January 27-28, 2023
Washington-Dempsey Indoor - Seattle, WA
307m (Flat)

Men's 3000 Meters

1 Isaac Updike   NIKE 7:52.48
2 Zach Stallings   Unattached 7:54.76
3 Wil Smith SO-2 Gonzaga 7:55.98
4 Ahmed Ibrahim SO-2 Boise State 7:56.23
5 Zak Kirk SR-4 Portland 7:57.49
6 Cameron Proceviat   Unattached 7:59.38
7 Cole Nash SO-2 Alaska Anchorage 8:03.41
8 Estanis Ruiz SO-2 Portland 8:03.75
9 Turner Wiley   Club Northwest/Tracksmith 8:04.28
10 Ian Sanchez Lopez SO-2 Arizona 8:04.37
11 Ahmed Sado SO-2 Portland 8:04.84
12 Caleb Garnica SR-4 Utah State 8:04.95
13 Aidan Palmer SO-2 Boise State 8:05.50
14 Jonas Gertsen JR-3 Portland 8:05.67
15 Teddy Buckley JR-3 Portland 8:06.06
16 Daniel Abdala SO-2 Portland 8:06.75
17 John Bennett SR-4 Cal Poly 8:07.04
18 Murdoch McIntyre SO-2 Boise State 8:07.11
19 Isaiah Labra SO-2 Southern Utah 8:07.57
20 Xian Shively JR-3 Cal Poly 8:07.61
21 Santiago Gaitan SO-2 Southern Utah 8:07.75
22 Nathan Dunn JR-3 Boise State 8:08.04
23 Jacob Pyeatt SO-2 Arkansas State 8:08.19
24 Tyrone Gorze   Unattached 8:08.35
25 Sam Affolder SO-2 Washington 8:08.92
26 Brian Barsaiya JR-3 Washington St. 8:09.87
27 Mohammed Jouhari FR-1 Boise State 8:10.64
28 Mark Crandall SR-4 Utah State 8:10.89
29 Travis Feeny SO-2 Southern Utah 8:12.56
30 Aidan Dimick FR-1 Cal Poly 8:12.76
31 Chris Anderson SO-2 Portland 8:14.58
32 Spencer Thurman JR-3 Cal Poly 8:14.98
33 Chase Howard   BTC Elite 8:15.76
34 Cooper Laird SO-2 Gonzaga 8:15.77
35 Harvey Chilcott JR-3 Santa Clara 8:16.13
36 Ben Drew SR-4 Portland State 8:16.50
37 Riley Moore JR-3 Gonzaga 8:16.70
38 Cullen McEachern   Unattached 8:16.79
39 Ollie Newman JR-3 Boise State 8:16.84
40 Ishaan Singh SO-2 Santa Clara 8:16.92
41 Daniel Damian Sophomore U. of Victoria 8:17.08
42 Nolan Hosbein FR-1 Portland 8:17.26
43 Abesolom Teffra SO-2 Fresno Pacific 8:17.43
44 Coleman Cragun SO-2 Southern Utah 8:17.64
45 Anton Kuipers Junior U. of Victoria 8:18.00
46 James Crabtree   Unattached 8:18.43
47 Josh Jarpey JR-3 Portland State 8:18.43
48 Leif Swanson SO-2 Washington St. 8:18.45
49 Nicola DiMartino SO-2 Gonzaga 8:20.00
50 Aidan Baughan SO-2 Gonzaga 8:20.14
51 Grayson Young SO-2 Arkansas State 8:20.72
52 Alex Durant FR-1 Boise State 8:20.90
53 Dalton Kaines FR-1 Portland 8:20.97
54 Leo Donlea SR-4 Portland 8:21.34
55 Bryce Cerkowniak SO-2 Gonzaga 8:21.66
56 Abdi Ibrahim JR-3 Portland State 8:22.71
57 Sam Griffith JR-3 Washington St. 8:22.72
58 Jaxon Kuchar Freshman U. of Victoria 8:23.53
59 Paul Talens SO-2 Gonzaga 8:24.25
60 Jeremiah Mackie SO-2 Gonzaga 8:24.61
61 Mason Kissell FR-1 Gonzaga 8:26.26
62 Daniel Sealand   BTC Elite 8:26.28
63 Kelvin Limo SO-2 Washington St. 8:26.91
64 Ansel Tucker SO-2 Gonzaga 8:27.90
65 Ty Davis SO-2 Weber State 8:28.47
66 Michael Chambers FR-1 Cal Poly 8:29.59
67 Samuel Lingwall JR-3 Portland State 8:30.87
68 Jackson Lyne JR-3 Gonzaga 8:32.92
69 Gabe VanHezewijk Senior U. of Victoria 8:34.31
70 Will Thorsett SO-2 Gonzaga 8:34.67
71 Jacob Lawrence SO-2 Washington St. 8:37.89
72 Carp Mukai SO-2 Gonzaga 8:39.21
73 Micah Goff   BTC Elite 8:41.53
74 Ben Sherman JR-3 Boise State 8:44.59
75 Grayson Wilcott FR-1 Washington St. 8:49.67
76 Andrew Ho FR-1 Santa Clara 8:58.60
77 Ares Reading JR-3 Santa Clara 8:59.11
78 Jesus Avalos SR-4 Alaska Anchorage 9:00.95
  Bridger Altice JR-3 Utah State DNF
  Spencer Nelson SO-2 Utah State DNF
  Max Wehrli SO-2 Utah State DNF
  Grant Grosvenor   Unattached DNF
Men's 3000 Meters Section 1
35 Harvey Chilcott JR-3 Santa Clara 6:02.18 8:16.13
45 Anton Kuipers Junior U. of Victoria 7:13.26 8:18.00
49 Nicola DiMartino SO-2 Gonzaga 6:05.00 8:20.00
50 Aidan Baughan SO-2 Gonzaga 6:25.11 8:20.14
51 Grayson Young SO-2 Arkansas State 7:00.61 8:20.72
53 Dalton Kaines FR-1 Portland 8:30.99 8:20.97
58 Jaxon Kuchar Freshman U. of Victoria 7:13.04 8:23.53
59 Paul Talens SO-2 Gonzaga 10:10.15 8:24.25
60 Jeremiah Mackie SO-2 Gonzaga 10:45.90 8:24.61
61 Mason Kissell FR-1 Gonzaga 8:31.33 8:26.26
64 Ansel Tucker SO-2 Gonzaga 7:47.27 8:27.90
68 Jackson Lyne JR-3 Gonzaga 7:15.99 8:32.92
69 Gabe VanHezewijk Senior U. of Victoria 6:51.45 8:34.31
70 Will Thorsett SO-2 Gonzaga 11:03.93 8:34.67
71 Jacob Lawrence SO-2 Washington St. 9:50.40 8:37.89
72 Carp Mukai SO-2 Gonzaga 10:07.48 8:39.21
75 Grayson Wilcott FR-1 Washington St. 9:58.53 8:49.67
76 Andrew Ho FR-1 Santa Clara 9:20.15 8:58.60
78 Jesus Avalos SR-4 Alaska Anchorage 10:11.28 9:00.95
Men's 3000 Meters Section 2
23 Jacob Pyeatt SO-2 Arkansas State 8:08.19 7:24.26
26 Brian Barsaiya JR-3 Washington St. 8:09.87 10:07.44
28 Mark Crandall SR-4 Utah State 8:10.89 10:33.25
34 Cooper Laird SO-2 Gonzaga 8:15.77 10:29.63
39 Ollie Newman JR-3 Boise State 8:16.84 8:51.62
40 Ishaan Singh SO-2 Santa Clara 8:16.92 7:22.26
41 Daniel Damian Sophomore U. of Victoria 8:17.08 7:02.52
42 Nolan Hosbein FR-1 Portland 8:17.26 10:46.44
43 Abesolom Teffra SO-2 Fresno Pacific 8:17.43 7:32.67
44 Coleman Cragun SO-2 Southern Utah 8:17.64 8:02.71
46 James Crabtree   Unattached 8:18.43 8:08.47
48 Leif Swanson SO-2 Washington St. 8:18.45 6:03.87
52 Alex Durant FR-1 Boise State 8:20.90 9:16.00
54 Leo Donlea SR-4 Portland 8:21.34 9:46.57
55 Bryce Cerkowniak SO-2 Gonzaga 8:21.66 8:01.60
62 Daniel Sealand   BTC Elite 8:26.28 8:31.35
63 Kelvin Limo SO-2 Washington St. 8:26.91 6:15.12
73 Micah Goff   BTC Elite 8:41.53 6:52.01
74 Ben Sherman JR-3 Boise State 8:44.59 11:06.23
  Max Wehrli SO-2 Utah State DNF DNF
Men's 3000 Meters Section 3
11 Ahmed Sado SO-2 Portland 8:04.84 9:17.57 9:17.57 9:36.96 7:11.51 6:08.48 9:22.42
13 Aidan Palmer SO-2 Boise State 8:05.50 6:18.69 6:18.69 6:23.55 6:18.69 7:16.95 7:26.66
15 Teddy Buckley JR-3 Portland 8:06.06 6:48.29 6:28.85 8:44.95 7:22.32 6:28.85 6:14.27
16 Daniel Abdala SO-2 Portland 8:06.75 9:00.30 6:39.14 8:06.75 8:01.89 7:03.48 8:55.43
17 John Bennett SR-4 Cal Poly 8:07.04 8:36.27 9:24.97 7:52.43 9:24.97 6:39.38 7:47.56
18 Murdoch McIntyre SO-2 Boise State 8:07.11 10:23.50 10:18.63 8:26.60 8:36.34 5:50.72 7:33.02
21 Santiago Gaitan SO-2 Southern Utah 8:07.75 6:39.96 7:28.73 9:06.28 9:45.30 10:24.32 7:48.24
22 Nathan Dunn JR-3 Boise State 8:08.04 7:53.40 9:01.73 8:27.57 9:55.41 8:27.57 7:33.88
29 Travis Feeny SO-2 Southern Utah 8:12.56 6:53.75 8:12.56 7:18.38 7:23.31 9:01.82 8:47.04
30 Aidan Dimick FR-1 Cal Poly 8:12.76 8:47.26 6:19.43 8:42.33 8:52.18 7:33.34 10:35.66
31 Chris Anderson SO-2 Portland 8:14.58 7:25.13 8:54.15 8:49.20 9:53.50 8:24.48 8:29.42
33 Chase Howard   BTC Elite 8:15.76 7:36.10 10:44.49 8:20.72 9:10.30 6:11.82 9:05.34
36 Ben Drew SR-4 Portland State 8:16.50 7:56.64 7:56.64 5:47.55 6:07.41 6:47.13 7:31.82
37 Riley Moore JR-3 Gonzaga 8:16.70 6:27.43 7:27.03 9:31.21 10:35.78 8:01.80 7:32.00
47 Josh Jarpey JR-3 Portland State 8:18.43 7:28.59 8:13.45 8:43.36 9:23.23 5:48.91 8:48.34
56 Abdi Ibrahim JR-3 Portland State 8:22.71 8:22.71 7:02.28 9:02.93 6:01.96 9:28.07 8:07.63
57 Sam Griffith JR-3 Washington St. 8:22.72 9:23.05 7:47.53 9:23.05 8:37.81 9:53.21 6:06.99
65 Ty Davis SO-2 Weber State 8:28.47 11:01.02 10:20.34 9:49.83 6:46.78 9:54.91 8:48.81
67 Samuel Lingwall JR-3 Portland State 8:30.87 9:47.50 6:38.48 6:58.92 10:43.70 8:25.77 6:33.37
  Spencer Nelson SO-2 Utah State DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
Men's 3000 Meters Section 4
7 Cole Nash SO-2 Alaska Anchorage 8:03.41
9 Turner Wiley   Club Northwest/Tracksmith 8:04.28
12 Caleb Garnica SR-4 Utah State 8:04.95
19 Isaiah Labra SO-2 Southern Utah 8:07.57
27 Mohammed Jouhari FR-1 Boise State 8:10.64
32 Spencer Thurman JR-3 Cal Poly 8:14.98
38 Cullen McEachern   Unattached 8:16.79
66 Michael Chambers FR-1 Cal Poly 8:29.59
77 Ares Reading JR-3 Santa Clara 8:59.11
  Bridger Altice JR-3 Utah State DNF
Men's 3000 Meters Section 5
1 Isaac Updike   NIKE 9:31.70 6:27.44 8:58.63 8:44.46 8:44.46 7:52.48 8:44.46
2 Zach Stallings   Unattached 9:20.22 6:00.82 9:24.97 7:54.76 9:43.96 7:54.76 6:43.55
3 Wil Smith SO-2 Gonzaga 6:39.83 7:17.91 7:03.63 5:33.19 6:35.07 7:55.98 9:02.62
4 Ahmed Ibrahim SO-2 Boise State 7:03.85 6:25.75 6:54.32 9:45.77 10:19.10 7:56.23 5:52.41
5 Zak Kirk SR-4 Portland 8:16.59 8:35.69 6:17.22 7:09.75 8:07.04 7:57.49 5:58.12
6 Cameron Proceviat   Unattached 7:49.80 7:30.62 7:11.45 6:23.51 8:13.77 7:59.38 7:59.38
8 Estanis Ruiz SO-2 Portland 5:43.47 9:40.50 9:11.48 10:14.37 8:08.59 8:03.75 6:41.52
10 Ian Sanchez Lopez SO-2 Arizona 7:30.47 9:55.78 7:45.00 5:53.59 6:27.50 8:04.37 7:35.31
14 Jonas Gertsen JR-3 Portland 6:52.82 6:38.25 7:12.25 5:44.83 7:55.96 8:05.67 6:23.68
20 Xian Shively JR-3 Cal Poly 10:24.14 8:51.50 8:41.75 9:45.14 6:30.09 8:07.61 7:23.73
24 Tyrone Gorze   Unattached 6:35.57 7:14.64 9:36.26 7:48.82 6:40.45 8:08.35 9:36.26
25 Sam Affolder SO-2 Washington 7:05.36 9:22.26 5:52.03 6:50.70 9:46.71 8:08.92 7:34.70
  Grant Grosvenor   Unattached DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF