January 4, 2020
Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex (Banked) - Staten Island, NY
200m (Banked)

Boys 300m Dash Blue

1 Josiah Reece Senior Pennsauken 39.29 29.47
2 Jayden Myers Sophomore North Brunswick 40.38 50.88
3 Justin Cohen Senior Manalapan 40.51 40.92
4 Timothy Palmer Junior Manalapan 40.78 41.19
5 Ian Roman Junior Hammonton 40.94 45.45
6 Sean Dempsey Senior Gen. Douglas MacArthur 40.95 35.22
7 Emmanuel Olayemi Senior North Brunswick 41.05 35.72
8 Jeremiah Babilonia Sophomore Pennsauken 41.28 45.00
9 Luke Fong Sophomore Metuchen 41.35 46.32
10 Anthony Vaughan Junior Gen. Douglas MacArthur 41.49 45.23
11 Omar Dieguez Sophomore Woodbridge 41.69 37.53
12 Jeremy Ragunath Freshman John S. Burke 41.78 36.77
13 Nick Ali Freshman Warren Hills 41.78 49.30
14 Preston Roth Sophomore Warren Hills 42.04 34.48
15 Asaru Napier Senior North Brunswick 42.04 50.03
16 Kevin Tuohy Senior Xaverian 42.09 32.83
17 Micah Jacobson Junior Tatnall 42.13 48.03
18 Kiran Subramanian Sophomore Metuchen 42.27 36.36
19 Christopher Stevenson Junior Lawrence 42.39 49.60
20 Frank Shanny Junior Carmel 42.47 41.62
21 Andrew Breen Junior Woodbridge 42.54 38.29
22 Johnathan Huang Sophomore McKee/Staten Island Tech 42.54 30.21
23 Terence Lim Junior Metuchen 42.58 42.16
24 Ryan Lum Junior McKee/Staten Island Tech 42.76 48.32
25 Warren Myers Junior Kings Park 42.78 31.66
26 Molique Lacotera Freshman St. John's Prep 42.78 35.94
27 Jack Mauer Freshman Gen. Douglas MacArthur 42.86 50.58
28 Raphael Moreau Senior Cristo Rey Brooklyn 42.89 33.03
29 Sam Healy Sophomore Classical 42.90 55.35
30 Aaron Schinn Junior Gen. Douglas MacArthur 42.93 33.92
31 Rickey Barranger Sophomore Haddonfield 42.95 31.79
32 Fernando Flores Freshman Hammonton 43.01 35.27
33 Mike Mollica Sophomore Gen. Douglas MacArthur 43.05 52.96
34 Ryan Fischer Senior Carmel 43.07 55.13
35 Zach Taranto Freshman Warren Hills 43.08 37.05
36 Jorge Casanova Freshman Archbishop Molloy 43.08 36.19
37 Michael Podolec Sophomore Tottenville 43.18 45.34
38 Sebastian Sabogal Senior Archbishop Molloy 43.39 33.41
39 Jack Lally Junior Wallkill Valley 43.47 43.47
40 Joseph Pecoraro Sophomore St. Joseph by-the-Sea 43.66 48.47
41 Anthony Ortega Freshman St. John's Prep 43.70 45.02
42 Jordan McNear Junior Lawrence 43.74 40.68
43 Savion Ponder Junior Lawrence 43.75 33.69
44 Ayden Mayer Senior Hammonton 43.83 47.78
45 Derek Espejo Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 43.84 32.01
46 Charles Batts Senior Ramapo 43.86 41.67
47 Jon Warner Junior Bayard Rustin 43.93 48.33
48 Will Meyers Junior Carmel 43.94 37.79
49 Jonathan Tyliczka Freshman Lawrence 43.96 47.92
50 Marvin Alhaddad Junior McKee/Staten Island Tech 43.97 50.57
51 Kennith Ross Sophomore Appoquinimink 44.14 53.85
52 Connor Young Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 44.17 48.59
53 Caleb Williams Sophomore Cherry Hill West 44.21 41.12
54 Noah Jacobson Freshman St. John's Prep 44.25 33.63
55 Zack Lesser Sophomore Island Trees 44.30 32.79
56 Declan Lynch Sophomore Warren Hills 44.48 39.15
57 Ryan Leon Junior Christ the King 44.64 58.04
58 Derek Delpriore Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 44.72 36.23
59 Donte Jones Freshman Lawrence 44.77 48.80
60 Kaiden Lieberman Junior Hammonton 44.85 39.47
61 JD Shinske Junior Hammonton 44.94 58.43
62 Kalel Wong Sophomore Woodbridge 44.96 32.82
63 Dakota Amar Freshman Brooklyn Tech 45.08 50.49
64 Ethan Wong Sophomore Brooklyn Tech 45.21 54.71
65 Ryder Moore   Long Beach 45.22 44.77
66 Lee Chen Sophomore Bronx HS of Science 45.28 34.87
67 Drew Thibault Senior Hammonton 45.30 43.04
68 Joey Derobotis Sophomore St. Peters 45.33 47.15
69 James Strain Junior Hammonton 45.37 54.90
70 Sean Boyles Freshman Appoquinimink 45.38 46.29
71 Matthew Caccavo Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 45.39 33.59
72 Adam Ward Junior Haddonfield 45.58 32.82
73 Michael Powers Sophomore Gen. Douglas MacArthur 45.71 47.54
74 True Yuen Freshman Brooklyn Tech 45.72 32.92
75 Lucas Agudelo   Long Beach 45.74 51.23
76 Connor Dekenipp Sophomore Island Trees 45.84 39.43
77 Devon Thomas Sophomore Monmouth Regional 45.92 36.28
78 Kay Thay Freshman Classical 46.00 51.98
79 Jack Conrath Freshman Xaverian 46.11 41.04
80 Justy Torres Freshman St. John's Prep 46.13 51.21
81 Trevor Zummo Sophomore Wallkill Valley 46.13 39.68
82 Raymond Rico Junior Regis 46.32 43.08
83 Thomas Libretto Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 46.54 42.82
84 Marco Sanducci Freshman Xaverian 46.72 45.79
85 Wilson Cheong Junior McKee/Staten Island Tech 46.79 38.37
86 Mike Mazzallo Junior Island Trees 46.85 57.63
87 Elmore Johnson Freshman Roman Catholic 46.88 45.95
88 Kareem Wilkins Senior Christ the King 46.98 51.21
89 Angel Diaz Freshman Warren Hills 47.01 1:00.65
90 Jalen Tsang Freshman McKee/Staten Island Tech 47.03 39.98
91 Chris Ruggieri Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 47.08 40.49
92 Alex Soumilas Freshman Haddonfield 47.17 49.53
93 Andrew DiCuirci Junior Appoquinimink 47.17 34.44
94 Stephen Tuite Freshman Xaverian 47.20 41.54
95 Kieran Weber Freshman Gen. Douglas MacArthur 47.28 33.57
96 Alexander Zhu Freshman Brooklyn Tech 47.30 55.82
97 Max Cass Senior Haddonfield 47.31 40.22
98 William Douglas Freshman Brooklyn Tech 47.33 49.23
99 Matt Reese Senior Hammonton 47.55 38.52
100 Per Taylor Junior Warren Hills 47.64 33.35
101 Amil Amedee Freshman McKee/Staten Island Tech 47.84 54.06
102 Mauricio Alejos Sophomore Carmel 47.95 42.68
103 Thomas Bacetty Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 48.03 50.92
104 Paul Adamita Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 48.09 51.94
105 Jeremy Valdez Freshman St. John's Prep 48.11 33.68
106 Kevin Perez-Rojas Sophomore Monmouth Regional 48.28 1:02.29
107 River Ngan Freshman Xaverian 48.50 34.44
108 Adrian Guerrero Sophomore HS of Telecommunications 48.61 42.78
109 Joshua McFerren Senior Hammonton 48.72 42.39
110 Andy Vu Sophomore St. John's Prep 48.74 40.95
111 Ethan Baijnauth Freshman Archbishop Molloy 48.77 39.51
112 Gabe Ciccone Sophomore Kings Park 48.92 56.75
113 Sander Wilson Senior Haddonfield 49.38 47.41
114 Colin Hunt Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 49.49 55.93
115 David Ren Freshman New Hyde Park 49.51 1:00.41
116 Wesley Wilson Freshman Haddonfield 49.51 35.65
117 Matthew O'Conner   Long Beach 49.64 54.11
118 Zamiel Elcock Sophomore Lawrence 49.64 35.25
119 Tom Cousins Sophomore Warren Hills 49.65 50.15
120 Ethan Russell Senior Immaculata 49.70 38.27
121 Caleb Ryan Freshman Haddonfield 49.76 39.31
122 Birrkaren Singh Freshman New Hyde Park 49.81 35.87
123 Aiden Schuler Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 49.93 47.94
124 Joseph Wilson Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 49.98 42.49
125 Eric Chen Freshman McKee/Staten Island Tech 50.04 54.05
125 Eric McNeil Freshman Pennsauken 50.04 47.04
127 Thomas Miller Freshman Haddonfield 50.21 51.72
128 Joshua Vargas Freshman St. John's Prep 50.35 50.35
129 Jason Pun Sophomore New Hyde Park 50.43 53.96
130 Chris Donowski Sophomore Archbishop Molloy 50.51 1:01.63
131 James Hunt Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 50.63 47.09
132 Jason Mainolfi Sophomore St. Joseph by-the-Sea 50.71 48.69
133 Kyrollos Ibrahim Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 51.37 54.97
134 Dylan Koelbel Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 51.39 37.52
135 ZANPHANIE WILLIS Freshman Port Richmond 51.39 46.26
136 An Binh Tran Junior New Hope-Solebury 51.45 41.16
137 Michael Hooper Freshman St. John's Prep 51.50 1:03.35
138 Nick Cooper Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 51.59 53.14
139 Ryan Curran Sophomore Archbishop Molloy 51.79 52.31
140 Jeremy Moore Sophomore Warren Hills 51.87 1:05.36
141 Billy Jiminez Freshman Carmel 51.89 57.08
142 Timothy Sturges Freshman Xaverian 52.15 37.03
143 Havish Chandiwala Freshman Archbishop Molloy 52.16 36.52
144 John Mahoney Sophomore Xaverian 52.19 57.93
145 Vincent DiPaul Freshman John S. Burke 52.22 48.57
146 Christian Sciula Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 52.70 50.07
147 Pedro Collado Sophomore Christ the King 52.78 57.53
148 Nicholas Mohabir Freshman Archbishop Molloy 52.78 49.62
149 Justin Roberson Junior Metuchen 52.84 49.15
150 Matthew Marzano Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 52.84 42.28
151 Matthew Sy Sophomore St. John's Prep 53.13 1:04.29
152 Adam Schwinn Sophomore John S. Burke 53.43 1:02.52
153 Marshall Van Patrick Senior Lawrence 54.19 52.03
154 Jeramy Solano Freshman Archbishop Molloy 54.28 1:02.43
155 Kaelem Bent Freshman Archbishop Molloy 54.85 59.79
156 Nicolas Dolengewicz Freshman Archbishop Molloy 54.86 1:03.64
157 Pedro Correa Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 55.18 40.84
158 Nick Opilla Freshman Wallkill Valley 55.61 1:01.18
159 John Asanesco Freshman Xaverian 56.00 1:06.08
160 James Schmidt Freshman Xaverian 56.27 45.58
161 Samuel Marquez Sophomore St. John's Prep 59.17 1:11.01
162 Gabe Hernandez Freshman Pennsauken 59.44 50.53
163 Zamin Ghayoor Sophomore St. John's Prep 1:00.11 1:00.72
164 Gage Purzycki Sophomore Tatnall 1:03.42 44.40
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 1
10 Anthony Vaughan Junior Gen. Douglas MacArthur 41.49 53.53
16 Kevin Tuohy Senior Xaverian 42.09 45.88
17 Micah Jacobson Junior Tatnall 42.13 30.34
23 Terence Lim Junior Metuchen 42.58 46.84
24 Ryan Lum Junior McKee/Staten Island Tech 42.76 51.32
40 Joseph Pecoraro Sophomore St. Joseph by-the-Sea 43.66 50.21
47 Jon Warner Junior Bayard Rustin 43.93 52.28
56 Declan Lynch Sophomore Warren Hills 44.48 40.93
71 Matthew Caccavo Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 45.39 37.22
77 Devon Thomas Sophomore Monmouth Regional 45.92 56.49
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 2
6 Sean Dempsey Senior Gen. Douglas MacArthur 49.55 41.77 48.73 30.31 38.50 40.95 38.91
9 Luke Fong Sophomore Metuchen 38.87 53.76 51.69 51.28 49.62 41.35 40.11
22 Johnathan Huang Sophomore McKee/Staten Island Tech 33.19 41.69 39.99 43.82 31.91 42.54 34.89
45 Derek Espejo Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 39.02 37.27 51.30 32.45 32.01 43.84 46.47
66 Lee Chen Sophomore Bronx HS of Science 58.42 37.59 38.04 37.13 39.40 45.28 40.30
67 Drew Thibault Senior Hammonton 54.36 34.89 40.77 33.53 56.63 45.30 58.89
88 Kareem Wilkins Senior Christ the King 33.36 35.24 47.45 58.73 49.80 46.98 38.53
124 Joseph Wilson Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 41.99 1:00.48 1:02.98 44.99 36.99 49.98 38.49
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 3
12 Jeremy Ragunath Freshman John S. Burke 38.86 45.13 29.67 44.71 51.39 41.78
27 Jack Mauer Freshman Gen. Douglas MacArthur 50.58 42.01 44.15 51.01 51.44 42.86
28 Raphael Moreau Senior Cristo Rey Brooklyn 51.04 39.03 53.62 49.33 31.74 42.89
39 Jack Lally Junior Wallkill Valley 53.04 44.78 36.52 50.43 53.47 43.47
50 Marvin Alhaddad Junior McKee/Staten Island Tech 41.78 31.66 50.13 41.34 34.74 43.97
52 Connor Young Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 44.62 38.43 52.12 48.59 48.15 44.17
57 Ryan Leon Junior Christ the King 33.48 37.06 38.39 57.14 41.07 44.64
103 Thomas Bacetty Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 39.87 44.19 47.55 44.67 48.51 48.03
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 4
3 Justin Cohen Senior Manalapan 40.51 47.40 43.35
18 Kiran Subramanian Sophomore Metuchen 42.27 30.86 36.78
20 Frank Shanny Junior Carmel 42.47 40.35 49.27
25 Warren Myers Junior Kings Park 42.78 53.48 40.22
30 Aaron Schinn Junior Gen. Douglas MacArthur 42.93 30.91 31.34
49 Jonathan Tyliczka Freshman Lawrence 43.96 47.92 41.77
63 Dakota Amar Freshman Brooklyn Tech 45.08 48.69 43.73
68 Joey Derobotis Sophomore St. Peters 45.33 46.24 34.00
73 Michael Powers Sophomore Gen. Douglas MacArthur 45.71 59.43 42.06
87 Elmore Johnson Freshman Roman Catholic 46.88 58.60 43.60
123 Aiden Schuler Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 49.93 48.44 59.42
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 5
4 Timothy Palmer Junior Manalapan 40.78
32 Fernando Flores Freshman Hammonton 43.01
33 Mike Mollica Sophomore Gen. Douglas MacArthur 43.05
38 Sebastian Sabogal Senior Archbishop Molloy 43.39
60 Kaiden Lieberman Junior Hammonton 44.85
64 Ethan Wong Sophomore Brooklyn Tech 45.21
79 Jack Conrath Freshman Xaverian 46.11
91 Chris Ruggieri Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 47.08
131 James Hunt Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 50.63
135 ZANPHANIE WILLIS Freshman Port Richmond 51.39
150 Matthew Marzano Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 52.84
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 6
1 Josiah Reece Senior Pennsauken 39.29 45.58 44.79
8 Jeremiah Babilonia Sophomore Pennsauken 41.28 41.70 42.94
15 Asaru Napier Senior North Brunswick 42.04 44.99 51.71
31 Rickey Barranger Sophomore Haddonfield 42.95 41.24 42.10
34 Ryan Fischer Senior Carmel 43.07 47.38 43.94
58 Derek Delpriore Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 44.72 49.20 43.83
125 Eric McNeil Freshman Pennsauken 50.04 46.04 57.05
162 Gabe Hernandez Freshman Pennsauken 59.44 1:13.71 55.88
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 7
5 Ian Roman Junior Hammonton 40.94 50.77 46.68 31.12
14 Preston Roth Sophomore Warren Hills 42.04 30.27 49.19 51.29
35 Zach Taranto Freshman Warren Hills 43.08 30.59 32.74 44.81
37 Michael Podolec Sophomore Tottenville 43.18 33.68 47.93 45.77
53 Caleb Williams Sophomore Cherry Hill West 44.21 55.27 46.87 37.14
74 True Yuen Freshman Brooklyn Tech 45.72 48.92 52.58 49.38
95 Kieran Weber Freshman Gen. Douglas MacArthur 47.28 57.69 52.96 38.30
96 Alexander Zhu Freshman Brooklyn Tech 47.30 48.25 46.83 53.93
136 An Binh Tran Junior New Hope-Solebury 51.45 51.97 41.68 50.43
149 Justin Roberson Junior Metuchen 52.84 45.45 1:08.70 44.39
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 8
29 Sam Healy Sophomore Classical 50.20 42.05 48.05 50.20 42.90 30.03 49.34
46 Charles Batts Senior Ramapo 56.14 53.07 43.43 34.65 43.86 35.97 36.85
62 Kalel Wong Sophomore Woodbridge 49.91 53.06 57.55 45.86 44.96 44.06 55.75
84 Marco Sanducci Freshman Xaverian 58.40 45.79 56.54 52.80 46.72 38.31 38.31
98 William Douglas Freshman Brooklyn Tech 53.96 36.45 46.86 40.23 47.33 34.08 57.27
104 Paul Adamita Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 37.03 41.84 50.50 51.46 48.09 50.50 33.67
109 Joshua McFerren Senior Hammonton 53.60 52.13 51.65 53.60 48.72 42.39 56.03
145 Vincent DiPaul Freshman John S. Burke 1:04.23 49.61 1:07.37 56.40 52.22 52.75 42.82
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 9
13 Nick Ali Freshman Warren Hills 32.59 31.34 53.48 41.78 33.85 49.30
26 Molique Lacotera Freshman St. John's Prep 55.19 35.08 55.19 42.78 33.80 42.78
51 Kennith Ross Sophomore Appoquinimink 51.21 33.99 44.14 44.14 47.68 49.00
80 Justy Torres Freshman St. John's Prep 53.98 39.68 42.44 46.13 42.90 40.14
94 Stephen Tuite Freshman Xaverian 53.81 54.76 50.04 47.20 36.35 59.00
101 Amil Amedee Freshman McKee/Staten Island Tech 58.85 44.50 50.24 47.84 38.28 53.11
114 Colin Hunt Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 49.00 57.91 37.12 49.49 41.58 57.41
125 Eric Chen Freshman McKee/Staten Island Tech 1:05.06 42.54 52.55 50.04 45.54 59.55
129 Jason Pun Sophomore New Hyde Park 1:03.55 1:00.52 37.32 50.43 45.39 36.31
152 Adam Schwinn Sophomore John S. Burke 56.64 51.30 40.61 53.43 40.61 40.61
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 10
11 Omar Dieguez Sophomore Woodbridge 41.69 50.45 50.45 42.11 42.53
21 Andrew Breen Junior Woodbridge 42.54 42.12 35.31 36.16 54.88
72 Adam Ward Junior Haddonfield 45.58 36.47 48.77 42.85 41.94
75 Lucas Agudelo   Long Beach 45.74 53.52 39.34 41.63 38.88
78 Kay Thay Freshman Classical 46.00 43.24 45.54 49.22 37.26
90 Jalen Tsang Freshman McKee/Staten Island Tech 47.03 52.21 49.86 50.33 43.27
93 Andrew DiCuirci Junior Appoquinimink 47.17 39.16 42.46 53.31 42.46
105 Jeremy Valdez Freshman St. John's Prep 48.11 48.11 33.68 50.04 54.85
132 Jason Mainolfi Sophomore St. Joseph by-the-Sea 50.71 54.77 45.64 56.80 59.84
133 Kyrollos Ibrahim Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 51.37 54.97 38.02 38.02 1:00.11
134 Dylan Koelbel Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 51.39 1:04.76 39.57 48.82 41.12
163 Zamin Ghayoor Sophomore St. John's Prep 1:00.11 42.08 53.50 1:09.73 57.11
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 11
55 Zack Lesser Sophomore Island Trees 44.30 51.83 42.09 46.08 47.40 44.30 44.75
70 Sean Boyles Freshman Appoquinimink 45.38 44.02 41.75 43.57 49.92 57.18 50.38
76 Connor Dekenipp Sophomore Island Trees 45.84 55.47 59.60 55.47 56.39 41.26 56.39
81 Trevor Zummo Sophomore Wallkill Valley 46.13 59.97 38.75 55.36 37.83 50.75 51.21
82 Raymond Rico Junior Regis 46.32 50.03 38.91 33.82 42.62 1:00.22 44.47
107 River Ngan Freshman Xaverian 48.50 36.86 59.17 41.23 41.23 46.56 1:00.63
112 Gabe Ciccone Sophomore Kings Park 48.92 38.16 49.41 39.14 42.08 54.31 50.39
144 John Mahoney Sophomore Xaverian 52.19 54.80 1:03.68 46.98 49.58 41.76 56.89
146 Christian Sciula Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 52.70 1:06.41 47.43 1:01.14 1:02.72 52.70 37.42
161 Samuel Marquez Sophomore St. John's Prep 59.17 53.26 43.79 43.79 51.48 54.44 1:11.60
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 12
42 Jordan McNear Junior Lawrence 43.31 43.74 32.81 56.43 47.68
44 Ayden Mayer Senior Hammonton 30.68 43.83 33.31 46.46 52.60
54 Noah Jacobson Freshman St. John's Prep 57.09 44.25 57.53 46.91 46.47
65 Ryder Moore   Long Beach 42.06 45.22 35.73 31.66 33.92
83 Thomas Libretto Junior St. Joseph by-the-Sea 41.42 46.54 1:00.04 54.46 39.10
85 Wilson Cheong Junior McKee/Staten Island Tech 59.43 46.79 53.81 37.44 36.97
86 Mike Mazzallo Junior Island Trees 45.45 46.85 49.67 1:00.91 52.48
128 Joshua Vargas Freshman St. John's Prep 45.82 50.35 46.33 57.91 35.75
140 Jeremy Moore Sophomore Warren Hills 43.06 51.87 1:00.17 37.87 39.94
147 Pedro Collado Sophomore Christ the King 58.59 52.78 58.06 43.81 1:07.56
157 Pedro Correa Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 52.98 55.18 1:04.56 1:11.74 46.36
158 Nick Opilla Freshman Wallkill Valley 47.83 55.61 1:11.74 43.94 1:10.63
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 13
2 Jayden Myers Sophomore North Brunswick 45.63 51.69 40.38 44.42 38.37
19 Christopher Stevenson Junior Lawrence 35.61 35.19 42.39 34.76 39.85
99 Matt Reese Senior Hammonton 51.36 44.23 47.55 50.41 34.72
110 Andy Vu Sophomore St. John's Prep 40.46 39.00 48.74 43.38 57.03
117 Matthew O'Conner   Long Beach 1:01.06 1:00.07 49.64 1:02.55 1:04.54
119 Tom Cousins Sophomore Warren Hills 46.18 45.19 49.65 59.09 52.14
121 Caleb Ryan Freshman Haddonfield 46.78 1:02.20 49.76 43.30 50.76
138 Nick Cooper Freshman St. Joseph by-the-Sea 38.70 56.75 51.59 58.82 1:03.98
155 Kaelem Bent Freshman Archbishop Molloy 43.34 43.34 54.85 57.60 1:11.31
159 John Asanesco Freshman Xaverian 45.92 1:11.12 56.00 1:02.16 42.00
164 Gage Purzycki Sophomore Tatnall 57.08 1:02.79 1:03.42 1:04.06 1:14.84
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 14
43 Savion Ponder Junior Lawrence 48.13 31.50 44.63 43.75 44.63
61 JD Shinske Junior Hammonton 52.58 34.61 41.35 44.94 31.46
89 Angel Diaz Freshman Warren Hills 1:00.18 47.95 1:00.65 47.01 46.07
97 Max Cass Senior Haddonfield 59.61 51.57 50.63 47.31 57.25
100 Per Taylor Junior Warren Hills 43.36 51.46 55.74 47.64 40.97
108 Adrian Guerrero Sophomore HS of Telecommunications 36.46 52.99 47.64 48.61 36.95
137 Michael Hooper Freshman St. John's Prep 55.11 46.87 1:06.95 51.50 55.62
154 Jeramy Solano Freshman Archbishop Molloy 1:01.88 43.97 1:10.57 54.28 1:07.31
160 James Schmidt Freshman Xaverian 1:03.03 1:09.78 39.96 56.27 42.21
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 15
7 Emmanuel Olayemi Senior North Brunswick 46.80 34.08 41.05 33.66 51.73 35.31
36 Jorge Casanova Freshman Archbishop Molloy 45.67 53.42 43.08 32.31 50.84 53.42
92 Alex Soumilas Freshman Haddonfield 37.27 36.80 47.17 36.80 40.10 39.63
102 Mauricio Alejos Sophomore Carmel 35.49 37.41 47.95 46.04 54.19 1:00.42
106 Kevin Perez-Rojas Sophomore Monmouth Regional 42.01 58.91 48.28 36.70 52.15 56.97
116 Wesley Wilson Freshman Haddonfield 52.48 39.61 49.51 50.01 39.12 35.65
120 Ethan Russell Senior Immaculata 43.24 47.72 49.70 34.79 39.76 47.22
127 Thomas Miller Freshman Haddonfield 52.22 53.23 50.21 55.24 42.18 58.75
130 Chris Donowski Sophomore Archbishop Molloy 51.02 53.04 50.51 56.58 55.06 47.99
142 Timothy Sturges Freshman Xaverian 1:05.71 1:02.58 52.15 44.85 51.63 1:04.67
148 Nicholas Mohabir Freshman Archbishop Molloy 46.45 43.81 52.78 39.06 46.45 50.67
156 Nicolas Dolengewicz Freshman Archbishop Molloy 42.79 58.16 54.86 1:04.19 46.09 52.67
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 16
59 Donte Jones Freshman Lawrence 44.77
111 Ethan Baijnauth Freshman Archbishop Molloy 48.77
118 Zamiel Elcock Sophomore Lawrence 49.64
122 Birrkaren Singh Freshman New Hyde Park 49.81
139 Ryan Curran Sophomore Archbishop Molloy 51.79
141 Billy Jiminez Freshman Carmel 51.89
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 17
41 Anthony Ortega Freshman St. John's Prep 43.70
113 Sander Wilson Senior Haddonfield 49.38
151 Matthew Sy Sophomore St. John's Prep 53.13
153 Marshall Van Patrick Senior Lawrence 54.19
Boys 300m Dash Blue Section 18
48 Will Meyers Junior Carmel 33.84 36.03 50.10 49.22 43.94 48.34
69 James Strain Junior Hammonton 37.66 43.56 36.75 56.72 45.37 45.83
115 David Ren Freshman New Hyde Park 44.56 37.14 50.50 41.10 49.51 39.61
143 Havish Chandiwala Freshman Archbishop Molloy 1:02.60 58.94 42.78 52.69 52.16 46.43