April 27-30, 2022
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8
1 | Ankeny Centennial-Northvi | JJ Morgan, Dylan Surat, Kyler Jones, Tate Duax | 47.70 |
2 | Meredith | Elias Young, Brandon Harrell, Tre'von Martin, Diyon Berry | 48.14 |
3 | Timberline, Waukee | Jayden Jeter, Tavian White, Xavyer Gutierrez, Beckett Bakker | 48.24 |
4 | Johnston MS | Alijah Armstrong, Taylor Halsrud, Matthew Urness, Jeremiah Armstrong | 48.39 |
5 | Ankeny Southview | RJ St. Romain, Ty Newhard, Owen Fischer, Treyton Grossman | 48.50 |
6 | Hoover, Waterloo | Bo Tee, Felix Annan, Deztin McMurrin, Jonathon Crassaco | 48.52 |
7 | Prairieview, Waukee | Brady Fitz, Ayden Gabrielson, Austin Van Horn, Ryan Woodruff | 48.54 |
8 | Drexler, Western Dubuque | Brett Harris, Brady Shekleton, Bradley Brosius, Ben Wernimont | 48.89 |
9 | St. Frances of Assisi | Jackson Fleming, Sam Drexler, Quinn Zediker, Jackson Miller | 49.34 |
10 | Ottumwa MS | Mason Gravett, Brannan Flatteny, Joel Halgren, Tucker Long | 49.52 |
11 | Waverly-Shell Rock | Gehrig Tibbits, Kael Dewey, Kellen O'Hare, Mekyver Hagerty | 49.75 |
12 | St. Anthony | Samson Amenu, Ben Papiti, Ian Middleton, Royce Middleton | 49.94 |
13 | Pella MS | Emmanuel Diers, David Garner, Riker Branderhorst, Landon Pliema | 49.94 |
14 | West Sioux, Hawarden | Alan Flores, Tanner Lynott, Brian Robles, Blake Wiggins | 49.96 |
15 | Indian Hills | Jacob Long, Jayden Brown, Aaron Toe, Blake Ranslow | 50.35 |
16 | Weeks | Owen Do, Alex Aguilar, Gay Hloo Saw, Clinton Brown | 50.55 |
17 | Callanan | Silvio Hermann, Keshaughn Hawkins, Coen Folkerts, TJ Bradford | 50.60 |
18 | Norwalk | Ethan Colorado, Jacob Gear, Mason Beaver, Isaac Beaver | 50.83 |
19 | Lawton-Bronson MS | Landon Grell, Cole Wagner, Connor Clausen, Britton Weiland | 50.91 |
20 | Urbandale | Jackson Sturdivant, Judah Reed, Brayden McCraney, Jacob Hughell | 51.57 |
21 | Sacred Heart | Charlie Cataldo, Nolan Strang, Griffin Boesen, Frank Nevitt | 51.63 |
22 | Des Moines Christian | Tyler Drefke, Brady Andrews, Malachi Osborne, Kyle Friend | 51.71 |
23 | Fort Dodge | Tayren Altman, Jaxson Deneklan, Caiden Fraher, Noah Daniel | 51.71 |
24 | Goodrell | Ryan Hernandez, Odenni Hoods, Emanuwel Ford-Davis, Damonte Hardiman | 52.76 |
25 | Merrill | Taylor Thompson, Blake Scott, Charlie Jones, Aidan Vens | 53.14 |
26 | Hiatt | Aaron Douglass, Gaberial Flores-Darwelos, Emmanuel Gibson, Kris Meza | 53.30 |
27 | Hoyt | Braiden Johnson, Landin Johnson, Adrian Roman, Kayden Johnson | 53.33 |
28 | Dallas Center Grimes | Joshua Glay, Edin Suljic, Sampson Johannsen, Dieudonne Kitumbika | 53.34 |
29 | St. Pius X | Luke Eischeid, Matthew Barreto, Alex Steichen, Ryan Bobo | 53.47 |
30 | Bondurant-Farrar | Brandon Weeks, Chase Rial, Connor Derrickson, Fenton Smith | 53.87 |
31 | Brody | Naz Ybarra, Larry Sharp, Hudson Wheelock, Artzel DeAvila | 53.95 |
32 | St. Theresa Catholic Scho | Owen Kuhn, Owen Neal, Jimmy Baumhouer, Jackson Smith | 55.48 |
33 | Eddyville Blakesburg Frem | Gavin Spaur, Anthony McAlister, Kyle Calhoun, Logan Kirkpatrick | 55.88 |
34 | McCombs | Raj Biswa, Xavier Bejarano, Teagan Pase, Michael McPharson | 55.89 |
35 | Dunkerton | Aiden Hesse, Wyatt Fettkether, Ledger Dalton, Colin Shyder | 56.27 |
36 | Colfax-Mingo | Izaiah Lewis, Fisher Grove, Jace Lewis, Wyatt Thornton | 56.82 |
37 | St. Augustin/Bergman Acad | Emmet Matitiasen, Jake Mathiasen, John Henry Bernsten, Arjun Mitta | 58.01 |
38 | Holy Trinity Catholic Sch | Colin Sullivan, Lucas Marson, Sam Vicker, Pat Sullivan | 59.21 |
39 | Harding | Gradly Garcia, James Colbert, Kyle Pierce, Logan Hansen | 59.54 |
40 | St. Luke the Evangelist | Lucas McNulty, Liam Juravich, Parker Whiting, Ian O'Brien | 1:01.86 |
Stilwell | Manny Roemmcch, Abe Kourouma, Cameron Ramsey, Noah Haoer | DQ | |
Indianola MS | Sam Guely, Zach Benge, Peyton Wilbur, Tate Lorton | DQ |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 1
2 | Meredith | Young, Harrell, Martin, Berry | 49.11 | 39.48 | 34.66 | 48.14 |
12 | St. Anthony | Amenu, Papiti, Middleton, Middleton | 1:01.93 | 54.94 | 43.45 | 49.94 |
21 | Sacred Heart | Cataldo, Strang, Boesen, Nevitt | 1:04.54 | 48.02 | 53.70 | 51.63 |
28 | Dallas Center Grimes | Glay, Suljic, Johannsen, Kitumbika | 48.54 | 52.81 | 1:04.55 | 53.34 |
31 | Brody | Ybarra, Sharp, Wheelock, DeAvila | 42.09 | 40.47 | 59.89 | 53.95 |
35 | Dunkerton | Hesse, Fettkether, Dalton, Shyder | 1:04.15 | 1:07.53 | 41.08 | 56.27 |
38 | Holy Trinity Catholic Sch | Sullivan, Marson, Vicker, Sullivan | 1:00.40 | 50.33 | 45.60 | 59.21 |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 2
7 | Prairieview, Waukee | Fitz, Gabrielson, Van Horn, Woodruff | 41.75 | 50.00 | 41.26 | 34.95 | 56.31 | 48.54 |
14 | West Sioux, Hawarden | Flores, Lynott, Robles, Wiggins | 1:02.45 | 50.46 | 51.46 | 41.97 | 56.46 | 49.96 |
16 | Weeks | Do, Aguilar, Saw, Brown | 41.96 | 56.11 | 1:02.69 | 1:02.69 | 55.61 | 50.55 |
18 | Norwalk | Colorado, Gear, Beaver, Beaver | 55.92 | 57.95 | 39.65 | 55.41 | 59.48 | 50.83 |
25 | Merrill | Thompson, Scott, Jones, Vens | 1:09.09 | 1:01.65 | 1:08.55 | 47.30 | 49.42 | 53.14 |
36 | Colfax-Mingo | Lewis, Grove, Lewis, Thornton | 53.41 | 47.73 | 41.48 | 52.28 | 49.44 | 56.82 |
40 | St. Luke the Evangelist | McNulty, Juravich, Whiting, O'Brien | 55.06 | 43.31 | 1:15.47 | 55.06 | 1:17.33 | 1:01.86 |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 3
1 | Ankeny Centennial-Northvi | Morgan, Surat, Jones, Duax | 49.61 | 47.70 | 48.18 | 47.23 |
8 | Drexler, Western Dubuque | Harris, Shekleton, Brosius, Wernimont | 39.60 | 48.89 | 1:03.07 | 42.54 |
15 | Indian Hills | Long, Brown, Toe, Ranslow | 40.79 | 50.35 | 37.26 | 43.81 |
17 | Callanan | Hermann, Hawkins, Folkerts, Bradford | 1:04.27 | 50.60 | 56.17 | 40.48 |
30 | Bondurant-Farrar | Weeks, Rial, Derrickson, Smith | 53.34 | 53.87 | 42.56 | 56.03 |
33 | Eddyville Blakesburg Frem | Spaur, McAlister, Calhoun, Kirkpatrick | 44.15 | 55.88 | 44.15 | 39.12 |
Stilwell | Roemmcch, Kourouma, Ramsey, Haoer | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 4
3 | Timberline, Waukee | Jeter, White, Gutierrez, Bakker | 40.04 | 38.11 | 45.83 | 51.14 | 48.24 | 40.04 |
9 | St. Frances of Assisi | Fleming, Drexler, Zediker, Miller | 58.72 | 49.34 | 1:01.68 | 59.21 | 49.34 | 37.50 |
19 | Lawton-Bronson MS | Grell, Wagner, Clausen, Weiland | 47.35 | 1:04.66 | 45.82 | 38.19 | 50.91 | 55.50 |
22 | Des Moines Christian | Drefke, Andrews, Osborne, Friend | 56.37 | 40.85 | 57.92 | 56.37 | 51.71 | 36.72 |
27 | Hoyt | Johnson, Johnson, Roman, Johnson | 51.20 | 43.20 | 1:00.80 | 43.20 | 53.33 | 37.33 |
29 | St. Pius X | Eischeid, Barreto, Steichen, Bobo | 55.61 | 58.29 | 42.78 | 59.36 | 53.47 | 40.64 |
37 | St. Augustin/Bergman Acad | Matitiasen, Mathiasen, Henry Bernsten, Mitta | 52.21 | 59.17 | 1:06.14 | 1:05.56 | 58.01 | 1:01.49 |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 5
5 | Ankeny Southview | St. Romain, Newhard, Fischer, Grossman | 36.38 | 40.26 | 35.41 | 33.95 | 48.50 | 54.81 |
6 | Hoover, Waterloo | Tee, Annan, McMurrin, Crassaco | 52.41 | 53.86 | 54.35 | 1:00.17 | 48.52 | 59.68 |
10 | Ottumwa MS | Gravett, Flatteny, Halgren, Long | 55.47 | 1:01.41 | 1:03.39 | 50.02 | 49.52 | 48.04 |
11 | Waverly-Shell Rock | Tibbits, Dewey, O'Hare, Hagerty | 43.78 | 48.76 | 59.70 | 57.22 | 49.75 | 44.78 |
24 | Goodrell | Hernandez, Hoods, Ford-Davis, Hardiman | 40.10 | 46.43 | 1:07.54 | 50.65 | 52.76 | 40.63 |
39 | Harding | Garcia, Colbert, Pierce, Hansen | 1:05.50 | 58.95 | 1:06.09 | 54.19 | 59.54 | 1:03.71 |
Indianola MS | Guely, Benge, Wilbur, Lorton | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 6
4 | Johnston MS | Armstrong, Halsrud, Urness, Armstrong | 48.39 |
13 | Pella MS | Diers, Garner, Branderhorst, Pliema | 49.94 |
20 | Urbandale | Sturdivant, Reed, McCraney, Hughell | 51.57 |
23 | Fort Dodge | Altman, Deneklan, Fraher, Daniel | 51.71 |
26 | Hiatt | Douglass, Flores-Darwelos, Gibson, Meza | 53.30 |
32 | St. Theresa Catholic Scho | Kuhn, Neal, Baumhouer, Smith | 55.48 |
34 | McCombs | Biswa, Bejarano, Pase, McPharson | 55.89 |