March 21, 2025
UCLA - Los Angeles, CA

Men's 5000 Meters

1 Francisco Zavaleta JR-3 Cal Poly Pomona 14:22.89
2 Jude DeVries SO-2 The Master's 14:26.87
3 Juan Ramos SO-2 Cal Poly Pomona 14:27.69
4 Jared Wright SR-4 Azusa Pacific 14:28.95
5 Kyle Galinis JR-3 Azusa Pacific 14:30.07
6 Jimmy Guerrero SO-2 Cal Poly Pomona 14:31.98
7 Ian Crocker   Unattached 14:33.83
8 Emmanuel De Leon JR-3 The Master's 14:36.34
9 Thomas McDonnell JR-3 Cal Poly Pomona 14:40.56
10 Joshua Chu FR-1 UCLA 14:45.76
11 Jonas Teeter FR-1 Azusa Pacific 14:50.23
12 Hunter Romine SR-4 The Master's 14:52.96
13 Daniel Echeveste JR-3 Cal Poly Pomona 14:53.20
14 Evan Franco SR-4 Cal Poly Pomona 14:56.16
15 Dev Doshi FR-1 UCLA 14:58.30
16 Ezequiel Soto Jr Unattached 14:58.86
17 Klaus Quinonez   Unattached 15:03.43
18 Logan Harrris FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 15:04.85
19 Carlos Maradiaga FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 15:06.04
20 Robert Guererro Sophomore Cerritos 15:10.25
21 Matthew Kubler SO-2 Cal St. Fullerton 15:11.10
22 Sean Lacey JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 15:15.98
23 Chris Razo JR-3 Cal Poly Pomona 15:16.82
24 David Yowler Fr Unattached 15:18.84
25 Rowan Nilsen SO-2 Pepperdine 15:20.98
26 Diego Alonso FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 15:22.10
27 Jacob Fredericks SO-2 The Master's 15:23.40
28 Dider Sandoval SR-4 Azusa Pacific 15:28.92
29 Jacob Niednagel So Unattached 15:31.35
30 Bauer Hollman FR-1 The Master's 15:32.18
31 Jacob Cosio Sophomore Cerritos 15:37.28
32 Joshua Morales Freshman Cerritos 15:44.30
33 Mark Cortes SO-2 UCLA 15:48.84
34 Elias Spence SR-4 Pepperdine 16:01.44
35 Louis Santibanez Freshman Cerritos 16:04.56
36 Jack Conner Jr Unattached 16:08.03
37 Luis Silva Jr Unattached 16:11.56
38 Lucca Giovannetti Fr Unattached 16:59.86
39 Bruno Cardenas-Bourge Jr Unattached 17:04.21
40 Shing Hon Lam   Unattached 18:09.59
41 Jeremy Dimas Jr Unattached 18:19.46
  Ayrton Ledesma   Unattached DNF
  JT McCoy SR-4 Cal St. Fullerton DNF
  Sam Ayala   Unattached DNF
  Patrick Curulla SR-4 UCLA DNF
Men's 5000 Meters Section 1
16 Ezequiel Soto Jr Unattached 15:34.82 14:58.86
17 Klaus Quinonez   Unattached 10:41.44 15:03.43
18 Logan Harrris FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 17:29.63 15:04.85
20 Robert Guererro Sophomore Cerritos 19:06.92 15:10.25
21 Matthew Kubler SO-2 Cal St. Fullerton 19:44.43 15:11.10
22 Sean Lacey JR-3 Cal St. Fullerton 17:15.06 15:15.98
24 David Yowler Fr Unattached 12:05.89 15:18.84
26 Diego Alonso FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 12:26.91 15:22.10
28 Dider Sandoval SR-4 Azusa Pacific 18:44.00 15:28.92
29 Jacob Niednagel So Unattached 14:35.47 15:31.35
30 Bauer Hollman FR-1 The Master's 15:13.54 15:32.18
31 Jacob Cosio Sophomore Cerritos 19:03.49 15:37.28
33 Mark Cortes SO-2 UCLA 13:36.01 15:48.84
34 Elias Spence SR-4 Pepperdine 16:01.44 16:01.44
35 Louis Santibanez Freshman Cerritos 13:49.53 16:04.56
36 Jack Conner Jr Unattached 13:33.15 16:08.03
37 Luis Silva Jr Unattached 20:43.60 16:11.56
38 Lucca Giovannetti Fr Unattached 14:37.08 16:59.86
39 Bruno Cardenas-Bourge Jr Unattached 18:15.91 17:04.21
40 Shing Hon Lam   Unattached 16:42.43 18:09.59
41 Jeremy Dimas Jr Unattached 15:12.56 18:19.46
  Sam Ayala   Unattached DNF DNF
  JT McCoy SR-4 Cal St. Fullerton DNF DNF
Men's 5000 Meters Section 2
1 Francisco Zavaleta JR-3 Cal Poly Pomona 16:06.44 14:22.89 16:15.07 16:32.33
2 Jude DeVries SO-2 The Master's 12:16.84 14:26.87 16:54.24 18:38.27
3 Juan Ramos SO-2 Cal Poly Pomona 16:55.20 14:27.69 17:55.94 13:52.99
4 Jared Wright SR-4 Azusa Pacific 16:13.23 14:28.95 18:49.64 17:14.05
5 Kyle Galinis JR-3 Azusa Pacific 11:36.06 14:30.07 12:19.56 12:28.26
6 Jimmy Guerrero SO-2 Cal Poly Pomona 14:49.42 14:31.98 11:28.87 15:15.58
7 Ian Crocker   Unattached 14:33.83 14:33.83 10:37.90 13:06.45
8 Emmanuel De Leon JR-3 The Master's 12:07.37 14:36.34 18:24.19 17:31.61
9 Thomas McDonnell JR-3 Cal Poly Pomona 10:42.81 14:40.56 16:08.62 18:29.51
10 Joshua Chu FR-1 UCLA 14:45.76 14:45.76 12:15.18 18:09.49
11 Jonas Teeter FR-1 Azusa Pacific 18:41.69 14:50.23 16:19.26 16:10.35
12 Hunter Romine SR-4 The Master's 15:19.75 14:52.96 13:14.74 17:51.56
13 Daniel Echeveste JR-3 Cal Poly Pomona 11:09.90 14:53.20 10:52.04 15:46.80
14 Evan Franco SR-4 Cal Poly Pomona 13:44.47 14:56.16 12:23.82 13:08.62
15 Dev Doshi FR-1 UCLA 16:28.13 14:58.30 14:22.37 12:25.59
19 Carlos Maradiaga FR-1 Cal St. Fullerton 15:33.23 15:06.04 12:32.02 16:54.77
23 Chris Razo JR-3 Cal Poly Pomona 15:53.50 15:16.82 19:24.37 15:44.33
25 Rowan Nilsen SO-2 Pepperdine 15:48.61 15:20.98 16:43.87 16:34.66
27 Jacob Fredericks SO-2 The Master's 13:51.06 15:23.40 18:00.38 16:37.28
32 Joshua Morales Freshman Cerritos 16:03.19 15:44.30 14:57.09 12:16.56
  Patrick Curulla SR-4 UCLA DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Ayrton Ledesma   Unattached DNF DNF DNF DNF