April 13-15, 2023
Azusa Pacific (O) - Azusa, CA

Women's 4 x 400 Relay

1 NW Missouri A Chloe Saenz, Luisarys Toledo, Kennedi Cline, Tiffany Hughey 3:31.20 3:18.27 4:07.84 2:35.17 3:57.07 3:35.51 4:07.84
2 North Dakota State A Nell Graham, Kendra Kelley, Bailee Dierks, Angel Pratt 3:17.75 2:38.20 3:55.10 3:33.13 4:25.87 3:39.72 3:22.15
3 Winona State A Regan Feit, Alyssa Larson, Brooklyn Schyvinck, Shereen Vallabouy 3:04.37 3:59.90 3:02.15 4:35.45 4:11.01 3:42.13 4:48.77
4 Montana State A Madison Smith, Peyton Garrison, Giulia Gandolfi, Caroline Hawkes 3:28.99 3:37.89 2:40.08 4:29.02 3:31.22 3:42.33 4:00.12
5 Azusa Pacific A Kiayra Holmes, Trinity Miller, Alayna Verner, Jaylah Walker 4:31.41 4:24.73 2:42.40 4:42.53 2:35.73 3:42.46 2:46.85
6 Mid. Tenn. State A Leonie Beu, Francisca Jebor, Pamela Milano, Glory Nyenke 4:40.61 2:49.26 3:09.30 3:40.48 3:18.21 3:42.70 2:53.71
7 NW Missouri
B Olivia Sattlefield, Jaedy Commins, Bailey Blake, Kaylee Harp 4:04.35 4:40.22 4:33.49 3:17.27 3:17.27 3:44.17 3:48.66
8 New Mexico A Rebecca Grieve, Logan Neely, Analisa Ibarra, Annamaria Leszczynska 3:01.61 4:44.74 3:37.48 3:50.93 3:19.54 3:44.20 4:04.38
9 Colo. Sch. of Mines A Amena Nelson, Grace Galvin, Mackenzie Duck, Aryelle Wright 2:50.59 3:24.25 4:22.61 3:35.48 2:41.61 3:44.45 2:52.83
10 Fort Hays St. A Lyric Holman, Reba Mader, Taylor Savolt, Mattie Rossi 4:30.77 3:16.31 4:08.21 4:08.21 4:12.72 3:45.64 3:47.90
11 Southern Utah A Maya Benjamin, Jentry Skidmore, Savannah Nielson, Shante Myrie 3:33.18 3:33.18 2:41.02 3:17.30 2:38.75 3:46.78 3:21.84
12 Pittsburg St. A Maddie O'Neill, Kinleigh Hall, Matti Price, Nakiya Marshall 3:21.98 2:43.40 2:57.02 3:35.60 3:56.02 3:46.94 4:36.87
13 Chico State A Savannah Bailey, Taylor Lee, Danielle Bacon, Chloe Taylor 4:28.02 3:17.61 3:15.34 3:51.68 2:43.54 3:47.13 3:35.78
14 Utah Valley A Ella Hopper, Amy Ballard, Kali McEuen, Larissa Dabb 4:12.55 4:51.23 4:37.58 3:06.57 4:10.28 3:47.52 3:27.05
15 Washburn A Kereser Augustin, Ashley Heavner, Katelyn Jones, Isabella Hohl 4:45.42 4:27.15 3:52.90 3:09.52 4:29.43 3:48.33 4:43.13
16 Northern Illinois A Talayssia Sanders, Jahnetta Jones, Roshell Rowe, Kennedy Crawford 3:39.72 4:39.23 2:51.66 4:52.96 4:55.25 3:48.87 3:44.30
17 U-Mary A Morgan Hertz, Ava Grimm, Grace Acheson, Sakena Massiah 4:21.16 4:53.51 3:07.20 3:53.43 4:04.98 3:51.11 4:04.98
18 Central Michigan A Peyton Korytkowski, Annie Laurenz, Emma Francis, Emma Fountain 2:45.88 3:45.12 3:49.86 2:57.72 3:26.16 3:56.96 4:11.18
19 Missouri Western A Aneesa Abdul-Hameed, Alexis Adams, Paige Kvale, Sherine Van Der Westhui 4:02.27 3:29.02 3:55.15 4:28.40 4:40.28 3:57.52 5:04.03
20 Biola A Sophia Morris, Audrey Mousa, Robin Ahlquist, Maria Vidal Poy 2:58.88 4:55.74 3:27.50 3:22.73 4:50.97 3:58.50 4:46.20
21 Fort Hays St.
B Chloe Stanley, Kinley Brown, Tori Poe, Jasey Downing 3:53.92 3:49.15 3:10.96 3:06.18 3:18.12 3:58.69 3:53.92
22 San Francisco St. A Lauren George, Assata Polk, Sabryn Knight, Dami Oyatayo 2:59.07 4:15.48 2:54.30 3:13.40 3:46.83 3:58.76 4:46.52
23 Cal Poly Pomona A Megan Shadrick, Tianna Jardstrom, Susie Fowler, Sarelis Villalobos 4:49.21 3:20.77 2:47.31 3:25.55 3:49.45 3:59.01 4:49.21
24 CUI A Madison Fearon, Logan Nelson, Ruby Bishop, Jaela Thornburg 5:08.51 4:49.38 3:51.98 4:03.94 3:23.28 3:59.15 3:59.15
25 St. Thomas (Minn.) A Hannah Cornelius, Olivia Keller, Hailey Hindt, Alicia Belany 3:47.48 2:57.20 3:04.38 4:30.58 4:56.92 3:59.45 4:04.24
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
1 NW Missouri Saenz, Toledo, Cline, Hughey 3:35.51 4:27.24 4:31.55 2:41.64
2 North Dakota State Graham, Kelley, Dierks, Pratt 3:39.72 4:23.67 3:44.12 3:15.55
3 Winona State Feit, Larson, Schyvinck, Vallabouy 3:42.13 3:57.68 3:42.13 3:33.25
5 Azusa Pacific Holmes, Miller, Verner, Walker 3:42.46 2:37.95 3:20.22 3:51.36
7 NW Missouri
Sattlefield, Commins, Blake, Harp 3:44.17 2:50.37 3:50.90 3:08.31
8 New Mexico Grieve, Neely, Ibarra, Leszczynska 3:44.20 3:41.96 2:59.36 4:33.53
16 Northern Illinois Sanders, Jones, Rowe, Crawford 3:48.87 2:51.66 4:50.67 2:47.08
18 Central Michigan Korytkowski, Laurenz, Francis, Fountain 3:56.96 3:07.20 5:00.94 3:33.27
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
4 Montana State Smith, Garrison, Gandolfi, Hawkes 2:48.97 3:42.33 3:33.44 4:40.14 2:37.86
6 Mid. Tenn. State Beu, Jebor, Milano, Nyenke 4:07.20 3:42.70 2:40.35 3:47.16 3:53.84
9 Colo. Sch. of Mines Nelson, Galvin, Duck, Wright 2:50.59 3:44.45 3:17.52 3:57.92 3:13.03
10 Fort Hays St. Holman, Mader, Savolt, Rossi 3:27.59 3:45.64 4:10.46 3:20.82 3:23.08
11 Southern Utah Benjamin, Skidmore, Nielson, Myrie 2:59.16 3:46.78 3:28.64 4:25.34 2:43.29
12 Pittsburg St. O'Neill, Hall, Price, Marshall 3:40.14 3:46.94 3:51.48 2:57.02 2:43.40
14 Utah Valley Hopper, Ballard, McEuen, Dabb 3:54.35 3:47.52 3:31.60 3:52.07 4:14.83
15 Washburn Augustin, Heavner, Jones, Hohl 3:48.33 3:48.33 3:09.52 3:36.92 2:51.25
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 3
13 Chico State Bailey, Lee, Bacon, Taylor 3:47.13
17 U-Mary Hertz, Grimm, Acheson, Massiah 3:51.11
19 Missouri Western Abdul-Hameed, Adams, Kvale, Van Der Westhui 3:57.52
21 Fort Hays St.
Stanley, Brown, Poe, Downing 3:58.69
23 Cal Poly Pomona Shadrick, Jardstrom, Fowler, Villalobos 3:59.01
24 CUI Fearon, Nelson, Bishop, Thornburg 3:59.15
25 St. Thomas (Minn.) Cornelius, Keller, Hindt, Belany 3:59.45
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 4
20 Biola Morris, Mousa, Ahlquist, Vidal Poy 3:58.50 5:02.90
22 San Francisco St. George, Polk, Knight, Oyatayo 3:58.76 4:27.42