March 24, 2023
UCLA - Los Angeles, CA

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Mia Barnett SO-2 UCLA 4:14.95
2 Ryley Fick SR-4 Long Beach St. 4:24.12
3 Gwyn George SR-4 UCLA 4:24.44
4 Halle Hill SO-2 Illinois 4:25.88
5 Ashley Johnson JR-3 UCLA 4:26.16
6 Emma Milburn JR-3 Illinois 4:28.07
7 Mia Bergman FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 4:28.15
8 Tracy Towns JR-3 Illinois 4:29.59
9 Rosie Linkus Senior Unattached 4:30.38
10 Sophia Hoelzel SR-4 UCLA 4:31.63
11 Malia Gay SO-2 UC Irvine 4:32.61
12 Kaho Cichon FR-1 UCLA 4:33.11
13 Sam Poglitsch SO-2 Illinois 4:33.15
14 Emily Clarke JR-3 Nevada 4:33.98
15 Cathy Salazar-Gasca JR-3 UC Irvine 4:34.06
16 Hannah Fredericks SO-2 The Master's 4:34.87
17 Madison Marasco JR-3 Illinois 4:35.76
18 Chloe Browne FR-1 UCLA 4:36.19
19 Claire Selleck SR-4 UCLA 4:36.34
20 Bella Browne FR-1 UCLA 4:37.52
21 Lydia Malecek SO-2 Illinois 4:38.18
22 Hailey Golmon Junior Unattached 4:38.20
23 Laura Velasco JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 4:38.98
24 Eva Rethmeier JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 4:39.89
25 Dana McGrath SR-4 Cal St. Fullerton 4:40.16
26 Miliana Perez FR-1 UCLA 4:41.03
27 Lauren Wagner JR-3 Loyola Marymount 4:41.21
28 Olivia Miller SR-4 Pepperdine 4:41.37
29 Rebecca Craddock SR-4 Illinois 4:42.60
30 Jicel Fernandez Ramirez JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 4:42.75
31 Chiara Bonomi Sophomore Unattached 4:43.22
32 Jaxin Woodward JR-3 Long Beach St. 4:43.72
33 Ashlynn Viramontes FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 4:44.33
34 Kylee Denver FR-1 Nevada 4:46.30
35 Makena Castillo FR-1 UC Irvine 4:47.40
36 Bella Smith FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 4:48.41
37 Olivia Liuson SO-2 UC Irvine 4:49.18
38 Audrey Hill FR-1 Arkansas Tech 4:51.23
39 Tessa Chen JR-3 Long Beach St. 4:52.58
40 Claire Livengood JR-3 UC Irvine 4:53.35
41 Emily Olson SR-4 Cal St. Fullerton 4:54.29
42 Quinn Roldan FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 4:54.51
43 Marina Soares JR-3 Loyola Marymount 4:54.60
44 Sarah Jamil SR-4 Cal St. Fullerton 4:55.28
45 Kaitlyn Atkinson SO-2 Cal St. Fullerton 4:56.27
46 Ellen Palmgren JR-3 The Master's 4:56.97
47 Leann Hamilton JR-3 CSUN 4:57.81
48 Megan La Camera SO-2 Pepperdine 4:58.40
49 Alyssa Tapanes FR-1 Long Beach St. 4:58.59
50 Tea Akiaten SO-2 UC Irvine 4:59.48
51 Sally Silengo JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 5:00.72
52 Ashley Eagan FR-1 Pepperdine 5:00.83
53 Estella Knobbe FR-1 UC Irvine 5:01.63
54 Caroline Graham FR-1 Pepperdine 5:02.58
55 Abby Winter FR-1 Pepperdine 5:02.78
56 Roxane Thomas SO-2 UC Irvine 5:03.27
57 Madison Elliott JR-3 UC Irvine 5:03.85
58 Kimberly Pena JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 5:04.66
59 Katie Farr JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 5:05.24
60 Savannah Shaw FR-1 Pepperdine 5:06.60
61 Elizabeth Melcher FR-1 UC Irvine 5:11.74
62 Sophia Zago SO-2 UC Irvine 5:11.81
63 Nikki Fulcomer JR-3 UC Irvine 5:16.36
64 Caroline Fleenor SO-2 Pepperdine 5:16.63
65 Elle Shrader SO-2 Pepperdine 5:17.24
66 Faith Talbott FR-1 Pepperdine 5:26.56
67 Serena Duenas FR-1 Cal St. Los Angeles 5:29.76
68 ZOE Smith Freshman Unattached 5:32.68
69 Hannah Renager FR-1 Pepperdine 5:35.23
70 Brooke Bakken SO-2 Pepperdine 5:44.79
  Rose Pittman JR-3 UCLA DNF
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Mia Barnett SO-2 UCLA 3:29.06 4:14.95 3:21.41
2 Ryley Fick SR-4 Long Beach St. 5:27.51 4:24.12 4:00.35
3 Gwyn George SR-4 UCLA 3:50.07 4:24.44 4:48.24
4 Halle Hill SO-2 Illinois 4:49.81 4:25.88 3:24.73
5 Ashley Johnson JR-3 UCLA 3:43.58 4:26.16 5:35.37
6 Emma Milburn JR-3 Illinois 5:43.13 4:28.07 3:34.46
8 Tracy Towns JR-3 Illinois 4:05.33 4:29.59 5:47.78
9 Rosie Linkus Senior Unattached 3:47.12 4:30.38 3:41.72
10 Sophia Hoelzel SR-4 UCLA 4:42.50 4:31.63 4:58.80
12 Kaho Cichon FR-1 UCLA 4:41.31 4:33.11 5:16.81
13 Sam Poglitsch SO-2 Illinois 4:35.89 4:33.15 5:19.59
16 Hannah Fredericks SO-2 The Master's 4:12.88 4:34.87 4:23.88
18 Chloe Browne FR-1 UCLA 4:19.62 4:36.19 5:20.38
20 Bella Browne FR-1 UCLA 3:36.47 4:37.52 5:38.58
46 Ellen Palmgren JR-3 The Master's 4:42.13 4:56.97 6:02.31
  Rose Pittman JR-3 UCLA DNF DNF DNF
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
7 Mia Bergman FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 3:21.12 4:20.11 5:11.06 4:28.15 3:53.29 4:20.11 4:46.92
11 Malia Gay SO-2 UC Irvine 5:05.33 3:35.37 5:43.49 4:32.61 5:35.31 4:29.89 5:40.77
14 Emily Clarke JR-3 Nevada 5:01.38 5:26.04 5:28.78 4:33.98 3:36.45 3:20.01 3:14.53
15 Cathy Salazar-Gasca JR-3 UC Irvine 4:58.73 4:01.18 4:53.25 4:34.06 3:28.29 5:56.28 4:25.84
21 Lydia Malecek SO-2 Illinois 4:18.71 5:39.38 4:18.71 4:38.18 3:31.42 5:11.57 3:42.55
22 Hailey Golmon Junior Unattached 5:42.19 3:20.31 5:22.72 4:38.20 5:11.59 4:10.38 5:53.32
24 Eva Rethmeier JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 5:41.47 3:57.91 5:13.48 4:39.89 5:10.68 6:03.86 5:13.48
25 Dana McGrath SR-4 Cal St. Fullerton 4:54.17 5:50.20 4:40.16 4:40.16 5:08.18 5:02.58 3:18.92
27 Lauren Wagner JR-3 Loyola Marymount 5:54.33 5:17.77 5:12.15 4:41.21 5:59.95 5:00.90 4:27.15
28 Olivia Miller SR-4 Pepperdine 5:17.95 3:28.22 3:53.54 4:41.37 4:30.12 6:05.79 5:03.88
29 Rebecca Craddock SR-4 Illinois 4:36.95 4:20.00 5:41.95 4:42.60 4:14.34 4:14.34 5:44.78
30 Jicel Fernandez Ramirez JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 6:07.58 4:59.72 5:16.68 4:42.75 5:44.96 4:37.10 4:59.72
37 Olivia Liuson SO-2 UC Irvine 3:36.89 3:39.78 5:23.89 4:49.18 3:28.21 4:28.94 4:34.73
40 Claire Livengood JR-3 UC Irvine 5:54.96 4:15.22 6:03.76 4:53.35 3:54.68 4:18.15 3:54.68
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
17 Madison Marasco JR-3 Illinois 3:15.79 3:57.16 4:35.76 3:57.16 3:48.88 4:44.04 4:41.28
19 Claire Selleck SR-4 UCLA 3:16.21 3:13.44 4:36.34 4:41.87 3:21.73 4:14.24 5:34.38
23 Laura Velasco JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 5:12.46 4:11.09 4:38.98 4:11.09 5:51.52 4:50.14 3:34.82
26 Miliana Perez FR-1 UCLA 5:54.10 3:16.72 4:41.03 4:07.31 3:27.97 4:07.31 4:32.60
31 Chiara Bonomi Sophomore Unattached 4:37.56 4:34.73 4:43.22 4:34.73 3:35.25 4:09.24 5:45.53
32 Jaxin Woodward JR-3 Long Beach St. 5:20.61 4:49.40 4:43.72 5:43.31 4:55.07 5:37.63 3:55.49
33 Ashlynn Viramontes FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 3:36.09 5:35.51 4:44.33 4:27.27 3:50.31 3:38.94 3:44.62
34 Kylee Denver FR-1 Nevada 4:14.81 4:43.44 4:46.30 5:34.98 5:06.35 4:23.40 6:06.47
35 Makena Castillo FR-1 UC Irvine 6:10.75 5:59.25 4:47.40 4:41.66 4:35.91 3:35.55 3:44.18
36 Bella Smith FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 5:02.83 4:39.76 4:48.41 5:28.79 5:08.60 3:44.96 5:17.26
42 Quinn Roldan FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 4:39.79 5:23.97 4:54.51 6:19.92 5:23.97 5:06.29 4:07.39
44 Sarah Jamil SR-4 Cal St. Fullerton 5:07.10 5:54.34 4:55.28 4:02.13 4:43.47 5:54.34 4:43.47
58 Kimberly Pena JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 3:57.64 4:37.24 5:04.66 4:00.69 5:29.04 4:15.92 4:31.15
59 Katie Farr JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 5:32.72 4:49.98 5:05.24 6:09.34 3:36.72 5:44.93 6:36.82
Women's 1500 Meters Section 4
38 Audrey Hill FR-1 Arkansas Tech 4:51.23
39 Tessa Chen JR-3 Long Beach St. 4:52.58
41 Emily Olson SR-4 Cal St. Fullerton 4:54.29
43 Marina Soares JR-3 Loyola Marymount 4:54.60
45 Kaitlyn Atkinson SO-2 Cal St. Fullerton 4:56.27
47 Leann Hamilton JR-3 CSUN 4:57.81
48 Megan La Camera SO-2 Pepperdine 4:58.40
49 Alyssa Tapanes FR-1 Long Beach St. 4:58.59
50 Tea Akiaten SO-2 UC Irvine 4:59.48
51 Sally Silengo JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 5:00.72
55 Abby Winter FR-1 Pepperdine 5:02.78
62 Sophia Zago SO-2 UC Irvine 5:11.81
63 Nikki Fulcomer JR-3 UC Irvine 5:16.36
Women's 1500 Meters Section 5
52 Ashley Eagan FR-1 Pepperdine 5:00.83 4:21.73 6:28.07 4:30.75 4:54.82
53 Estella Knobbe FR-1 UC Irvine 5:01.63 6:04.98 4:25.44 5:37.83 4:28.45
54 Caroline Graham FR-1 Pepperdine 5:02.58 4:23.25 5:47.97 6:12.18 3:59.04
56 Roxane Thomas SO-2 UC Irvine 5:03.27 6:28.19 5:33.60 5:57.86 5:00.24
57 Madison Elliott JR-3 UC Irvine 5:03.85 6:10.70 5:46.39 6:07.66 6:28.93
60 Savannah Shaw FR-1 Pepperdine 5:06.60 4:11.42 5:00.47 3:49.95 5:49.53
61 Elizabeth Melcher FR-1 UC Irvine 5:11.74 6:32.80 5:30.45 5:55.39 4:24.98
64 Caroline Fleenor SO-2 Pepperdine 5:16.63 3:57.48 4:10.14 4:41.80 6:07.29
65 Elle Shrader SO-2 Pepperdine 5:17.24 6:36.55 3:48.42 5:26.76 3:48.42
66 Faith Talbott FR-1 Pepperdine 5:26.56 6:41.67 6:05.75 6:41.67 4:21.25
67 Serena Duenas FR-1 Cal St. Los Angeles 5:29.76 6:35.72 3:50.84 6:15.93 4:53.49
68 ZOE Smith Freshman Unattached 5:32.68 4:46.11 4:32.80 3:52.88 6:49.20
69 Hannah Renager FR-1 Pepperdine 5:35.23 6:05.40 6:08.76 5:11.77 7:05.75
70 Brooke Bakken SO-2 Pepperdine 5:44.79 4:01.36 4:11.70 6:29.62 6:33.06