May 23-25, 2019
Mickey Miller Blackwell Stadium - Gulf Shores, AL

Women's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries

1 Southern-NO Kerry Ann Scott, Stacey Ann Williams, Kimone Hinds, Argyana Bolton 39.14 41.87 32.77 33.68 45.51 32.32 56.89
2 William Carey Jasmine Williams, Younis Bese, Talayla Davis, Aniekeme Etim 36.72 37.17 59.20 35.34 45.89 34.88 59.20
3 Indiana Tech Pamela Sanders-Booker, Antonishka Deveaux, Destiny Copeland, Ayanna Moody 35.05 55.34 47.50 48.88 46.11 47.04 51.19
4 Siena Heights Madisyn Kleinschmit, Mildrenae Young-Brooks, Julia Forbes, Asia Gardner 33.53 54.96 35.86 33.07 46.57 47.04 59.61
5 Xavier-Louisiana Justyce Riggs, Ariel Ford, Alexis Milton, Shalysa Wray 58.25 41.94 50.80 45.21 46.60 35.89 41.01
6 Tennessee Wesleyan Moesha Moncrieffe, Alexandria Johnson, Alexis Lankford, Els Van Hooijdonk 48.36 59.63 34.28 59.16 46.95 52.59 44.14
7 Lindsey Wilson Safia Bright, Annesha Harris, Alexia DeHaven-Boyd, Marie Ninamou 1:00.74 42.38 40.96 47.55 47.08 57.44 41.43
8 Hastings Shantinique Cunningham, Julyah Wilson, Daisy Maessner, Karsen Sears 52.06 43.54 58.21 48.74 47.32 34.55 44.48
9 McPherson Jaivion Lattimore, Destiny Johnson, Diamond Blaylock-Norris, Amy Braimbridge 54.53 35.56 54.05 48.36 47.41 46.47 46.47
10 Baker Alyssa Meeks, Myah Yoder, Gloria Mares, Tiarah McDaniel 43.80 1:01.41 34.75 51.41 47.60 42.84 39.51
11 Brenau Shakera Thompson, Jasmine Reese, Myia Neal, Tamia Francis 39.09 34.32 51.95 47.66 47.66 50.05 37.66
12 USC-Beaufort Iyana McKeever, Paulette Wimberly, Faith Calloway, Makayla Perry 34.84 40.57 40.09 1:01.56 47.72 33.41 34.84
13 Southern Oregon Erika Soderstrom, Savannah Greenwade, Julia Delucchi, Arianna Daniel 57.29 59.20 49.18 35.33 47.74 44.88 47.74
14 Southeastern U. Morgan Strickland, Ashley Higgs, Courtney Gales, Namiah Simpson 49.34 1:02.27 44.07 59.40 47.90 52.22 44.07
15 Cumberlands Sarah Hunter, Raegan Granville, Selena Barnett, Dymanique Thompson 49.49 53.81 42.28 53.33 48.04 1:01.01 39.88
16 Aquinas Jordan Goodman, Rose Russo, Eunice Eyamba, Casey Lenon 37.48 36.04 42.29 1:00.07 48.05 53.82 39.40
17 Corban Mackenzie Wilson, Selina Newingham, Leah McClain, Kristi Childers 45.71 39.45 59.18 57.74 48.11 35.61 53.89
18 Eastern Oregon Haley White, Kinnah Rhodes, Payton Jolley, Elizabeth Herbes 51.63 46.32 55.01 47.77 48.25 56.94 39.09
19 Marian (Ind.) Raven Gibson, Chelsea Simmons, Jada Burton, Jocelynn Burton 42.63 34.88 53.77 55.23 48.44 35.37 40.69
20 Webber Jade Hines, Laura Borders, Keshara Atmore, J'Nai Taylor 1:00.09 47.88 35.18 1:01.07 48.85 46.90 57.65
21 College of Idaho Payge Durocher, Payton Durocher, Payton Anderson, Madison Glascock 46.06 50.47 1:02.23 1:03.21 49.00 43.61 35.28
Women's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
1 Southern-NO Scott, Williams, Hinds, Bolton 40.05 50.98 55.98 45.51 45.51
5 Xavier-Louisiana Riggs, Ford, Milton, Wray 39.61 56.86 57.32 44.27 46.60
10 Baker Meeks, Yoder, Mares, McDaniel 35.70 48.08 45.22 36.66 47.60
11 Brenau Thompson, Reese, Neal, Francis 43.85 59.10 57.67 34.80 47.66
15 Cumberlands Hunter, Granville, Barnett, Thompson 1:00.53 52.37 39.88 39.88 48.04
17 Corban Wilson, Newingham, McClain, Childers 59.18 44.27 59.18 57.74 48.11
18 Eastern Oregon White, Rhodes, Jolley, Herbes 47.77 52.60 55.01 37.16 48.25
Women's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
2 William Carey Williams, Bese, Davis, Etim 55.99 45.89
4 Siena Heights Kleinschmit, Young-Brooks, Forbes, Gardner 52.63 46.57
8 Hastings Cunningham, Wilson, Maessner, Sears 57.26 47.32
13 Southern Oregon Soderstrom, Greenwade, Delucchi, Daniel 50.61 47.74
14 Southeastern U. Strickland, Higgs, Gales, Simpson 54.13 47.90
16 Aquinas Goodman, Russo, Eyamba, Lenon 1:00.55 48.05
21 College of Idaho Durocher, Durocher, Anderson, Glascock 36.75 49.00
Women's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries Heat 3
3 Indiana Tech Sanders-Booker, Deveaux, Copeland, Moody 47.96 33.66 46.11 43.35
6 Tennessee Wesleyan Moncrieffe, Johnson, Lankford, Van Hooijdonk 33.34 43.67 46.95 34.75
7 Lindsey Wilson Bright, Harris, DeHaven-Boyd, Ninamou 33.90 47.08 47.08 1:00.74
9 McPherson Lattimore, Johnson, Blaylock-Norris, Braimbridge 42.67 40.78 47.41 1:01.64
12 USC-Beaufort McKeever, Wimberly, Calloway, Perry 37.23 43.91 47.72 41.04
19 Marian (Ind.) Gibson, Simmons, Burton, Burton 1:00.55 58.62 48.44 59.59
20 Webber Hines, Borders, Atmore, Taylor 43.48 1:00.58 48.85 1:02.04