April 23, 2022
South Carolina - Columbia, SC

Men's 3000 Meters

1 Adam Chase   Unattached 8:41.82
2 Branden Wood FR-1 Marshall 8:44.63
3 Evan White SO-2 Marshall 8:44.88
4 Thomas Macagg FR-1 Southern Wesleyan 8:52.88
5 Alex Ackerman JR-3 Davidson 8:53.70
6 Ted Sielatycki SO-2 East Carolina 8:56.05
7 Trey Felton SO-2 South Carolina St. 8:57.04
8 Colin McCauley FR-1 East Carolina 8:57.87
9 Jay Shanahan FR-1 Davidson 8:58.42
10 Henry Griffith FR-1 Davidson 9:00.12
11 Dylan McTigue FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:01.96
12 Ethan Hageman JR-3 East Carolina 9:02.88
13 Nigel Dos Santos JR-3 USC Upstate 9:04.88
14 Hammer Blair FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:06.72
15 Kent Bee SO-2 Marshall 9:12.66
16 Robert Perrecone SO-2 Citadel 9:17.64
17 Paul Sepulveda SO-2 Marshall 9:20.21
18 Nolan Weisdorfer FR-1 Winthrop 9:20.72
19 Jordan Thomas FR-1 Marshall 9:22.13
20 Jackson Reid FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:22.59
21 Jonathan Loy SR-4 USC Upstate 9:23.44
22 Nik Pettinga FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:25.04
23 Jared Keklak JR-3 USC Upstate 9:26.50
24 Jackson Wedge SO-2 Col. of Charleston 9:27.34
25 Nicholas Rienzo FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:29.62
26 Marvin Brooks SO-2 Winthrop 9:44.16
27 Joshua Keifer FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:47.54
28 Jeremiah Boyd SO-2 Winthrop 10:13.25
Men's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Adam Chase   Unattached 10:57.50 6:05.28 9:18.35 8:52.26 9:39.22 8:41.82 8:26.17
2 Branden Wood FR-1 Marshall 6:22.98 9:58.08 10:50.55 10:29.56 9:31.85 8:44.63 8:07.91
3 Evan White SO-2 Marshall 8:39.64 7:26.15 9:21.63 6:17.92 7:10.41 8:44.88 11:22.35
4 Thomas Macagg FR-1 Southern Wesleyan 10:02.16 8:42.23 10:12.82 8:04.92 11:11.43 8:52.88 9:46.17
5 Alex Ackerman JR-3 Davidson 8:59.04 6:29.61 6:56.29 9:31.06 9:57.75 8:53.70 8:53.70
6 Ted Sielatycki SO-2 East Carolina 9:33.58 10:59.35 10:59.35 10:27.18 6:15.24 8:56.05 7:08.84
8 Colin McCauley FR-1 East Carolina 7:37.19 11:23.10 9:14.01 8:14.84 9:35.52 8:57.87 7:21.06
9 Jay Shanahan FR-1 Davidson 8:47.66 7:59.20 8:15.35 7:21.51 11:07.64 8:58.42 9:09.19
10 Henry Griffith FR-1 Davidson 11:20.56 6:23.49 6:18.09 9:21.73 11:25.96 9:00.12 7:22.90
11 Dylan McTigue FR-1 Col. of Charleston 7:18.99 7:51.51 10:12.42 8:56.54 11:28.29 9:01.96 9:45.32
12 Ethan Hageman JR-3 East Carolina 8:30.31 8:24.88 9:08.31 11:02.32 7:25.17 9:02.88 8:52.03
14 Hammer Blair FR-1 Col. of Charleston 7:11.91 9:34.06 9:23.13 9:39.53 9:55.93 9:06.72 7:55.65
15 Kent Bee SO-2 Marshall 10:46.62 7:16.61 9:23.72 9:18.19 8:17.40 9:12.66 11:08.72
21 Jonathan Loy SR-4 USC Upstate 11:33.04 7:02.58 9:45.98 11:55.57 6:40.05 9:23.44 8:44.00
Men's 3000 Meters Section 2
7 Trey Felton SO-2 South Carolina St. 8:57.04
13 Nigel Dos Santos JR-3 USC Upstate 9:04.88
16 Robert Perrecone SO-2 Citadel 9:17.64
17 Paul Sepulveda SO-2 Marshall 9:20.21
18 Nolan Weisdorfer FR-1 Winthrop 9:20.72
19 Jordan Thomas FR-1 Marshall 9:22.13
20 Jackson Reid FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:22.59
22 Nik Pettinga FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:25.04
23 Jared Keklak JR-3 USC Upstate 9:26.50
24 Jackson Wedge SO-2 Col. of Charleston 9:27.34
25 Nicholas Rienzo FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:29.62
26 Marvin Brooks SO-2 Winthrop 9:44.16
27 Joshua Keifer FR-1 Col. of Charleston 9:47.54
28 Jeremiah Boyd SO-2 Winthrop 10:13.25