December 7, 2019
Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex (Banked) - Staten Island, NY
200m (Banked)

Boys 1,600m Sprint Medley Division 1

1 Susan Wagner
B Jamel Allum, Michael Rodriguez King, John Vitucci, Christopher Adekoya 3:51.57 3:40.54
2 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
B Jason Marchese, Bradley Espejo, James Speciale, Corey Pisapia 3:46.01 3:48.29
3 Kellenberg
B Brian Williams, Norbert Okoye, Liam O'Reilly, Jason Decady 2:51.82 3:52.19
4 Susan Wagner A Sean Acosta, Yoseph Othman, Lucas Jervis, Christian Fernandez 4:39.80 3:53.16
5 Archbishop Molloy A Michael Hubert, Eric Akosah, Kamau Hawthorne, Christian Bien-Aime 3:23.09 3:53.43
6 Bishop Loughlin A Nyerere Hill, Joshua Jennings, Malique Williams, Jose Filion 4:24.75 3:54.29
7 Amityville A Jarrell Fisher, Jevaughnie Beadle, Faquan Nurse, Nil Patel 3:03.39 3:58.16
8 Kellenberg A Ronny Velasquez, Jose Rodriguez, Louis Idolor, Christian Calderon 4:37.21 3:58.97
9 LaSalle Academy A Shane Cruz, Matthew Toscano, Isaiah Brown, Elias Torres 3:34.57 4:01.09
10 St. Joseph by-the-Sea A Robert Nebel, Justin Alexander, Derek Espejo, Jake Panzella 4:19.61 4:02.62
11 Port Richmond A Vincent Ohenhen, Eric Minanda, matthew brown, caris lashley 2:54.70 4:02.64
12 Tottenville A Christian Pepe, David Potenza, Mohamed Khodir, Joseph Scamardella 4:35.96 4:04.21
13 McKee/Staten Island Tech A Jack Molloy, Adeland Lou, Paulo Renato, Baizhen Wang 4:35.97 4:08.62
14 Christ the King A Kevin Vu, Jayden Colorado, Keith Hernandez, Ewan McGrath 5:20.34 4:12.23
15 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
C Derek Delpriore, Thomas Napoli, Joshua Talabicon, Phil Peluso 4:16.27 4:16.27
16 Archbishop Molloy
C James Ligas, Tyler Hui, Ryan Merola, Matthew Gregoire 5:33.26 4:16.35
17 Archbishop Molloy
B Steve Quizhpilema, Nicholas Rodriguez, Sebastian Sabogal, Ben Sweeney 4:37.99 4:17.39
18 Tottenville
B Adrian Mysliwiec, Roan Masangya, Jake Viscuso, Cameron Banjany 5:09.74 4:18.11
19 McKee/Staten Island Tech
B William Deng, Andrew Ananthajah, Marvin Alhaddad, Omar Elmogazy 5:02.70 4:27.87
20 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
D Nate Sam, Connor Young, Nick Gagliardi, Colin Hunt 5:57.44 4:45.95
21 Moore Catholic A Ashton Padilla, Francesco Defiore, Joseph Arancio, Vincent Mirabella 5:02.47 5:39.85
Boys 1,600m Sprint Medley Division 1 Section 1
1 Susan Wagner
Allum, Rodriguez King, Vitucci, Adekoya 3:40.54 3:22.90 3:53.78 3:49.37 3:33.93 2:49.82
2 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Marchese, Espejo, Speciale, Pisapia 3:48.29 4:17.97 4:33.95 3:59.71 4:13.41 4:56.78
4 Susan Wagner Acosta, Othman, Jervis, Fernandez 3:53.16 4:32.80 4:04.82 4:23.47 3:43.84 3:39.17
6 Bishop Loughlin Hill, Jennings, Williams, Filion 3:54.29 4:38.81 4:52.87 3:51.95 3:16.81 4:57.55
10 St. Joseph by-the-Sea Nebel, Alexander, Espejo, Panzella 4:02.62 4:48.72 3:26.23 4:34.16 3:52.92 3:40.79
13 McKee/Staten Island Tech Molloy, Lou, Renato, Wang 4:08.62 4:28.51 4:01.17 3:11.44 3:08.96 4:11.11
Boys 1,600m Sprint Medley Division 1 Section 2
3 Kellenberg
Williams, Okoye, O'Reilly, Decady 3:52.19
5 Archbishop Molloy Hubert, Akosah, Hawthorne, Bien-Aime 3:53.43
7 Amityville Fisher, Beadle, Nurse, Patel 3:58.16
8 Kellenberg Velasquez, Rodriguez, Idolor, Calderon 3:58.97
9 LaSalle Academy Cruz, Toscano, Brown, Torres 4:01.09
11 Port Richmond Ohenhen, Minanda, brown, lashley 4:02.64
Boys 1,600m Sprint Medley Division 1 Section 3
12 Tottenville Pepe, Potenza, Khodir, Scamardella 3:00.72 4:04.21
14 Christ the King Vu, Colorado, Hernandez, McGrath 5:02.68 4:12.23
15 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Delpriore, Napoli, Talabicon, Peluso 5:30.59 4:16.27
16 Archbishop Molloy
Ligas, Hui, Merola, Gregoire 4:36.86 4:16.35
17 Archbishop Molloy
Quizhpilema, Rodriguez, Sabogal, Sweeney 4:07.10 4:17.39
18 Tottenville
Mysliwiec, Masangya, Viscuso, Banjany 3:49.72 4:18.11
19 McKee/Staten Island Tech
Deng, Ananthajah, Alhaddad, Elmogazy 3:28.94 4:27.87
20 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Sam, Young, Gagliardi, Hunt 5:00.25 4:45.95
21 Moore Catholic Padilla, Defiore, Arancio, Mirabella 4:04.70 5:39.85