomeshia Mosby, Journi Williams, Ashlee Diamond, Madi Dominguez 1:42.06 2
8 Kinkaid School Katelyn Gamble, Kennedi Poullard, Emma Sykes, Jalen Elrod 1:43.54 1
9 Humble Kingwood Sydney Hart, Natalia Shimel, Kennedy Studdert, Amber Nunnery 1:44.09 -
10 Fort Bend Bush Amaya Land, Raven House, Raylen Russell, Briana Land 1:44.12 -
11 Bridgeland Alyvia Avant, Aleigha Washington-Kenn, Haley Ceasar, Jurnee Byars 1:44.61 -
12 Fort Bend Elkins Kayla Redmond, Taylor Cooper, Cindy Nkamigbo, Mfoniso Andrew 1:45.18 -
13 Pearland Tiani Baker, Adanya Bell, Classie Baker, A’yahna Holloway 1:45.25 -
14 Katy Tompkins Erriel McCalla, Amara Odu, Asia Reed, Morgan Marshall 1:45.78 -
15 Katy Cinco Ranch Taylor Rowland, Sharon Eguche, Sydney McCray, Michelle Graham 1:45.99 -
16 Houston Cypress Lakes Jada Makein, Karis Davis-McBride, Inay Dilworth, Saunya'e Watson 1:46.19 -
17 Spring DeKaney Arajanee Jackson, Denecia Washington, Sharian Champion, Michelay Rochon 1:46.27 -
18 Pearland Dawson Miriam Darden, Kamari Houston, Nia James, Karrington Knox 1:46.44 -
19 Fort Bend Ridge Point Kadelyn Sanders, Alaina Dela Rosa, Anaiya Midget, Sevanna Rhone 1:46.54 -
20 Kingwood Park Makayla Bullard, Lehyla Lester, Chloe Gresham, Jazlyn Williams 1:46.75 -
21 Montgomery Liberty Oliver, Trinity Oliver, Allison Dennis, Lindsey Shirk 1:47.50 -
22 Houston Langham Creek Temisan Oyibo, Tajah Pilkington, TyAsia Moore, Kaitlyn Clark 1:47.78 -
23 Episcopal (Bellaire) Caylon Mike, Lauren McGinnis, Morgan Garrett, Taylor Cross 1:48.30 -
24 KIPP Sunnyside Krista Saulter, Kiearra Washington, Blake Gale, Alexis Taylor 1:49.67 -
25 Houston Memorial Sarah Irwin, Jennifer Glendinning, Camille Smith, Lizzie Gissel 1:49.87 -
26 Houston Lamar Maali LaFrance, Maryah Hampton, Daja Woodard, Hali Basquine 1:51.20 -
  Houston Nimitz Lasonya McCardell, Daija Brown, Jaylen Alexander, Jamiah Jones DQ -
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 1
15 Katy Cinco Ranch Rowland, Eguche, McCray, Graham 1:38.57 1:45.99 -
20 Kingwood Park Bullard, Lester, Gresham, Williams 2:08.10 1:46.75 -
22 Houston Langham Creek Oyibo, Pilkington, Moore, Clark 2:09.34 1:47.78 -
23 Episcopal (Bellaire) Mike, McGinnis, Garrett, Cross 2:04.55 1:48.30 -
24 KIPP Sunnyside Saulter, Washington, Gale, Taylor 2:17.09 1:49.67 -
25 Houston Memorial Irwin, Glendinning, Smith, Gissel 1:36.69 1:49.87 -
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 2
12 Fort Bend Elkins Redmond, Cooper, Nkamigbo, Andrew 1:18.89 1:49.39 1:27.30 1:58.86 1:45.18 -
14 Katy Tompkins McCalla, Odu, Reed, Marshall 1:23.57 1:40.50 1:29.92 1:37.32 1:45.78 -
16 Houston Cypress Lakes Makein, Davis-McBride, Dilworth, Watson 2:11.68 1:35.58 1:17.52 2:01.06 1:46.19 -
18 Pearland Dawson Darden, Houston, James, Knox 2:06.67 1:24.09 1:26.22 1:20.90 1:46.44 -
21 Montgomery Oliver, Oliver, Dennis, Shirk 1:38.90 2:04.70 2:14.38 2:10.08 1:47.50 -
26 Houston Lamar LaFrance, Hampton, Woodard, Basquine 2:04.55 1:57.88 2:11.22 1:36.75 1:51.20 -
  Houston Nimitz McCardell, Brown, Alexander, Jones DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ -
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 3
7 College Park Mosby, Williams, Diamond, Dominguez 1:28.80 1:42.06 1:48.19 2
8 Kinkaid School Gamble, Poullard, Sykes, Elrod 1:55.97 1:43.54 1:22.84 1
9 Humble Kingwood Hart, Shimel, Studdert, Nunnery 2:14.28 1:44.09 1:59.71 -
11 Bridgeland Avant, Washington-Kenn, Ceasar, Byars 1:57.17 1:44.61 2:13.90 -
13 Pearland Baker, Bell, Baker, Holloway 2:05.25 1:45.25 1:26.31 -
17 Spring DeKaney Jackson, Washington, Champion, Rochon 1:22.89 1:46.27 1:32.46 -
19 Fort Bend Ridge Point Sanders, Dela Rosa, Midget, Rhone 1:20.97 1:46.54 2:07.85 -
Women's 4 x 200 Relay Section 4
1 Houston Eisenhower Williams, Petitt, Gray, Rollins 1:38.66 1:27.81 10
2 The Woodlands Webster, Okafor, Noel, Morris 1:38.75 1:38.75 8
3 Fort Bend Marshall Mitchell, Williams, Green-White, Ruth 1:39.35 1:57.24 6
4 Fort Bend Hightower Oboh, Shelling, Lombard, Christopher 1:40.88 1:41.89 5
5 Summer Creek Vancourt, Matthews, Taylor, Nwokeji 1:41.43 1:42.45 4
6 Houston Bellaire Smith, Porter, Asonye, Brown 1:42.02 1:28.76 3
10 Fort Bend Bush Land, House, Russell, Land 1:44.12 2:11.20 -