January 18, 2020
Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex (Banked) - Staten Island, NY
200m (Banked)

Boys 4 x 400m Relay Freshmen

1 Fordham Prep A Owen Gazso, William Lulka, Seamus O'Brien, Robert Disney 3:01.19 4:23.55 3:20.02 3:48.25 3:55.31 4:16.49 4:51.79 6
2 St. Anthony's A Jack Biegner, James Conigliaro, Christopher Baer, Nicholas Minguillon 3:11.57 3:37.91 5:04.12 3:28.33 3:59.46 4:06.65 3:04.39 4
3 Xaverian A Kareem Najjar, Matthew Perkins, Jack Conrath, Xavier Webb 3:17.26 2:53.20 4:07.77 3:38.90 4:00.55 4:39.04 3:48.53 3
4 Iona Prep A Kyle Shea, Diego Ocasio, Colin O'Garro, Antonio Bravo 4:29.87 3:38.81 5:01.47 4:29.87 4:03.12 2:57.48 3:43.67 2
5 St. John the Baptist A Freddy Aleaga, Shane Bellino, Darin Roman, Oscar Partyka 3:01.85 3:51.00 4:25.40 4:37.69 4:05.74 4:59.81 5:09.64 1
6 Archbishop Molloy A Ultan Gallagher, Kevin Girdusky, Adrian Georgiev, Tyler Tabarovsky 4:16.06 4:59.59 4:36.55 3:01.81 4:16.06 5:32.88 3:58.14 -
7 Xavier A George Maroun, Vince Mensah, Silverio Sencion, Solomon Smith 3:12.33 5:00.03 3:35.41 5:12.85 4:16.43 4:44.64 3:30.28 -
8 Mount St. Michael A Stephen Mandola, Chidi-Ebere Oboro, Ian Walters, Justin Stewart 5:02.95 4:57.73 4:44.67 5:08.17 4:21.16 5:18.62 3:05.43 -
9 Fordham Prep
B Sebastian Peterman, Nicholas Avery, Michael Semprevivo, Austin Lawless 3:15.88 3:44.61 4:18.56 5:29.08 4:21.17 4:36.84 3:42.00 -
10 Chaminade A Michael Touma, Brendan Hickis, Randolph Leidl, Stephen Daubel 4:29.97 3:13.21 4:40.55 3:44.97 4:24.67 5:09.67 3:50.27 -
11 Cardinal Hayes
B Jkwon Thompson, Kewrys Berroa, Kenny Carke, Andy Serrano 4:47.85 4:47.85 3:17.23 3:19.89 4:26.52 5:38.48 3:59.87 -
12 St. Joseph by-the-Sea A Sean Quick, Aiden Schuler, Thomas Bacetty, Paul Adamita 5:02.36 4:08.37 4:56.96 5:10.46 4:29.96 3:57.57 5:32.05 -
13 Cardinal Hayes A Gianni Guerra, Alfredo j. Perez, troy Darrell, Lucas x. Vargas 5:17.23 4:09.44 5:36.21 5:49.76 4:31.13 4:33.85 3:20.64 -
14 Fordham Prep
C Andrew Whealan, Diego Delossantos, Justin St. Hilaire, Andrew Guerrero 4:13.12 3:59.51 4:32.17 4:59.39 4:32.17 5:37.49 3:18.69 -
15 St. John the Baptist
B Jonas Means, Jonathan Tinti, Rafael Leonardo-Cintro, Erick Rosa 5:22.86 5:06.45 3:11.53 5:36.54 4:33.61 4:17.20 3:52.57 -
16 Bishop Loughlin A Kareem Clarke, J’shaun Connor, Massai Samuels, Tyler Henry 5:11.42 3:21.18 4:38.35 5:16.93 4:35.59 4:27.33 5:00.40 -
17 Xaverian
B Jonathan Abulu, Stephen Tuite, River Ngan, Nicholas Del Rosario 5:20.12 5:58.75 3:54.57 4:27.69 4:35.96 4:16.65 3:18.70 -
18 LaSalle Academy A Amir Waiters, Jack Woodworth, Eamon Moogan, Adiyan Rahman 4:52.88 3:32.76 4:05.91 3:38.28 4:36.30 5:48.14 5:12.22 -
19 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
B Dylan Koelbel, Matthew Marzano, Nick Cooper, Kyrollos Ibrahim 3:48.72 4:28.26 4:48.02 5:04.96 4:42.37 5:04.96 5:55.79 -
20 Fordham Prep
D Lucas Passacantando, Jack Silkowski, Dakota Strain, Daniel Lang 4:57.17 5:00.03 5:34.32 4:08.60 4:45.74 4:02.88 3:25.74 -
21 Xavier
B Christian Walsh, Mason Mercier, Noah Duque, Leo Cymbalsky 6:08.11 5:24.64 4:32.46 4:44.06 4:49.85 6:13.91 4:49.85 -
22 Xavier
E Lucas Pia, Alexander Zervos, Tim Lupberger, Luca Evans 5:31.25 5:10.91 5:45.78 4:18.61 4:50.57 4:15.71 4:30.23 -
23 Fordham Prep
E Coakley Dolce, Ricardo Bravo, Luca Voli, Sebastian Vera 3:47.55 4:58.48 4:25.97 4:20.06 4:55.52 4:46.66 5:04.39 -
24 Fordham Prep
G Patrick Carey, Mehr Anand, Liam O'Sullivan, Johnnie Torres 6:17.02 4:00.46 5:23.58 6:11.08 4:56.86 3:33.74 6:02.17 -
25 Xavier
C Angel Huitzil, Sohan Shan, Michael Mcgreal, Anthony Lenza 3:35.77 3:29.77 4:02.74 5:23.65 4:59.67 4:14.72 4:11.73 -
26 Fordham Prep
F Edward Griffenkranz, Luis Andrade, Paul Culaj, Augustine Daudu 5:40.41 5:22.01 5:09.74 4:48.27 5:06.67 6:20.27 3:53.07 -
27 Monsignor Farrell A Michael DeLuca, Andrew White, Sean Meyers, Peter Mahoney 6:06.16 4:08.24 5:19.61 5:50.64 5:10.30 5:22.72 4:05.14 -
28 Xavier
D Paul Sarcona, Diego Ramos, Ethan Tamang, Kevin Peters 3:53.88 5:02.48 5:39.90 4:56.24 5:11.83 4:53.12 4:56.24 -
  Cardinal Spellman A Matthew Valle, Aiden Stewart, Jord Josephs DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS -
  Cardinal Hayes
C Brandon Smallwood, kevol craddock, Ethan Maduro, Teddy Holland DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS -
Boys 4 x 400m Relay Freshmen Section 1
1 Fordham Prep Gazso, Lulka, O'Brien, Disney 3:55.31 4:28.26 3:03.55 6
2 St. Anthony's Biegner, Conigliaro, Baer, Minguillon 3:59.46 4:28.20 4:54.54 4
4 Iona Prep Shea, Ocasio, O'Garro, Bravo 4:03.12 5:06.34 3:09.64 2
5 St. John the Baptist Aleaga, Bellino, Roman, Partyka 4:05.74 4:35.23 4:13.12 1
8 Mount St. Michael Mandola, Oboro, Walters, Stewart 4:21.16 4:15.94 4:18.55 -
16 Bishop Loughlin Clarke, Connor, Samuels, Henry 4:35.59 5:14.18 5:27.96 -
Boys 4 x 400m Relay Freshmen Section 2
3 Xaverian Najjar, Perkins, Conrath, Webb 3:17.26 4:00.55 3:22.07 4:00.55 3
7 Xavier Maroun, Mensah, Sencion, Smith 4:26.69 4:16.43 3:04.63 4:36.95 -
9 Fordham Prep
Peterman, Avery, Semprevivo, Lawless 4:23.79 4:21.17 5:02.96 4:52.51 -
10 Chaminade Touma, Hickis, Leidl, Daubel 5:28.19 4:24.67 5:38.78 4:51.14 -
11 Cardinal Hayes
Thompson, Berroa, Carke, Serrano 4:42.52 4:26.52 4:29.19 4:39.85 -
13 Cardinal Hayes Guerra, Perez, Darrell, Vargas 4:47.40 4:31.13 4:01.31 5:41.63 -
Boys 4 x 400m Relay Freshmen Section 3
6 Archbishop Molloy Gallagher, Girdusky, Georgiev, Tabarovsky 4:16.06 3:17.17 5:12.40 -
12 St. Joseph by-the-Sea Quick, Schuler, Bacetty, Adamita 4:29.96 4:35.36 3:41.37 -
14 Fordham Prep
Whealan, Delossantos, St. Hilaire, Guerrero 4:32.17 3:26.85 3:59.51 -
17 Xaverian
Abulu, Tuite, Ngan, Del Rosario 4:35.96 4:02.85 4:08.37 -
18 LaSalle Academy Waiters, Woodworth, Moogan, Rahman 4:36.30 3:49.33 5:01.17 -
21 Xavier
Walsh, Mercier, Duque, Cymbalsky 4:49.85 4:09.28 5:36.23 -
25 Xavier
Huitzil, Shan, Mcgreal, Lenza 4:59.67 3:41.76 5:59.61 -
28 Xavier
Sarcona, Ramos, Tamang, Peters 5:11.83 4:25.06 4:59.36 -
  Cardinal Hayes
Smallwood, craddock, Maduro, Holland DNS DNS DNS -
Boys 4 x 400m Relay Freshmen Section 4
15 St. John the Baptist
Means, Tinti, Leonardo-Cintro, Rosa 4:33.61 -
19 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Koelbel, Marzano, Cooper, Ibrahim 4:42.37 -
20 Fordham Prep
Passacantando, Silkowski, Strain, Lang 4:45.74 -
22 Xavier
Pia, Zervos, Lupberger, Evans 4:50.57 -
23 Fordham Prep
Dolce, Bravo, Voli, Vera 4:55.52 -
24 Fordham Prep
Carey, Anand, O'Sullivan, Torres 4:56.86 -
26 Fordham Prep
Griffenkranz, Andrade, Culaj, Daudu 5:06.67 -
27 Monsignor Farrell DeLuca, White, Meyers, Mahoney 5:10.30 -
  Cardinal Spellman Valle, Stewart, Josephs DNS -