February 9-10, 2024
Idaho State-Holt Arena (Banked) - Pocatello, ID
200m (Banked)
4539 ft. elevation

Men's Mile

1 Cade Smith JR-3 Idaho State 4:27.96 3:44.58 4:15.20 4:58.59 5:06.24 4:38.17 4:12.65
2 Colter Blanchard SR-4 Weber State 4:36.65 5:07.38 4:16.15 4:03.35 3:24.92 4:05.91 3:35.17
3 Owen Rogers FR-1 Southern Idaho 3:53.21 3:30.15 4:16.27 3:01.96 4:18.84 3:45.52 3:42.96
4 Austin Hone JR-3 Utah Valley 4:34.90 3:53.79 4:16.91 3:40.95 4:29.76 4:34.90 3:53.79
5 Chris Barrientos Junior Unattached 3:54.57 5:24.78 4:17.76 4:43.54 4:51.27 3:23.63 4:07.45
6 Pierce Vittone JR-3 Utah Valley 3:08.33 3:10.91 4:17.98 4:56.68 4:07.66 3:13.49 4:17.98
7 Cayden Tupper SO-2 Southern Idaho 4:28.34 4:43.83 4:18.02 4:02.54 4:05.12 3:44.48 3:05.78
8 Eli Gregory SO-2 Utah State 3:49.93 4:49.34 4:18.34 3:55.09 3:18.93 3:24.09 5:25.51
9 Chris Kauffman SR-4 Utah State 4:26.32 5:36.13 4:18.56 3:34.61 3:39.78 5:20.62 3:03.58
10 William Mortenson Freshman Unattached 3:21.94 3:34.88 4:18.89 4:55.14 3:45.24 3:03.82 4:57.73
11 TJ Warnick Freshman Unattached 5:21.28 3:40.23 4:19.09 4:39.82 4:39.82 3:27.28 5:00.55
12 Daniel Larsen FR-1 Utah State 4:06.91 3:53.91 4:19.90 3:40.92 4:48.49 5:19.68 5:30.08
13 Ian Stockett FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 4:27.88 5:38.10 4:20.07 3:41.06 3:43.66 3:02.05 3:30.66
14 Seth Smith FR-1 Salt Lake 4:05.28 4:36.59 4:20.93 3:36.58 5:13.12 3:36.58 5:33.99
15 Brody Kemble SO-2 Northwest Nazarene 4:34.01 5:23.59 4:20.96 3:10.50 4:54.89 5:05.33 3:36.60
16 Jamison Cartwright Junior Unattached 4:00.90 4:40.17 4:21.84 4:45.41 5:08.98 3:21.62 3:32.09
17 Carter Stedman FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 3:53.06 4:24.48 4:21.86 4:58.52 5:29.95 5:09.00 4:21.86
18 Ryan Lewis Freshman Unattached 5:25.01 4:35.21 4:22.10 3:16.58 3:11.34 4:27.35 4:27.35
19 Alex Harbertson FR-1 Weber State 3:19.24 3:42.83 4:22.15 3:53.32 3:06.13 3:53.32 5:11.96
20 Cuauhtemoc Fitiao SO-2 Salt Lake 3:35.44 3:11.80 4:22.73 3:38.07 4:51.63 4:22.73 4:22.73
21 Henry Henry Giles Junior Unattached 5:36.31 3:48.59 4:22.74 3:43.33 4:25.37 4:43.76 4:54.27
22 Grady Mylander SO-2 Utah State 3:14.44 5:31.07 4:22.75 5:28.44 5:07.42 3:03.93 4:20.13
23 Jaden Torgerson FR-1 Salt Lake 3:51.29 3:17.13 4:22.83 3:32.90 3:35.52 5:18.03 4:12.32
24 Gavin Pollock FR-1 Idaho State 3:04.15 5:23.57 4:23.06 3:38.34 4:36.22 3:22.56 5:23.57
25 Josh Ericksen Senior Unattached 3:38.36 5:31.48 4:23.08 5:13.07 3:06.79 4:38.87 5:20.96
26 Abdulsalam Farah FR-1 Utah Valley 4:13.03 4:42.02 4:23.57 3:54.58 4:05.12 5:16.29 3:36.13
27 Carson Coleman FR-1 Utah State 3:18.31 3:42.11 4:24.41 3:15.67 5:14.65 3:42.11 3:13.02
28 Caleb Ream SO-2 Utah Valley 3:29.39 4:33.00 4:25.04 4:33.00 4:09.14 5:04.80 5:15.40
29 Liam Mapes Freshman Unattached 3:19.09 4:28.11 4:25.45 3:27.06 4:38.73 5:10.58 3:32.36
30 Oclan Ryan FR-1 College of Idaho 4:20.29 3:48.42 4:25.60 4:46.85 5:10.76 3:11.24 5:10.76
31 Thomas Pickford SR-4 Utah Valley 3:52.15 3:22.79 4:26.83 4:10.82 4:40.18 5:38.88 3:52.15
32 Brooks Jones Freshman Unattached 5:12.57 4:59.21 4:27.15 4:32.50 3:20.37 3:36.40 4:00.44
33 Mason Braithwaite FR-1 Utah Valley 3:35.21 3:08.31 4:29.01 3:43.28 3:48.66 5:06.68 4:34.39
34 Jason Moore FR-1 Salt Lake 3:49.10 5:18.05 4:29.53 3:32.93 5:12.66 4:26.84 4:18.75
35 Aleksandr Krikov SO-2 Salt Lake 4:22.52 4:30.64 4:30.64 5:22.07 3:14.86 4:03.58 5:49.13
36 Ben Kirby Sophomore Timberline Running Club 5:17.90 3:26.50 4:31.71 3:48.24 4:12.69 3:18.35 5:31.49
37 Porter Whitworth FR-1 Salt Lake 3:42.95 3:51.11 4:31.89 4:07.42 4:56.36 4:26.46 3:23.92
38 Nathan Richardson Freshman Unattached 5:18.48 3:29.60 4:32.20 3:54.10 4:24.04 5:13.03 5:48.42
39 Micah Chi FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 3:38.04 3:43.49 4:32.55 4:29.83 4:57.08 5:21.61 3:54.40
40 Thomas Maxfield SR-4 Westminster (Utah) 5:20.48 5:36.91 4:33.91 3:41.87 5:39.65 3:30.91 4:14.74
41 Aiden Hardy Freshman Unattached 4:14.36 5:34.53 4:36.47 3:46.71 3:41.18 4:25.42 4:58.59
42 Seth Robertson SO-2 Utah Valley 3:33.32 3:16.70 4:37.03 4:28.72 4:59.20 4:28.72 3:38.86
43 Andrew Allen Senior Silverbacks 4:30.82 5:15.49 4:39.19 3:34.98 5:57.37 3:43.36 5:37.82
44 Elliot Vargas FR-1 Westminster (Utah) 4:17.94 4:34.76 4:40.36 4:31.95 5:25.22 6:01.67 5:53.26
45 John Higby   Unattached 3:30.42 6:04.73 4:40.56 3:47.26 3:38.84 4:18.12 5:53.51
46 Michael Ralphs FR-1 Southern Idaho 3:22.17 5:28.52 4:40.78 3:27.78 3:50.24 5:17.29 4:01.47
47 Jenson Zaugg Sophomore Unattached 4:44.51 5:57.75 4:41.69 3:28.45 5:35.22 4:02.26 3:45.36
48 Tanner Jensen FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 4:11.36 5:13.49 4:42.42 4:33.95 4:14.18 3:20.52 3:45.94
49 Connor Robbins FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 5:54.44 5:03.40 4:43.55 4:26.54 5:03.40 4:09.53 4:54.90
50 Matthew Ward Senior Unattached 5:20.60 4:18.18 4:43.71 4:15.34 5:17.76 5:51.80 3:24.28
51 Colter Coombs Freshman Unattached 4:24.38 4:58.49 4:44.27 4:04.48 4:24.38 5:26.91 5:24.07
52 Carlos Serratos FR-1 Southern Idaho 3:45.05 3:59.48 4:48.52 3:47.93 3:45.05 5:40.46 5:02.95
53 Caleb Rogers Sophomore Unattached 3:33.80 4:08.48 4:48.92 3:36.69 4:40.26 4:37.37 4:05.59
  Joel Mendez SR-4 Utah Valley DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Kael Kowallis SO-2 Southern Idaho DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Benjamin Vernon SO-2 Southern Idaho DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
Men's Mile Section 1
23 Jaden Torgerson FR-1 Salt Lake 4:22.83
33 Mason Braithwaite FR-1 Utah Valley 4:29.01
42 Seth Robertson SO-2 Utah Valley 4:37.03
44 Elliot Vargas FR-1 Westminster (Utah) 4:40.36
45 John Higby   Unattached 4:40.56
47 Jenson Zaugg Sophomore Unattached 4:41.69
48 Tanner Jensen FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 4:42.42
49 Connor Robbins FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 4:43.55
50 Matthew Ward Senior Unattached 4:43.71
51 Colter Coombs Freshman Unattached 4:44.27
53 Caleb Rogers Sophomore Unattached 4:48.92
  Benjamin Vernon SO-2 Southern Idaho DNF
Men's Mile Section 2
29 Liam Mapes Freshman Unattached 5:29.16 4:30.76 4:25.45
30 Oclan Ryan FR-1 College of Idaho 3:37.80 3:45.76 4:25.60
34 Jason Moore FR-1 Salt Lake 3:08.67 3:46.41 4:29.53
35 Aleksandr Krikov SO-2 Salt Lake 3:36.52 5:49.13 4:30.64
38 Nathan Richardson Freshman Unattached 3:21.43 3:51.37 4:32.20
39 Micah Chi FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 4:13.48 5:35.24 4:32.55
41 Aiden Hardy Freshman Unattached 5:04.12 5:31.77 4:36.47
43 Andrew Allen Senior Silverbacks 4:11.28 4:14.07 4:39.19
46 Michael Ralphs FR-1 Southern Idaho 5:45.36 4:43.59 4:40.78
52 Carlos Serratos FR-1 Southern Idaho 4:16.79 5:28.92 4:48.52
  Kael Kowallis SO-2 Southern Idaho DNF DNF DNF
Men's Mile Section 3
9 Chris Kauffman SR-4 Utah State 4:18.56
13 Ian Stockett FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 4:20.07
15 Brody Kemble SO-2 Northwest Nazarene 4:20.96
16 Jamison Cartwright Junior Unattached 4:21.84
17 Carter Stedman FR-1 Northwest Nazarene 4:21.86
18 Ryan Lewis Freshman Unattached 4:22.10
19 Alex Harbertson FR-1 Weber State 4:22.15
20 Cuauhtemoc Fitiao SO-2 Salt Lake 4:22.73
24 Gavin Pollock FR-1 Idaho State 4:23.06
25 Josh Ericksen Senior Unattached 4:23.08
36 Ben Kirby Sophomore Timberline Running Club 4:31.71
40 Thomas Maxfield SR-4 Westminster (Utah) 4:33.91
Men's Mile Section 4
1 Cade Smith JR-3 Idaho State 4:15.20
5 Chris Barrientos Junior Unattached 4:17.76
6 Pierce Vittone JR-3 Utah Valley 4:17.98
12 Daniel Larsen FR-1 Utah State 4:19.90
14 Seth Smith FR-1 Salt Lake 4:20.93
21 Henry Henry Giles Junior Unattached 4:22.74
27 Carson Coleman FR-1 Utah State 4:24.41
28 Caleb Ream SO-2 Utah Valley 4:25.04
31 Thomas Pickford SR-4 Utah Valley 4:26.83
32 Brooks Jones Freshman Unattached 4:27.15
37 Porter Whitworth FR-1 Salt Lake 4:31.89
Men's Mile Section 5
2 Colter Blanchard SR-4 Weber State 4:16.15 3:09.56 4:18.72 4:49.45 3:53.10 4:03.35
3 Owen Rogers FR-1 Southern Idaho 4:16.27 4:47.03 4:29.09 4:31.65 3:27.58 4:18.84
4 Austin Hone JR-3 Utah Valley 4:16.91 5:03.16 4:29.76 5:21.14 5:18.57 4:22.05
7 Cayden Tupper SO-2 Southern Idaho 4:18.02 3:36.74 3:26.42 4:48.99 3:23.84 4:07.70
8 Eli Gregory SO-2 Utah State 4:18.34 3:26.68 5:07.43 4:00.26 3:47.34 3:31.84
10 William Mortenson Freshman Unattached 4:18.89 4:55.14 5:33.97 3:50.42 4:34.43 5:23.62
11 TJ Warnick Freshman Unattached 4:19.09 5:36.82 4:50.18 3:45.41 5:23.87 5:21.28
22 Grady Mylander SO-2 Utah State 4:22.75 4:33.26 4:01.73 3:17.07 5:15.30 4:09.62
26 Abdulsalam Farah FR-1 Utah Valley 4:23.57 5:08.38 5:24.20 3:28.22 4:23.57 4:31.48
  Joel Mendez SR-4 Utah Valley DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF